Abu Ghraib and the Pentagon
(too old to reply)
2004-08-28 04:30:43 UTC
Abu Ghraib and the Pentagon
~~article_author~~ NYT
Friday, August 27, 2004
The two reports issued this week on the Abu Ghraib prison are an indictment of the way the
Bush administration set the stage for Iraqi prisoners to be brutalized by American prison
guards, military intelligence officers and private contractors.

The U.S. Army's internal investigation, released Wednesday, showed that the torture of
prisoners at Abu Ghraib went far beyond the actions of a few sadistic military police
officers - the administration's chosen culprits. It said that 27 military intelligence
soldiers and civilian contractors committed criminal offenses, and that military officials
hid prisoners from the Red Cross. Another report, from a civilian panel picked by Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, offers the dedicated reader a dotted line from President George
W. Bush's decision to declare Iraq a front in the war against terror, to government
lawyers finding ways to circumvent the Geneva conventions, to Rumsfeld's bungled planning
of the occupation and understaffing of the ground forces in Iraq, to the hideous events at
Abu Ghraib prison.

That was a service to the public, but the civilian panel did an enormous disservice by not
connecting those dots and by walking away from any real exercise in accountability.
Instead, Pentagon officials who are never named get muted criticism for issuing confusing
memos and not monitoring things closely enough. This is all cast as "leadership failure" -
the 21st-century version of the Nixonian "mistakes were made" evasion - that does not
require even the mildest reprimand for Rumsfeld, who should have resigned over this
disaster months ago. Direct condemnation is reserved for those in the field, from the
military police officers sent to guard prisoners without training to the three-star
general in Iraq.

Still, the dots are there, making it clear that the road to Abu Ghraib began well before
the invasion of Iraq, when the administration created the category of "unlawful
combatants" for suspected Al Qaeda and Taliban members captured in Afghanistan and
imprisoned in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Interrogators wanted to force these prisoners to talk
in ways that are barred by U.S. law and the Geneva conventions, and on Aug. 1, 2002,
Justice Department lawyers produced the infamous treatise on how to construe torture as
being legal.

In December 2002, Rumsfeld authorized techniques like hooding prisoners, using dogs to
terrify them, forcing them into "stress positions" for long periods, stripping them,
shaving them and isolating them. These actions were prohibited by the Geneva conventions,
but Bush had already declared on Feb. 7, 2002, that the Geneva conventions did not apply
to Al Qaeda.

In January, the general counsel of the navy objected, and Rumsfeld rescinded some of the
extreme techniques. Then another legal review further narrowed the list, and Rumsfeld
issued yet another memo on April 16, 2003. The civilian panel said the memos confused
field commanders, who thought that harsh interrogations were allowed, and that things
could have been made clearer if Rumsfeld had allowed a real legal debate in the first
place. Yet the panel places no fault on Rumsfeld for the cascade of disastrous events that

According to the report, U.S. forces began mistreating prisoners at the outset of the war
in Afghanistan. Interrogators and members of military intelligence were sent from
Afghanistan to Iraq, and the harsh interrogations "migrated" with them, the report said.
But one of the panel's oddest failures is how it deals with this issue. Major General
Geoffrey Miller, who had been running the Guantánamo prison, went to Iraq in August 2003,
bringing the harsh interrogation rules with him. The report said Lieutenant General
Ricardo Sanchez, the commander in Iraq, used his advice to approve a dozen "aggressive
interrogation techniques," and that Sanchez was "using reasoning" from the president's
memo. But in the strange logic of this report, that was not the fault of those who made
the policies. The report assigns no responsibility to Miller, nor does it say that he was
sent to Iraq by Rumsfeld's staff. All these decisions were happening in a chaotic context.
The civilian panel said the military failed to anticipate the insurgency in Iraq or react
to it properly and was unprepared for the number of prisoners it had. Insufficient numbers
of military police units were sent to Iraq in a disorganized fashion, many of them
untrained reservists.

The panel was right in criticizing Sanchez for not appreciating the scope of the disaster,
but it made only the most glancing reference to the bigger problem: The Iraqi occupation
force was too small. And that was a policy approved by Bush and designed by Rumsfeld, who
wanted a lightning invasion by the sparest force possible, based on the ludicrous notion
that Iraqis would not resist.

Still, the civilian panel said the politicians had only indirect responsibility for this
mess, and James Schlesinger, the panel's chairman, made the absurd argument that firing
Rumsfeld would aid "the enemy." That is reminiscent of the comment Bush made last spring
when he visited the Pentagon to view images of American soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners
and then announced that Rumsfeld was doing a "superb job." It may not be all that
surprising from a commission appointed by the secretary of defense and run by two former
secretaries of defense (Schlesinger and Harold Brown). But it seems less a rational
assessment than an attempt to cut off any further criticism of the men at the top.

