Thank you Al Gore for being you. )
(too old to reply)
2003-12-13 21:44:16 UTC
Since suspending his presidential ambitions last year, Gore has let his
leftist id take over. At an August 7th speech sponsored by MoveOn.org, Gore
all but accused the Bush Administration of complicity in 9/11. He said, "Two
years ago yesterday . . . according to The Wall Street Journal, the
president was apparently advised in specific language that al-Qaeda was
going to hijack some airplanes to conduct a terrorist strike inside the
U.S." (Unfortunately for Gore, the first such report came in September
2003-12-13 21:56:13 UTC
Post by scott.
Since suspending his presidential ambitions last year, Gore has let his
leftist id take over. At an August 7th speech sponsored by MoveOn.org, Gore
all but accused the Bush Administration of complicity in 9/11. He said, "Two
years ago yesterday . . . according to The Wall Street Journal, the
president was apparently advised in specific language that al-Qaeda was
going to hijack some airplanes to conduct a terrorist strike inside the
U.S." (Unfortunately for Gore, the first such report came in September
Bush dropped the ball:
