Attention imbeciles-- California is taking roll
(too old to reply)
2003-08-07 03:57:46 UTC
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.

J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
David Hume
2003-08-07 08:04:47 UTC
Post by JZAH
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
I have to agree.
2003-08-07 15:36:20 UTC
Post by JZAH
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
California has a history of electing the few actors that choose to run for
office. Given that he is a moderate, has his own money, and is an in-law to
the Kennedy family--he'll probably win if history is any guide-- and then
make a bid for President like Reagan.

2003-08-07 20:09:22 UTC
All good points. I heard someone say the other day that politics is
Hollywood for ugly people. I guess it was only a matter of time before
Califonia politics became a Jerry Springer show.
Speaking of which, I heard Jerry Springer has announced he will not
run for U.S. Senate after all. He said the continued existence of his
program would detract from his big (or words to that effect.) On the
other hand, some might claim the Senate is much worse than his show.

Maybe he'll run for Governor of California? Oh well, what does my
opinion matter. I like Arianna Huffington (although I not too
familiar with the "new improved" model.)
2003-08-08 00:29:31 UTC
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
California has a history of electing the few actors that choose to run for
office. Given that he is a moderate, has his own money, and is an in-law to
the Kennedy family--he'll probably win if history is any guide-- and then
make a bid for President like Reagan.
Considering that he was not born in the US--how can he make a presidential
Buck Rogers
2003-08-08 03:01:26 UTC
All good points. I heard someone say the other day that politics is
Hollywood for ugly people. I guess it was only a matter of time before
Califonia politics became a Jerry Springer show.
Whoever said that takes no notice of policy - the substance of politics.
Joni Rathbun
2003-08-08 19:16:37 UTC
Post by JZAH
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
Though it has the world's fifth largest economy, California is not a
And I suspect Arnold is smarter than some people are giving
him credit for. From weight lifter to MBA to actor, he's taken
himself from Austrian kid to American dream status. He knows
how to play the game, and he know how to make something out of nothing....
which, as far as I can see, would be a benefit in California's case.
He's got to be at least as smart as most the other politicians
running around out there.
Not that I think he's the best choice; I just figure six of one,
half a dozen of the other... who's the stand-out?
Is she better looking than Sonny Bono?
2003-08-09 04:57:04 UTC
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
California has a history of electing the few actors that choose to run for
office. Given that he is a moderate, has his own money, and is an in-law to
the Kennedy family--he'll probably win if history is any guide-- and then
make a bid for President like Reagan.
he cannot...back to Constitution 101 for you....
You obviously missed Terminator 2! Arnold has the power to go back in time
and change things. In fact I think he said on Jay Leno (or was it on Conan
O'Brien?) that he was planning to go back and terminate "whichever founding
father put that in the constitution in the first place.." Ya!

2003-08-10 16:48:01 UTC
Post by gpa
You obviously missed Terminator 2! Arnold has the power to go back in time
and change things. In fact I think he said on Jay Leno (or was it on Conan
O'Brien?) that he was planning to go back and terminate "whichever founding
father put that in the constitution in the first place.." Ya!
You're obviously an even bigger imbecile than the Wiener Schnitzel
himself. Turned in your papers yet?
Doof bleibt doof, usw.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
This from the person who is always complaining about being "smeared". And
BTW your German grammer is incorrect. Go back to Kindergarten. Or better
yet as Greg Swann once said when you contacted his ISP asking them to censor
him: "back to the hole in the veldt from which you hide from life... I never
voluntarily associate with barstool Napoleons, tin-pot Torquemadas or other
would-be supervisors of every mind but their own." I couldn't have said it

2003-08-10 23:59:21 UTC
Post by gpa
Post by gpa
You obviously missed Terminator 2! Arnold has the power to go back in
Post by gpa
and change things. In fact I think he said on Jay Leno (or was it on
Post by gpa
O'Brien?) that he was planning to go back and terminate "whichever
Post by gpa
father put that in the constitution in the first place.." Ya!
You're obviously an even bigger imbecile than the Wiener Schnitzel
himself. Turned in your papers yet?
Doof bleibt doof, usw.
This from the person who is always complaining about being "smeared".
Always?? Not hardly. But I should have had the wisdom to KF you. I
should have let the mischief find me, since it always does anyway.
Post by gpa
BTW your German grammer is incorrect.
Vielleicht!!! But it's still better than your spelling!!!
Post by gpa
Go back to Kindergarten.
Nööö... having to see you here too would just be too much!!!
Post by gpa
Or better
yet as Greg Swann once said when you contacted his ISP asking them to censor
him: "back to the hole in the veldt from which you hide from life... I never
voluntarily associate with barstool Napoleons, tin-pot Torquemadas or other
would-be supervisors of every mind but their own." I couldn't have said it
No, you probably couldn't have said it better, since you are both cut
from the same sack cloth. You'd be just the type to get some ps
teacher's name & conduct a libelous smear campaign against him on your
silly website. But then again, the layers of dust on Swann's silly
website probably aren't nearly as thick as the moss growing between
your ears.

Your turn now-- and write your own material this time, du Ferkel!!!

