Wingnut Hypocrisy
(too old to reply)
2004-02-10 10:21:22 UTC
Yet another example ...

Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her

Now, frankly I approve of that.

I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?

It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
2004-02-10 12:02:24 UTC
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
Jeb Bush is another story. In two years, Florida will be able to work on
getting rid of his worthless ass too, before he thinks it's HIS turn to run
for president.
When life gives you lemons
Skullfuck everyone in sight!

2004-02-11 01:50:58 UTC
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would
Post by Nate
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with
Post by Nate
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a
Post by Nate
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep
Post by Nate
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save
Post by Nate
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes
Post by Nate
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to
Post by Nate
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
Jeb Bush is another story. In two years, Florida will be able to work on
getting rid of his worthless ass too, before he thinks it's HIS turn to run
for president.
It's easy to bamboozle the people on a state level, but it's much harder
on the national level.

All someone has to do is bring up the $4 million it cost the taxpayers
to bail out Jeb's saving & loan scandal, and he's toast.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
2004-02-11 05:38:23 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by Nate
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would
Post by Nate
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with
Post by Nate
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a
Post by Nate
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep
Post by Nate
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save
Post by Nate
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes
Post by Nate
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to
Post by Nate
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
Jeb Bush is another story. In two years, Florida will be able to work on
getting rid of his worthless ass too, before he thinks it's HIS turn to run
for president.
It's easy to bamboozle the people on a state level, but it's much harder
on the national level.
All someone has to do is bring up the $4 million it cost the taxpayers
to bail out Jeb's saving & loan scandal, and he's toast.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
Yep. The third son, Neil Bush ... the one nobody talks about very much. He
was the head of a bank in Colorado that ended up costing taxpayers millions
because of bank fraud. He also admitted to having gone to Thailand and (in
his own words) he thinks he might have had sex with women, not his wife, two
or three times. I wonder why only Democrats get bagged on for this type of
thing? <cough> hypocrisy <cough>
Tired of the same rhetoric of lies and deceit?
"It aint what you don't know that'll hurt ya, it's what you "know" that aint
so." -- Will Rogers
2004-02-10 14:13:20 UTC
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.

"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)

20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.

"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)

Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."

Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.


Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
2004-02-10 15:20:15 UTC
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.

How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.

Or, to put it another way:

1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist

Get rid of them both! See how simple it all is, Frog?

2004-02-10 17:01:23 UTC
Post by Figaro
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.
How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.
1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist
Get rid of them both! See how simple it all is, Frog?
Great !

Give me a reason to vote Democratic.

Will the Democrats protect the second amendment?

Will the Democrats give up our soverignty to the UN or the ICC?

Will the Democrats make is so that people are judged not by the color
of their skin, but by the character in their hearts?

Will the democrats protect the millinium recognized definition of
marriage that is now being assaulted?

Will the Democrats spend less than the Bush administration?

Will the Democrats level the playing field by dumbing down our
institutions in the name of fairness?

Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
2004-02-10 17:36:17 UTC
Do you have any idea at all what it will take to clean up the mess that
Shrub&Co will leave behind? The last thing I would want to do is follow an
administration like this three ring circus!

When life gives you lemons
Skullfuck everyone in sight!

2004-02-11 01:56:37 UTC
Post by Figaro
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.
How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.
1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist
Byrd apologized for his racist past years ago and made atonement for it
by supporting minority rights.

For years Byrd has received high marks from minority groups.
Post by Figaro
Get rid of them both! See how simple it all is, Frog?
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act.
- George Orwell
2004-02-11 02:11:10 UTC
Post by Tempest
Post by Figaro
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.
How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.
1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist
Byrd apologized for his racist past years ago and made atonement for it
by supporting minority rights.
For years Byrd has received high marks from minority groups.
He panders real good, but his remarks just a couple of years ago show
tht he has not really changed.
The left believes they must deal with the devil to get what they want.

BTW, Byrd never used the word 'apologize' anywhere in his explanations
of his past behavior. Instead, he has apologists like you to carry his
Post by Tempest
Post by Figaro
Get rid of them both! See how simple it all is, Frog?
Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
2004-02-11 06:19:11 UTC
Post by The.-.Frog.
Post by Tempest
Post by Figaro
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.
How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.
1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist
Byrd apologized for his racist past years ago and made atonement for it
by supporting minority rights.
For years Byrd has received high marks from minority groups.
He panders real good, but his remarks just a couple of years ago show
tht he has not really changed.
The left believes they must deal with the devil to get what they want.
BTW, Byrd never used the word 'apologize' anywhere in his explanations
of his past behavior. Instead, he has apologists like you to carry his
Can't you comprehend anything, or is your little frog mind set in concrete?
Who's apologizing for Byrd? Who in this newsgroup wants to give him a free
pass for past mistakes? Let's all denounce Byrd for making a stupid,
thoughtless comment that may or may not reveal his current racist attitude.
Censor him, throw him out of congress, tar and feather him, whatever...but
how does it effect criticism of Bush hypocrisy? That hypocrisy is as factual
and on record as Byrd's comment! One does not cancel the other, as much as
you'd like to think it does. So what do you want, Frog? Would you like to see
a new rule: every post critical of the Republicans MUST also include
criticism of a liberal. and vice versa? Would that make our Froggy Woggy

