Jr is Confident His Boys Can Scrub this Problem
(too old to reply)
2003-10-01 17:39:18 UTC
White House Staff Investigating CIA Leak
2 hours, 18 minutes ago Add White House - AP to My Yahoo!

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The White House staff began going back through records and
telephone logs Wednesday in search of any information relevant to the
criminal investigation into public disclosure of a CIA (news - web sites)
undercover officer's identity, President Bush (news - web sites)'s spokesman

Press secretary Scott McClellan said he had no knowledge about anyone going
to the Justice Department (news - web sites) with any information about the
case, as Bush had urged. Similarly, he said he did not know of anyone hiring
legal counsel.

"At this point, all the Department of Justice (news - web sites) has asked
us to do is preserve any and all information that could be related," he
said. McClellan indicated the White House would consent, if asked, to
polygraph tests for staff. "We will cooperate fully, at the direction of the
president ... Full cooperation is full cooperation."

One day after the probe was announced, there was no sign of investigators at
the White House, McClellan said.

Bush, on Tuesday, said, "I want to know who the leakers are" and he voiced
confidence that career Justice Department lawyers and FBI (news - web sites)
agents can impartially conduct the investigation.

Bush said he is "absolutely confident" the investigation can be handled
within his administration and reiterated that he has asked the White House
staff to cooperate. The president also maintained there is no need to name
an outside special counsel.

The investigation is aimed at finding who leaked the name of the CIA
operative, possibly in an attempt to punish the officer's husband, former
Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, who had accused the Bush administration of
manipulating intelligence to exaggerate the threat from Iraq (news - web

Faced with increasing demands by Democrats for an independent investigation,
Bush said Tuesday during a fund-raising stop in Chicago: "I have told our
administration, people in my administration to be fully cooperative. Leaks
of classified information are a bad thing. ... I want to know who the
leakers are."

That did not satisfy Democratic leaders, who argued that Attorney General
John Ashcroft (news - web sites) was too close to the White House to run an
independent investigation.

"If there ever was a case for the appointment of a special counsel, this is
it," said California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), the House
Democratic leader.

Ashcroft has not ruled out the possibility of appointing a special counsel,
said a senior law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity.

Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., said Wednesday he
doesn't believe there has to be an outside investigation, telling NBC's
"Today" show that an effort by career counterespionage lawyers and FBI
agents already is under way.

The probe for now is in the hands of 11 Justice Department lawyers led by
John Dion, chief of the counterespionage section of criminal division.
Dion's team handles all of the roughly 50 referrals a year from the CIA and
other intelligence agencies about leaks of classified information.

As the investigation progresses, FBI counterintelligence agents from the
Washington field office will be conducting the interviews and examining
documents and e-mails, officials said.

The Justice Department told the White House and CIA to preserve any
documents that might be related to the probe, including telephone logs,
e-mails, notes and other documents.

Although Bush said he welcomed the investigation, it was an embarrassing
development for a president who promised to bring integrity and leadership
to the White House after years of Republican criticism and investigations of
the Clinton administration.

Federal law prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of a covert agent's name,
punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The CIA officer's name was published
by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, who said he based his report on two
senior administration officials.

News executives expressed concern that the investigation could lead to
subpoenas of reporters' notes and phone records, and the journalists

"The question really comes down to whether there are other ways to do this
that do less damage to the idea of the First Amendment," said Bill Felber,
editor of The Manhattan (Kan.) Mercury, who handles freedom of information
issues for the Associated Press Managing Editors. "This ought to be last
resort, not a first resort."

On Monday, McClellan said it was "ridiculous" to suggest Karl Rove, Bush's
chief political strategist, had played any role in disclosing the name of
Wilson's wife.

In an interview with ABC-TV's "Nightline" program, Wilson said he would tell
the FBI, if asked, the names of "everybody who called me and told me" about
conversations with Rove.

Wilson had traveled to Niger in 2002 to investigate allegations of uranium
sales to Iraq. He concluded the allegations were not credible. On July 6,
2003, he wrote a commentary in The New York Times that said some
intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was "twisted to
exaggerate the Iraqi threat."

White House counsel Alberto Gonzales, in two e-mails to White House staff on
Tuesday, ordered the preservation of any documents relevant to the

In particular, Gonzales cited any contacts with columnist Robert Novak and
Timothy M. Phelps, Washington bureau chief for Newsday newspaper, and Knut
Royce, a staff writer for the paper.

