N Korea calls Rumsfeld 'psychopath'
(too old to reply)
2003-09-28 21:03:44 UTC
N Korea calls Rumsfeld 'psychopath'

North Korea has launched a scathing attack on US Defence Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, calling him a "dictatorial psychopath".


The official KCNA news agency commentary went on to call him a
"politically illiterate old man" who was "cursed and hated worldwide"
because of his belief that only the US can dispense international

The condemnation, outspoken even for the official news agency,
followed Mr Rumsfeld's own negative comments about North Korea in a
recent speech to US and South Korean business leaders.

He said: "While the situation in North Korea sometimes looks bleak,
I'm convinced that one day freedom will come to the people and light
up that oppressed land with hope and promise."

War of words

Mr Rumsfeld said that he had a night-time satellite picture of the
divided peninsula in his office that showed the North almost entirely
in darkness and the South lit up.

North Korea and the United States are at loggerheads over Pyongyang's
nuclear programme.

His outbursts cannot be construed otherwise than a desperate shrill
cry of a psychopath on his death bed
KCNA news agency

On Saturday US President George W Bush, following talks with Russia's
Vladimir Putin, again called on Pyongyang to end its plans for nuclear

The news agency said it was easy to asses the political line of the
Bush administration "which includes such a dangerous international
dictator" as Mr Rumsfeld.

It said Mr Rumsfeld was "not likely at all that he would speak truth
as he is obsessed with wantonly harassing peace and security in
different parts of the world and igniting wars".

Tensions have been high since the US and North Korea became engaged in
a war of words over Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions last October.

Washington has characterised North Korea as part of an "axis of evil"
and has said North Korea has admitted to possessing at least one
nuclear bomb.

North Korea has called for economic aid and a non-aggression pact with
America in return for surrendering its nuclear ambitions, but
Washington has consistently refused.

But Mr Rumsfeld is not the first to prompt the wrath of the news

In August, US State Department official John Bolton was described as
"human scum" for calling North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il a tyrannical

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2003/09/27 23:08:52 GMT
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
2003-09-29 22:23:15 UTC
Wow, thats really tough language coming from N. Korea, but who really gives
a damn what they say anyhow?? They must really be pissed from eating those
dogs and bugs... Here fido, fido...
Post by Sarah
N Korea calls Rumsfeld 'psychopath'
North Korea has launched a scathing attack on US Defence Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld, calling him a "dictatorial psychopath".
The official KCNA news agency commentary went on to call him a
"politically illiterate old man" who was "cursed and hated worldwide"
because of his belief that only the US can dispense international
The condemnation, outspoken even for the official news agency,
followed Mr Rumsfeld's own negative comments about North Korea in a
recent speech to US and South Korean business leaders.
He said: "While the situation in North Korea sometimes looks bleak,
I'm convinced that one day freedom will come to the people and light
up that oppressed land with hope and promise."
War of words
Mr Rumsfeld said that he had a night-time satellite picture of the
divided peninsula in his office that showed the North almost entirely
in darkness and the South lit up.
North Korea and the United States are at loggerheads over Pyongyang's
nuclear programme.
His outbursts cannot be construed otherwise than a desperate shrill
cry of a psychopath on his death bed
KCNA news agency
On Saturday US President George W Bush, following talks with Russia's
Vladimir Putin, again called on Pyongyang to end its plans for nuclear
The news agency said it was easy to asses the political line of the
Bush administration "which includes such a dangerous international
dictator" as Mr Rumsfeld.
It said Mr Rumsfeld was "not likely at all that he would speak truth
as he is obsessed with wantonly harassing peace and security in
different parts of the world and igniting wars".
Tensions have been high since the US and North Korea became engaged in
a war of words over Pyongyang's nuclear ambitions last October.
Washington has characterised North Korea as part of an "axis of evil"
and has said North Korea has admitted to possessing at least one
nuclear bomb.
North Korea has called for economic aid and a non-aggression pact with
America in return for surrendering its nuclear ambitions, but
Washington has consistently refused.
But Mr Rumsfeld is not the first to prompt the wrath of the news
In August, US State Department official John Bolton was described as
"human scum" for calling North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il a tyrannical
Published: 2003/09/27 23:08:52 GMT
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
2003-09-30 02:30:52 UTC
Post by Dan
Wow, thats really tough language coming from N. Korea, but who really gives
a damn what they say anyhow?? They must really be pissed from eating those
dogs and bugs... Here fido, fido...
The thing you forgot to mention .... .they are right!
2003-09-30 21:58:14 UTC
Noooo. Right is Conservative/Patriotic. Left is Liberal/Socialist or in
their case Stalinist, so I would say they are "Left"..
Post by ZenIsWhen
Post by Dan
Wow, thats really tough language coming from N. Korea, but who really
Post by Dan
a damn what they say anyhow?? They must really be pissed from eating those
dogs and bugs... Here fido, fido...
The thing you forgot to mention .... .they are right!