2004-02-11 13:26:56 UTC
Post by Figaro
Post by The.-.Frog.
Post by Tempest
Post by Figaro
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.
How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.
1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist
Byrd apologized for his racist past years ago and made atonement for it
by supporting minority rights.
For years Byrd has received high marks from minority groups.
He panders real good, but his remarks just a couple of years ago show
tht he has not really changed.
The left believes they must deal with the devil to get what they want.
BTW, Byrd never used the word 'apologize' anywhere in his explanations
of his past behavior. Instead, he has apologists like you to carry his
Can't you comprehend anything, or is your little frog mind set in concrete?
Who's apologizing for Byrd? Who in this newsgroup wants to give him a free
pass for past mistakes? Let's all denounce Byrd for making a stupid,
thoughtless comment that may or may not reveal his current racist attitude.
Censor him, throw him out of congress, tar and feather him, whatever...but
how does it effect criticism of Bush hypocrisy? That hypocrisy is as factual
and on record as Byrd's comment! One does not cancel the other, as much as
you'd like to think it does. So what do you want, Frog? Would you like to see
a new rule: every post critical of the Republicans MUST also include
criticism of a liberal. and vice versa? Would that make our Froggy Woggy
I would like to see you clean up your own back yard first before
running your big yapper......tha's all.

Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke
2004-02-11 19:54:02 UTC
Post by The.-.Frog.
Post by Figaro
Post by The.-.Frog.
Post by Tempest
Post by Figaro
Post by The--.Frog..
Post by Nate
Yet another example ...
Jeb Bush's 24-year-old daughter Noelle was undergoing treatment for drug
abuse, she got that treatment after being arrested. Many people would have
been sent to prison. She was caught in the drug treatment plant with drugs
and they sentenced her to more treatment. And then she was caught a second
time in the drug treatment program with drugs and again they gave her
Now, frankly I approve of that.
I think that most nonviolent drug offenders really ought to be given
treatment; certainly it would be a lot cheaper. I think that's arguably a
Republican or conservative value. Why spend $25,000 a year to keep somebody
in prison when you can put them through a rehab program and maybe save their
lives for $14,000?
It's a good thing that had happened to Noelle Bush. But when the Bushes are
calling for increased penalties for everyone else and finding a way to send
their own children into rehab, that's what I call "wing-nut hypocrisy."
You should clean house before you criticize.
Here is the hypocricy that simply won't go away.
"I should rather die a thousand times and see old glory trampled in
the dirt never to rise again, than see this beloved land of ours
become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen
of the wilds." -- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
20 years after Byrd described African-Americans as "race mongrels," he
spent 14 hours filibustering against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. He
also voted against Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, the only two
blacks ever nominated for the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its
rebirth here in West Virginia" and "in every state in the Union."
-- Senator Robert Byrd (D)
Then just a couple of years ago on TV Sen. Byrd warned: "There are
white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time. I'm going
to use that word. We just need to work together to make our country a
better country, and I'd just as soon quit talking about it so much."
Senator Byrd has never used the word "apologize" when explaining this
past behavior and yet the left gives him a pass every time.
More of the usual Frog crap drawn from the
"How to neutralize any criticism of the Bush family by diverting attention
elsewhere" RNC talking points program.
How does Byrd's record in any way supposed to excuse the hypocrisy of
treating the rich and famous differently from others when it comes to drug
use? What has one to do with the other? Is Byrd a racist? OK, call him on it.
But to think that Byrd's behavior can be used to silence criticism of the
Bushes' behaviour--as if the one canceled the other out--is stupid logic on a
grand scale. It assumes wrongly that while criticizing the Bushes, all
liberals must, of course, support Byrd's record.
1. The Bush family are a bunch of deceitful hypocrites
2. Byrd is an unrepentant racist
Byrd apologized for his racist past years ago and made atonement for it
by supporting minority rights.
For years Byrd has received high marks from minority groups.
He panders real good, but his remarks just a couple of years ago show
tht he has not really changed.
The left believes they must deal with the devil to get what they want.
BTW, Byrd never used the word 'apologize' anywhere in his explanations
of his past behavior. Instead, he has apologists like you to carry his
Can't you comprehend anything, or is your little frog mind set in concrete?
Who's apologizing for Byrd? Who in this newsgroup wants to give him a free
pass for past mistakes? Let's all denounce Byrd for making a stupid,
thoughtless comment that may or may not reveal his current racist attitude.
Censor him, throw him out of congress, tar and feather him,
Post by The.-.Frog.
Post by Figaro
how does it effect criticism of Bush hypocrisy? That hypocrisy is as factual
and on record as Byrd's comment! One does not cancel the other, as much as
you'd like to think it does. So what do you want, Frog? Would you like to see
a new rule: every post critical of the Republicans MUST also include
criticism of a liberal. and vice versa? Would that make our Froggy Woggy
I would like to see you clean up your own back yard first before
running your big yapper......tha's all.
Liberalism is Communism one drink at a time. - P.J. O'Rourke