John Kerry's Resume
(too old to reply)
2004-08-24 23:16:37 UTC
Lied about his "brave" service in Vietnam.

Sought a deferment from serving in Vietnam, then only AFTER NOT RECEIVING
the deferment, decided to enlist

Lied in order to receive at least one of his Purple Hearts, probably more.

Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.

Threw away his medals and/or ribbons, maybe??? We still don't know the whole
story he's flipped flopped on this so many times.

Pictured with Hanoi Jane.

19 years in Senate, sponsor of NO major legislation.

Voted to cut military time after time.

Voted to raise taxes time after time.

Wanted 50 CENT per gallon raise in the gasoline tax.

Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.

Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on the
ground in Iraq.
Family Man
2004-08-24 23:45:51 UTC
Post by topcat
Lied about his "brave" service in Vietnam.
Outright lie.
Post by topcat
Sought a deferment from serving in Vietnam, then only AFTER NOT RECEIVING
the deferment, decided to enlist
More Rove propaganda. You might think Kerry was doing lines with Bush.
Post by topcat
Lied in order to receive at least one of his Purple Hearts, probably more.
Yeah, maybe he shot himself.
Post by topcat
Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.
No, he spoke the truth AFTER returning from his 18 months in Nam.
Post by topcat
Threw away his medals and/or ribbons, maybe??? We still don't know the whole
story he's flipped flopped on this so many times.
Bush as flipped/flopped on almost every issue.
Post by topcat
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
And your point is? This is what you call digital imaging. Ever hear of Adobe
Post by topcat
19 years in Senate, sponsor of NO major legislation.
Looking out for our best interests.
Post by topcat
Voted to cut military time after time.
Voted to NOT give the Bush regime a blank check.
Post by topcat
Voted to raise taxes time after time.
Such as?
Post by topcat
Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.
Yes, so what is your point?
Post by topcat
Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on the
ground in Iraq.
Voted to NOT give the Bush regime a blank check. Which $8 Million of that
money is now un-accounted for. And, our troops never received the armor and
protection they asked for. The Bush regime gave the money to Haliburton

You are an anti-american parasite.
2004-08-25 03:15:59 UTC
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Lied about his "brave" service in Vietnam.
Outright lie.
Post by topcat
Sought a deferment from serving in Vietnam, then only AFTER NOT RECEIVING
the deferment, decided to enlist
More Rove propaganda. You might think Kerry was doing lines with Bus
Is it still propaganda if its true?
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Lied in order to receive at least one of his Purple Hearts, probably more.
Yeah, maybe he shot himself.
No he would have bled if that was the case
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.
No, he spoke the truth AFTER returning from his 18 months in Nam.
He gave hearsay testimony from unreliable wittiness
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Threw away his medals and/or ribbons, maybe??? We still don't know the
Post by topcat
story he's flipped flopped on this so many times.
Bush as flipped/flopped on almost every issue.
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
And your point is? This is what you call digital imaging. Ever hear of Adobe
Point is Kerry would be ashamed if he had any chachter at all.
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
19 years in Senate, sponsor of NO major legislation.
Looking out for our best interests.
if setting us up for 9/11 was in our best intrest
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Voted to cut military time after time.
Voted to NOT give the Bush regime a blank check.
our our troups ammo and body arrmor
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Voted to raise taxes time after time.
Such as?
Kerry has indeed voted to raise taxes and has voted against tax cuts - and
the Bush campaign is in safe territory to point this out, said Bixby of the
Concord Coalition. One of the most significant tax votes was Kerry's support
for the Clinton administration's 1993 omnibus tax package
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.
Yes, so what is your point?
He should quit crying about them going over there,
Post by Family Man
Post by topcat
Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on the
ground in Iraq.
Voted to NOT give the Bush regime a blank check. Which $8 Million of that
money is now un-accounted for. And, our troops never received the armor and
protection they asked for. The Bush regime gave the money to Haliburton
John Kerry was SPECIFICALLY asked if he would vote for the bill if the
amendment did NOT pass. He said that any Senator that would vote against it,
even if the amendment failed, would be "irresponsible". He then went on to
vote against it (irresponsibly......along with John Edwards, and ten others)
Post by Family Man
You are an anti-american parasite.
Yes Kerry is an anti-american parasite
GW *AWOL* Chimpzilla
2004-08-25 00:09:21 UTC
topcat wrote:

