Republicans to Lower the Standard for Ethics:
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Alric Knebel
2004-12-31 21:35:34 UTC

Boy, those Republicans. So moral. So upright.
House to Consider Relaxing Its Rules
GOP Leaders Seek Ethics Changes

By Mike Allen and Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, December 31, 2004; Page A01

House Republican leaders are urging members to alter one of the chamber's
fundamental ethics rules, which would make it harder for lawmakers to
discipline a colleague.

The proposed change would essentially negate a general rule of conduct that
the ethics committee has often cited in admonishing lawmakers -- including
Majority Leader Tom DeLay -- for bringing discredit on the House even if
their behavior was not covered by a specific regulation. Backers of the
rule, adopted three decades ago, say it is important because the House's
conduct code cannot anticipate every instance of questionable behavior that
might reflect poorly on the chamber. Republicans, returning to the Capitol
on Tuesday after increasing their House majority by three seats in the Nov.
2 election, also want to relax a restriction on relatives of lawmakers
accepting foreign and domestic trips from groups interested in legislation
before the House.

A third proposed rule change would allow either party to stop the House
ethics committee from investigating a complaint against a member. . . .


Go to the link to read the rest fo it. It's quite . . . telling. And a
sign of things to come, no doubt. Look at the proposal to relax
restrictions on the relatives of lawmakers receiving gifts. Boldface
corruption. They're so sure of themselves, they don't even bother trying to
hide it. What a party!
Alric Knebel
Egbert Sousè
2004-12-31 22:07:59 UTC
On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 15:35:34 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
Boy, those Republicans. So moral. So upright.
I't due to the political corruptness of the Democrats.
Post by Alric Knebel
House to Consider Relaxing Its Rules
GOP Leaders Seek Ethics Changes
By Mike Allen and Charles Babington
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, December 31, 2004; Page A01
House Republican leaders are urging members to alter one of the chamber's
fundamental ethics rules, which would make it harder for lawmakers to
discipline a colleague.
The proposed change would essentially negate a general rule of conduct that
the ethics committee has often cited in admonishing lawmakers -- including
Majority Leader Tom DeLay -- for bringing discredit on the House even if
their behavior was not covered by a specific regulation. Backers of the
rule, adopted three decades ago, say it is important because the House's
conduct code cannot anticipate every instance of questionable behavior that
might reflect poorly on the chamber. Republicans, returning to the Capitol
on Tuesday after increasing their House majority by three seats in the Nov.
2 election, also want to relax a restriction on relatives of lawmakers
accepting foreign and domestic trips from groups interested in legislation
before the House.
A third proposed rule change would allow either party to stop the House
ethics committee from investigating a complaint against a member. . . .
Go to the link to read the rest fo it. It's quite . . . telling. And a
sign of things to come, no doubt. Look at the proposal to relax
restrictions on the relatives of lawmakers receiving gifts. Boldface
corruption. They're so sure of themselves, they don't even bother trying to
hide it. What a party!
It's just me
2004-12-31 22:28:27 UTC
There you go, just like a true Republican blame it on Clinton and the
Democrats. It's been over four years now, get a clue. Those dang dirty baby
killing Democrates are no longer in charge. Guess what all this fucked up
mess we are in now, is caused from you fine upstanding, moral
Alric Knebel
2005-01-01 23:48:47 UTC
Post by Egbert Sousè
On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 15:35:34 -0600, "Alric Knebel"
Post by Alric Knebel
Boy, those Republicans. So moral. So upright.
I't due to the political corruptness of the Democrats.
Actually, it's the fact that Republicans understand and know how to exploit
the stupidity of people like you. Hypocrisy in plain sight goes right past
you. It's funny really. Look at YOU.
Alric Knebel
2005-01-05 15:43:38 UTC
Post by Alric Knebel
Boy, those Republicans. So moral. So upright.
Funny, though, how the Dems do not even have ethics rules that govern them.

Oh, and to get you caught up with current events, they didn't lower the

What a butt monkey.

2005-01-05 19:49:10 UTC
Post by Naidoo
Post by Alric Knebel
Boy, those Republicans. So moral. So upright. -----------
Funny, though, how the Dems do not even have ethics rules that govern them.
Oh, and to get you caught up with current events, they didn't lower the
What a butt monkey.
The only reason they didn't is because they realized they were showing
their asses and revealing what hypocritical sobs they are.

The word got out on their sleazy tricks and public pressure caused them to
back off.

They < wanted > to do it but didn't have the balls to do it up front. Rest
assured they will find a way to do it behind closed doors where no one can
see and assign blame to individuals and hold it against them come election
Alric Knebel
2005-01-08 19:24:47 UTC
Post by Naidoo
Post by Alric Knebel
Boy, those Republicans. So moral. So upright.
Funny, though, how the Dems do not even have ethics rules that govern them.
Oh, and to get you caught up with current events, they didn't lower the
What a butt monkey.
What a red-assed baboon you are. Well, they were going to, but when it drew
so much flak, they backed down. You and your chimp party. Don't you have
some feces to eat or throw?
Alric Knebel