(too old to reply)
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-11-02 18:31:26 UTC
Where to even begin? Sadness? Tremendous sense of loss?

The events that have unfolded in Iraq today are beyond explanation... beyond
acceptable... beyond anything that I can even fathom or otherwise think. I
am at a loss for words.

Every time I hear of another American dying in this war I feel outrage, I
feel anger, and as most Americans I feel less and less confident that this
war is being won.

Let me give you a quote and ask you if this feels familiar... Quote:
The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That
is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to
greater danger...
Now let me tell you whose quote that is, in case you do not already know.
That quote is taken from Herman Goering, one of Hitler's men, at his trial
in Nuremburg. The reason I said feels familiar is because it is exactly what
we are going through, together, today.

We lost fifteen more members of our American family today due to an
unjustified and lied about war. The bait and switch game has been played on
us, and we have nearly 400 families today that mourn the loss of their sons
or daughters.

Bush has robbed our economy, our freedoms, our patriotism, our futures, and
for nearly 400 service members, he has robbed them of their lives. Again, I
am at such a loss for words that I will simply say that my American heart is
bleeding... my American eyes are crying... and my American soul weeps over
our country's condition and over the bright young lives that have flickered,
dimmed, and died. My heart goes out to those lives lost and to the families
that loved them. My anger boils at the Cowboy President and my prayer
remains constant - "let Bush go in 2004".

I have nothing more that I can say, my mind is unable to comprehend... or my
heart fails to allow it.

God please - help us.

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"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-11-03 00:16:42 UTC
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Where to even begin? Sadness? Tremendous sense of loss?
The events that have unfolded in Iraq today are beyond explanation...
beyond acceptable... beyond anything that I can even fathom or
otherwise think. I am at a loss for words.
Post by Kenneth R Cooper Jr
Every time I hear of another American dying in this war I feel
outrage, I feel anger, and as most Americans I feel less and less
confident that this war is being won.
The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That
is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and
denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the
country to greater danger...
Now let me tell you whose quote that is, in case you do not already
know. That quote is taken from Herman Goering, one of Hitler's men, at
his trial in Nuremburg. The reason I said feels familiar is because it
is exactly what we are going through, together, today.
We lost fifteen more members of our American family today due to an
unjustified and lied about war. The bait and switch game has been
played on us, and we have nearly 400 families today that mourn the
loss of their sons or daughters.
Bush has robbed our economy, our freedoms, our patriotism, our
futures, and for nearly 400 service members, he has robbed them of
their lives. Again, I am at such a loss for words that I will simply
say that my American heart is bleeding... my American eyes are
crying... and my American soul weeps over our country's condition and
over the bright young lives that have flickered, dimmed, and died. My
heart goes out to those lives lost and to the families that loved
them. My anger boils at the Cowboy President and my prayer remains
constant - "let Bush go in 2004".
I have nothing more that I can say, my mind is unable to comprehend...
or my heart fails to allow it.
God please - help us.