J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
2003-08-11 16:47:54 UTC
Post by JZAH
Post by gpa
Post by gpa
You obviously missed Terminator 2! Arnold has the power to go back in
Post by gpa
and change things. In fact I think he said on Jay Leno (or was it on
Post by gpa
O'Brien?) that he was planning to go back and terminate "whichever
Post by gpa
father put that in the constitution in the first place.." Ya!
You're obviously an even bigger imbecile than the Wiener Schnitzel
himself. Turned in your papers yet?
Doof bleibt doof, usw.
This from the person who is always complaining about being "smeared".
Always?? Not hardly. But I should have had the wisdom to KF you.
The only reason why you don't KF me is because you fear you might not get
the last word in when I respond to your anti-semite and racist postings.
Post by JZAH
I should have let the mischief find me, since it always does anyway.
Seems like a very common problem for you.
Post by JZAH
You'd be just the type to get some ps
teacher's name & conduct a libelous smear campaign against him on your
silly website.
Is that the best reply you have? I would expected something more virilent.
When the debate is lost only the losers resort to slander. I'll leave the
slander for you to carry out.
Post by JZAH
But then again, the layers of dust on Swann's silly
website probably aren't nearly as thick as the moss growing between
your ears.
Your turn now-- and write your own material this time, du Ferkel!!!
Oh gee that really hurt (she called me a small pig). If you want to swear
in German do it right: *Mach es dir selber du zurueckgebliebender*. I hope
that was enough to get me in your KF. BTW, thats real German street
language--you won't find that in any of your translation sites so don't
bother looking.

2003-08-12 01:28:41 UTC
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
Post by gpa
You're obviously an even bigger imbecile than the Wiener Schnitzel
himself. Turned in your papers yet?
Doof bleibt doof, usw.
This from the person who is always complaining about being "smeared".
Always?? Not hardly. But I should have had the wisdom to KF you.
The only reason why you don't KF me is because you fear you might not get
the last word in when I respond to your anti-semite and racist postings.
I don't write any such postings. I find the intrinsically racist &
functionally criminal Zionist movement to be quite disgusting. I have
every right to express this view, & I make no apologies for it. Just
because you are so stupid that you believe the Zionists hold a genetic
exemption from critique does not mean that I am as stupid & hypnotized
as you. I know that NO ONE is above critique, & the everpresent
screech of racism will not change that simple fact.

I expect that all peoples should be held to the same standard. There
is the rule of law, the principle of equality & there is what basic
humanity demands. Zionist conduct cannot meet any of these tests, as
anyone with an honest intellect well knows.
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
I should have let the mischief find me, since it always does anyway.
Seems like a very common problem for you.
Quite true. Much of what I say is controversial due only to my last
name & my "views", real or (AIUTC) assumed. The very same words could
be posted by anyone else with a much different reaction.
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
You'd be just the type to get some ps
teacher's name & conduct a libelous smear campaign against him on your
silly website.
Is that the best reply you have? I would expected something more virilent.
Swann got some teacher's name from a newspaper & then wrote &
distributed slanderous trash about an educator he does not even know.
Then he had the gall to advertise his slander board on this list. I
was not sitting still for that, no matter who the target was.
Professional people have a responsibility to respond to when a
noxious, schizophrenic ape like Swann starts smearing his caca over a
colleague's good name. I complained to him, I complained to his
webmaster, & I complained to several others he had been annoying with
his emails. I received several replies sharing my outrage at his
behavior. I am proud of my actions, I would do it all over again, & I
would support anyone else who did these very things. No one-- not
even a lowly ps teacher-- deserves to be trashed like that in a
publication without a right of reply, legal recourse, or both.

But what would you know about that, you ass. You didn't even bother
to read the website, You just cut & pasted a few lines because you
can't think of your own reply. I don't know which is worse-- that
you're so stupid, or that you're so lazy. Faulpelz!!!
Post by gpa
When the debate is lost only the losers resort to slander. I'll leave the
slander for you to carry out.
I didn't slander anyone, you ass. Is that virUlent enough for you?
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
But then again, the layers of dust on Swann's silly
website probably aren't nearly as thick as the moss growing between
your ears.
Your turn now-- and write your own material this time, du Ferkel!!!
Oh gee that really hurt (she called me a small pig). If you want to swear
in German do it right: *Mach es dir selber du zurueckgebliebender*. I hope
that was enough to get me in your KF. BTW, thats real German street
language--you won't find that in any of your translation sites so don't
bother looking.
Nöö... I'll leave the vulgarity to you. Obviously it's all you have
to work with.

J. Z. Al-Huriyeh

P.S. Buy a dictionary & a grammAr book. You need them.
Samuel Lubell
2003-08-11 16:29:50 UTC
Post by gpa
Post by JZAH
LPITW-- if that state elects this simian imbecile of an actor thinking
he will bail everybody out of a $38 bl deficit, you may as well stick
a fork into your country, people, because it's DONE.
J. Z. Al-Huriyeh
California has a history of electing the few actors that choose to run for
office. Given that he is a moderate, has his own money, and is an in-law to
the Kennedy family--he'll probably win if history is any guide-- and then
make a bid for President like Reagan.
That would require changing the constitution as he isn't a born
American citizen.
Brian Quincy Hutchings
2003-08-22 18:50:48 UTC
please note that, in addition to Orrin Hatch's effort,
we have 5 (or 7?) Supreme Court folks who were happy
to trample the Consitutions of Florida and the USA. (of course,
they can still be impeached for that. note that
it is *still* Gore's fault that he lost in Arkansas,
by stealing 53,000 votes (22%) of the Dem primary;
he only lost to Bush by 50,000. he made a deal
with the Supremes, March 27, 2000, that you may not
have heard of; his legal team in Florida did *nothing*.)
At least we know he won't ever be President....as he was born outside the