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LiberalsDoNotHate America
2003-10-01 20:46:25 UTC
Post by Enceladus
White House Staff Investigating CIA Leak
2 hours, 18 minutes ago Add White House - AP to My Yahoo!
By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The White House staff began going back through records and
telephone logs Wednesday in search of any information relevant to the
criminal investigation into public disclosure of a CIA (news - web sites)
undercover officer's identity, President Bush (news - web sites)'s spokesman
Press secretary Scott McClellan said he had no knowledge about anyone going
to the Justice Department (news - web sites) with any information about the
case, as Bush had urged. Similarly, he said he did not know of anyone hiring
legal counsel.
"At this point, all the Department of Justice (news - web sites) has asked
us to do is preserve any and all information that could be related," he
said. McClellan indicated the White House would consent, if asked, to
polygraph tests for staff. "We will cooperate fully, at the direction of the
president ... Full cooperation is full cooperation."
One day after the probe was announced, there was no sign of investigators at
the White House, McClellan said.
Bush, on Tuesday, said, "I want to know who the leakers are" and he voiced
confidence that career Justice Department lawyers and FBI (news - web sites)
agents can impartially conduct the investigation.
Bush said he is "absolutely confident" the investigation can be handled
within his administration and reiterated that he has asked the White House
staff to cooperate. The president also maintained there is no need to name
an outside special counsel.
The investigation is aimed at finding who leaked the name of the CIA
operative, possibly in an attempt to punish the officer's husband, former
Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, who had accused the Bush administration of
manipulating intelligence to exaggerate the threat from Iraq (news - web
Faced with increasing demands by Democrats for an independent
Post by Enceladus
Bush said Tuesday during a fund-raising stop in Chicago: "I have told our
administration, people in my administration to be fully cooperative. Leaks
of classified information are a bad thing. ... I want to know who the
leakers are."
That did not satisfy Democratic leaders, who argued that Attorney General
John Ashcroft (news - web sites) was too close to the White House to run an
independent investigation.
"If there ever was a case for the appointment of a special counsel, this is
it," said California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), the House
Democratic leader.
Ashcroft has not ruled out the possibility of appointing a special counsel,
said a senior law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity.
Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., said Wednesday he
doesn't believe there has to be an outside investigation, telling NBC's
"Today" show that an effort by career counterespionage lawyers and FBI
agents already is under way.
The probe for now is in the hands of 11 Justice Department lawyers led by
John Dion, chief of the counterespionage section of criminal division.
Dion's team handles all of the roughly 50 referrals a year from the CIA and
other intelligence agencies about leaks of classified information.
As the investigation progresses, FBI counterintelligence agents from the
Washington field office will be conducting the interviews and examining
documents and e-mails, officials said.
The Justice Department told the White House and CIA to preserve any
documents that might be related to the probe, including telephone logs,
e-mails, notes and other documents.
Although Bush said he welcomed the investigation, it was an embarrassing
development for a president who promised to bring integrity and leadership
to the White House after years of Republican criticism and investigations of
the Clinton administration.
Federal law prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of a covert agent's name,
punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The CIA officer's name was published
by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, who said he based his report on two
senior administration officials.
News executives expressed concern that the investigation could lead to
subpoenas of reporters' notes and phone records, and the journalists
"The question really comes down to whether there are other ways to do this
that do less damage to the idea of the First Amendment," said Bill Felber,
editor of The Manhattan (Kan.) Mercury, who handles freedom of information
issues for the Associated Press Managing Editors. "This ought to be last
resort, not a first resort."
On Monday, McClellan said it was "ridiculous" to suggest Karl Rove, Bush's
chief political strategist, had played any role in disclosing the name of
Wilson's wife.
In an interview with ABC-TV's "Nightline" program, Wilson said he would tell
the FBI, if asked, the names of "everybody who called me and told me" about
conversations with Rove.
Wilson had traveled to Niger in 2002 to investigate allegations of uranium
sales to Iraq. He concluded the allegations were not credible. On July 6,
2003, he wrote a commentary in The New York Times that said some
intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was "twisted to
exaggerate the Iraqi threat."
White House counsel Alberto Gonzales, in two e-mails to White House staff on
Tuesday, ordered the preservation of any documents relevant to the
In particular, Gonzales cited any contacts with columnist Robert Novak and
Timothy M. Phelps, Washington bureau chief for Newsday newspaper, and Knut
Royce, a staff writer for the paper.
They got away with the "election" of 2000, they got away with Iraq, and they
have no reason to believe they can't get away with this. Prediction: The
Justice Department will find "no evidence of wrongdoing."
If Bush truly wanted to "get to the bottom of this" he could do so in about
five minutes. He could get on the phone to the person or persons responsible
and say, "I want your resignation on my desk by the end of the day." Then he
could go on prime-time TV and say, "I've dealt with it." But instead, he'll
count on the "red state" people tiring of this (or not being able to follow
it) and forgeting about it. If they get away with this can you imagine what
they'll try in a second term, with no re-election to worry about? God help
us all!
Peter Vos
2003-10-01 21:51:51 UTC
Post by Enceladus
Post by Enceladus
