(too old to reply)
2004-04-06 04:07:43 UTC
You are perhaps one of the dumbest people whose words I have ever read. I
haven't read all your posts, I must admit, but I think I have read enough to
venture a guess of what you are like. My guess is that you have never lived
anywhere outside of this country. You probably smoke enough pot to keep your
head in the clouds 90% of the time and you keep telling yourself and anyone
who will listen how wise you are. I know you are pretty young - maybe in
your 20's because you're so wise (or maybe you just haven't had the chance
to mature yet).

Please stop posting - just for a couple years - take some time off - move
to Europe - ( remember those people we had to save from the last tyrant the
world tried to pacify?)

Try living in Berlin (that's in Germany if you don't know) for a couple
years and talk to some of the elders there. Then go to Kuwait for a few
years and live with some of the people who are in their 50's. Talk to them,
share your opinions with them. Then, if you are still alive come back and
share your views with us. I am sure they will have changed significantly.
But please, for the time being, just don't write any more - you are giving
us real Americans a bad name.

Oh, and if this post really upsets you - you can always print it out and
tell your mom and dad about it. If your really upset, then take it to school
and show your chums during recess. Maybe they'll agree with you. I am sure
you can find at least one "intellectual" who has been born with a silver
spoon in his mouth and never ventured beyond the playground to know what the
real world is like.

But above all remember - only a fool professes wisdom, the truly wise man
understands the road to wisdom never ends.
2004-04-12 17:41:31 UTC
Amputate the right wing!
Post by ME
You are perhaps one of the dumbest people whose words I have ever read. I
haven't read all your posts, I must admit, but I think I have read enough to
venture a guess of what you are like. My guess is that you have never lived
anywhere outside of this country. You probably smoke enough pot to keep your
head in the clouds 90% of the time and you keep telling yourself and anyone
who will listen how wise you are. I know you are pretty young - maybe in
your 20's because you're so wise (or maybe you just haven't had the chance
to mature yet).
Please stop posting - just for a couple years - take some time off - move
to Europe - ( remember those people we had to save from the last tyrant the
world tried to pacify?)
Try living in Berlin (that's in Germany if you don't know) for a couple
years and talk to some of the elders there. Then go to Kuwait for a few
years and live with some of the people who are in their 50's. Talk to them,
share your opinions with them. Then, if you are still alive come back and
share your views with us. I am sure they will have changed significantly.
But please, for the time being, just don't write any more - you are giving
us real Americans a bad name.
Oh, and if this post really upsets you - you can always print it out and
tell your mom and dad about it. If your really upset, then take it to school
and show your chums during recess. Maybe they'll agree with you. I am sure
you can find at least one "intellectual" who has been born with a silver
spoon in his mouth and never ventured beyond the playground to know what the
real world is like.
But above all remember - only a fool professes wisdom, the truly wise man
understands the road to wisdom never ends.
2004-07-22 01:21:12 UTC
Post by ME
You are perhaps one of the dumbest people whose words I have ever read.
Hang in there Nate. Ignore the pseudo intillectuals who only avenue to
superiority (n their own minds) is to classify others as "stupid".