Needs a little work, tipcat.
Post by topcat
Lied about his "brave" service in Vietnam.
Sought a deferment from serving in Vietnam, then only AFTER NOT RECEIVING
the deferment, decided to enlist
Lied in order to receive at least one of his Purple Hearts, probably more.
Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.
Threw away his medals and/or ribbons, maybe??? We still don't know the whole
story he's flipped flopped on this so many times.
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
19 years in Senate, sponsor of NO major legislation.
Voted to cut military time after time.
Voted to raise taxes time after time.
Wanted 50 CENT per gallon raise in the gasoline tax.
Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.
Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on the
ground in Iraq.
"There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas -- that says, fool
me once, shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."
John Starrett
2004-08-25 00:57:54 UTC
Post by topcat
Sought a deferment from serving in Vietnam, then only AFTER NOT RECEIVING
the deferment, decided to enlist
Liked it so much that he went back for a second tour.
Post by topcat
Lied in order to receive at least one of his Purple Hearts, probably more.
Unsupported assertion.
Post by topcat
Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.
11 + 4 = 4 in your world, or are the quotation marks meant to excuse you
from being accurate?
Post by topcat
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
Oooooooo! Show me!
Post by topcat
19 years in Senate, sponsor of NO major legislation.
Just define "major" properly, and you can make that statement about any
Post by topcat
Voted to cut military time after time.
You could also say that he voted to support the military time after
time, with as much truth.
Post by topcat
Voted to raise taxes time after time.
How many times?
Post by topcat
Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.
Just like everybody else. Thanks for saying it honestly instead of
saying "voted to invade Iraq" like so many do.
Post by topcat
Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on the
ground in Iraq.
That is the way almost every senator and representative votes. You vote
against until the amendments you like or dislike are added or removed. I
know that you actually know this is how it works.
John Starrett

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2004-08-25 03:37:26 UTC
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Sought a deferment from serving in Vietnam, then only AFTER NOT RECEIVING
the deferment, decided to enlist
Liked it so much that he went back for a second tour.
Post by topcat
Lied in order to receive at least one of his Purple Hearts, probably more.
Unsupported assertion.
Post by topcat
Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.
11 + 4 = 4 in your world, or are the quotation marks meant to excuse you
from being accurate?
LOL his "first tour in Vietnam consisited of his ship stopping for gas. >
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
Oooooooo! Show me!
sure Loading Image...
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
19 years in Senate, sponsor of NO major legislation.
Just define "major" properly, and you can make that statement about any
Post by topcat
Voted to cut military time after time.
You could also say that he voted to support the military time after
time, with as much truth.
not by a long shot
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted to raise taxes time after time.
How many times?
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.
Just like everybody else. Thanks for saying it honestly instead of
saying "voted to invade Iraq" like so many do.
what do you think kerry wanted the troops to do in Iraq?
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on the
ground in Iraq.
That is the way almost every senator and representative votes. You vote
against until the amendments you like or dislike are added or removed. I
know that you actually know this is how it works.
Wrong only 12 voted against 10 and the two Johnboys
Post by John Starrett
John Starrett
-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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John Starrett
2004-08-25 18:20:41 UTC
Post by doughjohnson
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Trashed his fellow soldiers upon returning from his "4-month military
career" in Vietnam.
11 + 4 = 4 in your world, or are the quotation marks meant to excuse you
from being accurate?
LOL his "first tour in Vietnam consisited of his ship stopping for gas. >
A joke to deflect the truth. A tour of Vietnam can have a shipboard
component. LOL all you want, but the reason people parrot the "4 month"
figure is to attempt to fool the lesser among us into thinking that
Kerry didn't volunteer for a second tour.
Post by doughjohnson
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
Oooooooo! Show me!
sure http://www.vg.no/bilder/bildarkiv/1076667628.90388.jpg
Perhaps you mean near Hanoi Jane. Isn't that Cheney two rows back?
Post by doughjohnson
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted to cut military time after time.
You could also say that he voted to support the military time after
time, with as much truth.
not by a long shot
Really? Did Kerry ever support a bill that assisted the military? Think
carefully, now.
Post by doughjohnson
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted to raise taxes time after time.
How many times?
Not even close. That is what Rush and Fox say, but it is a gross distortion.
Post by doughjohnson
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted FOR authorizing the President to send troops into Iraq.
Just like everybody else. Thanks for saying it honestly instead of
saying "voted to invade Iraq" like so many do.
what do you think kerry wanted the troops to do in Iraq?
He didn't vote to invade -- he voted to give the president the authority
to invade (subject to conditions which Bush didn't fulfill).
Post by doughjohnson
Post by John Starrett
Post by topcat
Voted "for before voting against" additional funds for the soldiers on
the ground in Iraq.
That is the way almost every senator and representative votes. You vote
against until the amendments you like or dislike are added or removed. I
know that you actually know this is how it works.
Wrong only 12 voted against 10 and the two Johnboys
That doesn't address my response. My assertion stands. You play with the
vote until you get the amendments you want or until you reach an
agreeable compromise or until the opposition rolls over you. That is the
way it really works.
John Starrett

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Fact Checker
2004-08-25 01:56:49 UTC
Post by topcat
Pictured with Hanoi Jane.
Bush was recently pictured kneeling in front of Cheney with his
lips suctioned to his fly. I guess the rumours are true!
Warm Regards,

Raven Cecil

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