I just realized who Ann Coulter looks like...
(too old to reply)
2003-09-09 14:38:56 UTC
Big adams apple and hands. Swinging dick and balls down there my guess.
Iggy Pop
How about David Bowie on the cover the cover of the Ziggy Stardust LP.
I only vaguely remember that one. I just saw her picture on Franken's book
and they both have the same drawn and boney look.
2003-09-09 14:37:10 UTC
Post by Enceladus
Big adams apple and hands. Swinging dick and balls down there my guess.
Liberals <sigh>, even *WRONG* about Ann Coulters looks.

2003-09-09 15:18:11 UTC
Post by topcat
Post by Enceladus
Big adams apple and hands. Swinging dick and balls down there my guess.
Liberals <sigh>, even *WRONG* about Ann Coulters looks.
Right-wingers /sigh, still so blinded by their ideology that they cant
even see things for what they are.
2003-09-09 15:21:17 UTC
spark it up wrote;
Post by sparkup
Post by topcat
Liberals <sigh>, even *WRONG* about Ann Coulters looks.
Right-wingers /sigh, still so blinded by their ideology that they cant
even see things for what they are.
If Ann was a left-winger you'd all have hard-ons for her. Instead you all
have hard-ons for Janet Reno. Go figure.

2003-09-09 15:54:33 UTC
Post by topcat
spark it up wrote;
Post by sparkup
Post by topcat
Liberals <sigh>, even *WRONG* about Ann Coulters looks.
Right-wingers /sigh, still so blinded by their ideology that they cant
even see things for what they are.
If Ann was a left-winger you'd all have hard-ons for her. Instead you all
have hard-ons for Janet Reno. Go figure.
Another fine example of what I was talking about.
I don't think I have heard of anyone getting a hard-on over Janet Reno.
Can you show me the "left-wingers" who claim to be affected by Janet in
this way?

Oh, right!
You were just "making a point".
"Making a point", for those of you without previous experience of the
topcat style of argument, means "saying something, that you know to be
completely false, in order to keep your side of the argument going".

By the way, Ann Coulter has her blondness, but that about it.
2003-09-09 15:57:56 UTC
Post by sparkup
Another fine example of what I was talking about.
I don't think I have heard of anyone getting a hard-on over Janet Reno.
Can you show me the "left-wingers" who claim to be affected by Janet in
this way?
Oh, right!
You were just "making a point".
"Making a point", for those of you without previous experience of the
topcat style of argument, means "saying something, that you know to be
completely false, in order to keep your side of the argument going".
By the way, Ann Coulter has her blondness, but that about it.
When all you silly liberals start making the same derogatory comments about
Janet Reno's looks that I constantly see about Ann Coulters, then maybe you
have a leg to stand on, until then its just your lefty bias getting the
better of you again. Drug companies should really be working on something to
help you lefties.

Douglas Otis
2003-09-09 17:00:13 UTC
Post by topcat
Ann Coulters
President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty turned out to be a bigger
quagmire than Vietnam? It shows how success can be overlooked as the
standards change. Fewer going hungry, empowered to vote, and living
in far better conditions, but of course, still considered poor. At
least the goal was to prevent wasting lives and it has.

How does that compare with the precipitous drop in world opinion of
the US, the thousands dead, and the dozen a day of US troops mangled
in defending Bush's spoils? We have cut off relations that may have
enabled locating Bin Laden. What was this war even about?

Her opinion makes Ann Coulters ugly.

2003-09-09 17:05:31 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty turned out to be a bigger
quagmire than Vietnam? It shows how success can be overlooked as the
standards change. Fewer going hungry, empowered to vote, and living
in far better conditions, but of course, still considered poor. At
least the goal was to prevent wasting lives and it has.
Nice rationalization.
Post by Douglas Otis
How does that compare with the precipitous drop in world opinion of
the US, the thousands dead, and the dozen a day of US troops mangled
in defending Bush's spoils? We have cut off relations that may have
enabled locating Bin Laden. What was this war even about?
I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks. Remember 9/11?

Up until then the world looked at the US as a paper tiger. Now things have
changed and it's time for them to get used to the US using it's power. So
far they aren't very receptive to the idea, and who can blame them after 8
years of Klinton appeasement?
Post by Douglas Otis
Her opinion makes Ann Coulters ugly.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ann's opinions make her better-looking
by the minute.

Douglas Otis
2003-09-09 20:15:31 UTC
Post by topcat
Post by Douglas Otis
President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty turned out to be a bigger
quagmire than Vietnam? It shows how success can be overlooked as the
standards change. Fewer going hungry, empowered to vote, and living
in far better conditions, but of course, still considered poor. At
least the goal was to prevent wasting lives and it has.
Nice rationalization.
You are not living in a dirt shack without food, unable to vote,
uneducated, and without access to health care. The head start
program, voting, health care, and food programs made a significant
difference to many and the country has benefited by rasing living
standards. How noble is rationalization for again doing nothing?
Post by topcat
Post by Douglas Otis
How does that compare with the precipitous drop in world opinion of
the US, the thousands dead, and the dozen a day of US troops mangled
in defending Bush's spoils? We have cut off relations that may have
enabled locating Bin Laden. What was this war even about?
I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks. Remember 9/11?
Hijacking of airplanes on 9-11-01 had *nothing* to do with Iraq. This
is just subterfuge to justify a rush to attack Iraq. As a result,
rather than curtailing terrorism, unjustified attacks upon Iraq did
just the opposite. You should care what the rest of the world thinks.
Post by topcat
Up until then the world looked at the US as a paper tiger. Now things have
changed and it's time for them to get used to the US using it's power. So
far they aren't very receptive to the idea, and who can blame them after 8
years of Klinton appeasement?
Now the US is seen as imperialists eager to bomb third world countries
to exploit resources. Resources at a poor bargain (except for a few
favored corporations). So much for improving world trade and keeping
jobs at home.
Post by topcat
Post by Douglas Otis
Her opinion makes Ann Coulters ugly.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Ann's opinions make her better-looking
by the minute.
Clearly, ugly is as ugly does. Join the ranks of the ugly.

2003-09-09 20:59:15 UTC
Take my word for it dude, she's a guy. If you find her attractive then you
are gay. Bet on it.
Post by topcat
Post by Enceladus
Big adams apple and hands. Swinging dick and balls down there my guess.
Liberals <sigh>, even *WRONG* about Ann Coulters looks.
Dan Parker
2003-09-09 22:07:16 UTC
Just so I got it 'straight' here, am I correct in
assessing that the 'leftwing' is tranny bashing, while
the 'rightwing' does not look askance on sexual
orientation in regards to M. Coulter?

Is it not possible that the left wing has had a
transgendered experience itself in this

My guess is that the relatively meaningless
terms of left-wing/right-wing are being dragged
through a 'civilization' in such an advanced state
of mental degeneration, such that any material
observations regarding M. Coulter and
more are moot .

Post by Enceladus
Take my word for it dude, she's a guy. If you find her attractive then you
are gay. Bet on it.
Post by topcat
Post by Enceladus
Big adams apple and hands. Swinging dick and balls down there my guess.
Liberals <sigh>, even *WRONG* about Ann Coulters looks.