White House Staff Investigating CIA Leak
2 hours, 18 minutes ago Add White House - AP to My Yahoo!
By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - The White House staff began going back through records
and telephone logs Wednesday in search of any information relevant to
the criminal investigation into public disclosure of a CIA (news -
web sites) undercover officer's identity, President Bush (news - web
Post by Enceladus
Press secretary Scott McClellan said he had no knowledge about anyone
Post by Enceladus
to the Justice Department (news - web sites) with any information
Post by Enceladus
case, as Bush had urged. Similarly, he said he did not know of anyone
Post by Enceladus
legal counsel.
"At this point, all the Department of Justice (news - web sites) has
asked us to do is preserve any and all information that could be
related," he said. McClellan indicated the White House would consent,
if asked, to polygraph tests for staff. "We will cooperate fully, at
the direction of
Post by Enceladus
president ... Full cooperation is full cooperation."
One day after the probe was announced, there was no sign of
Post by Enceladus
the White House, McClellan said.
Bush, on Tuesday, said, "I want to know who the leakers are" and he
voiced confidence that career Justice Department lawyers and FBI
(news - web
Post by Enceladus
agents can impartially conduct the investigation.
Bush said he is "absolutely confident" the investigation can be
handled within his administration and reiterated that he has asked
the White House staff to cooperate. The president also maintained
there is no need to name an outside special counsel.
The investigation is aimed at finding who leaked the name of the CIA
operative, possibly in an attempt to punish the officer's husband,
former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, who had accused the Bush
administration of manipulating intelligence to exaggerate the threat
from Iraq (news - web sites).
Faced with increasing demands by Democrats for an independent
Post by Enceladus
Bush said Tuesday during a fund-raising stop in Chicago: "I have told
our administration, people in my administration to be fully
cooperative. Leaks of classified information are a bad thing. ... I
want to know who the leakers are."
That did not satisfy Democratic leaders, who argued that Attorney
General John Ashcroft (news - web sites) was too close to the White
House to run
Post by Enceladus
independent investigation.
"If there ever was a case for the appointment of a special counsel,
Post by Enceladus
it," said California Rep. Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record),
Post by Enceladus
Democratic leader.
Ashcroft has not ruled out the possibility of appointing a special
Post by Enceladus
said a senior law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity.
Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), R-Pa., said Wednesday
he doesn't believe there has to be an outside investigation, telling
NBC's "Today" show that an effort by career counterespionage lawyers
and FBI agents already is under way.
The probe for now is in the hands of 11 Justice Department lawyers
led by John Dion, chief of the counterespionage section of criminal
division. Dion's team handles all of the roughly 50 referrals a year
from the CIA
Post by Enceladus
other intelligence agencies about leaks of classified information.
As the investigation progresses, FBI counterintelligence agents from
the Washington field office will be conducting the interviews and
examining documents and e-mails, officials said.
The Justice Department told the White House and CIA to preserve any
documents that might be related to the probe, including telephone
logs, e-mails, notes and other documents.
Although Bush said he welcomed the investigation, it was an
embarrassing development for a president who promised to bring
integrity and leadership to the White House after years of Republican
criticism and investigations
Post by Enceladus
the Clinton administration.
Federal law prohibits the unauthorized disclosure of a covert agent's
Post by Enceladus
punishable by up to 10 years in prison. The CIA officer's name was
Post by Enceladus
by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, who said he based his report on
two senior administration officials.
News executives expressed concern that the investigation could lead
to subpoenas of reporters' notes and phone records, and the
journalists themselves.
"The question really comes down to whether there are other ways to do
this that do less damage to the idea of the First Amendment," said
Bill Felber, editor of The Manhattan (Kan.) Mercury, who handles
freedom of information issues for the Associated Press Managing
Editors. "This ought to be last resort, not a first resort."
On Monday, McClellan said it was "ridiculous" to suggest Karl Rove,
Bush's chief political strategist, had played any role in disclosing
the name of Wilson's wife.
In an interview with ABC-TV's "Nightline" program, Wilson said he
Post by Enceladus
the FBI, if asked, the names of "everybody who called me and told me"
Post by Enceladus
conversations with Rove.
Wilson had traveled to Niger in 2002 to investigate allegations of
uranium sales to Iraq. He concluded the allegations were not
credible. On July 6, 2003, he wrote a commentary in The New York
Times that said some intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons
program was "twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat."
White House counsel Alberto Gonzales, in two e-mails to White House
Post by Enceladus
Tuesday, ordered the preservation of any documents relevant to the
In particular, Gonzales cited any contacts with columnist Robert
Novak and Timothy M. Phelps, Washington bureau chief for Newsday
newspaper, and Knut Royce, a staff writer for the paper.
They got away with the "election" of 2000, they got away with Iraq,
and they have no reason to believe they can't get away with this.
Prediction: The Justice Department will find "no evidence of
wrongdoing." If Bush truly wanted to "get to the bottom of this" he
could do so in about five minutes. He could get on the phone to the
person or persons responsible and say, "I want your resignation on my
desk by the end of the day." Then he could go on prime-time TV and
say, "I've dealt with it."
Can't do that now. Too much blood in the water. This is not going to be
some Ollie North moment here.... they nail the people who unmasked the
operative and someone does time. I don't think the person who pulled this
has Liddy's "will" to survive that sort of punishment.