Copyright © 2004 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:20:00 UTC
Incoherent nude liberal Kerry voter caught covered in nacho cheese!

Maryville Daily Times 2004-07-19 Lance Coleliberal Kerry voter

A Maryville liberal Kerry voter spent his 23rd birthday in custody
after police said they found him early Sunday running nude from the
John Sevier pool snack bar with a box of stolen snacks.

Authorities said the liberal Kerry voter had apparently scaled an
8-foot tall fence while naked and covered in nacho cheese and was seen
running toward a Jeep in which officers found clothing and an open
bottle of vodka.

According to Maryville police, Michael P. Monn, born July 18, 1981, of
McCall Road, Maryville, was arrested by officer Scott Spicer at 5 a.m.
Sunday in the parking lot of the pool at John Sevier School, Sequoyah
Avenue. Monn was charged with burglary, theft of property less than
$500, vandalism less than $500 and public intoxication. He was also
cited with indecent exposure while pretending to be “Ted Kennedy at
the beach.” Monn was held at the Blount County Jail in lieu of $9,300
bond pending a 9 a.m. Aug. 3 General Sessions Court hearing.

Spicer reported at 3:38 a.m. Sunday he saw a Jeep CJ-7 in the parking
lot of the pool and saw an open bottle of vodka in the console along
with various articles of clothing. Minutes later, a nude liberal Kerry
voter carrying a cardboard box ran toward the Jeep before Spicer
stopped him and found the box filled with Frito Lay snacks and a
container of nacho cheese.

``In addition, the liberal Kerry voter had nacho cheese in his hair,
on his face and on his shoulders,'' Spicer reported. ``The nude
liberal Kerry voter had a strong odor of alcohol and was

An official with Maryville Alcoa Blount County Parks and Recreation
was called to the scene and together with police, they searched the
facility. They found someone had climbed an 8 foot fence, broke into
the snack bar through a window, ransacked the facility, left the
freezer door open and caused $100 damage by ripping the water heater
from the wall, according to a report.

Authorities reported someone also defecated in a garbage can, threw
nacho cheese on the exterior wall of the snack bar and scattered chips
on the ground outside the facility. About $40 in chips and $7 in nacho
cheese were stolen from the snack bar, police said.

Liberals Hate America!
David Galehouse
2004-08-28 10:28:24 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Incoherent nude liberal Kerry voter caught covered in nacho cheese!
Maryville Daily Times 2004-07-19 Lance Coleliberal Kerry voter
Of course, the political affiliation of this guy is not mentioned anywhere
in the real article. Hanoi, as usual, displays that he is just another lying
rightard scumbag with nothing substantive to talk about. I guess he's kind
of like this newsgroup's own version of the Not-So-Swift Boat Veterans.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 11:38:57 UTC
Impeached Rapist Saved Bin Laden!

This has been out there for awhile, but the 9-11 commission (the
Committee to Elect John Kerry) is finally confirming it as fact. This
should tell you everything you need to know about the Clinton
administration and their policy of terrorist appeasement for 8 years.

Announcing some of its preliminary findings yesterday, the commission
confirmed that the Impeached Rapist ordered the CIA to take Osama Bin
Laden alive or not at all. The following statement read at
yesterday's session says it all: "CIA senior managers, operators and
lawyers uniformly said that they read the relevant authorities signed
by President Clinton as instructing them to try and capture Bin
Laden." A former CIA station chief said "We always talked about how
much easier it would have been to try to
kill him." A former CIA official told NBC News last week that White
House orders to spare Bin Laden's life cut the chances of getting him
in half. Once again, they viewed terrorism as a law enforcement
problem, worrying about Bin Laden's rights instead of just unleashing
the CIA to exterminate him.

If this commission wants to lay blame for policy failures that led to
9/11, then they need to do it where it belongs, with the Clinton
administration and Richard Clarke.
Arbusto Harken
2004-08-28 16:27:47 UTC
Post by David Galehouse
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Incoherent nude liberal Kerry voter caught covered in nacho cheese!
Maryville Daily Times 2004-07-19 Lance Coleliberal Kerry voter
Of course, the political affiliation of this guy is not mentioned anywhere
in the real article. Hanoi, as usual, displays that he is just another lying
rightard scumbag with nothing substantive to talk about. I guess he's kind
of like this newsgroup's own version of the Not-So-Swift Boat Veterans.
Yep, this is complete bullshit. Guys like this Hanoi Jane character
would rather do *anything* than talk about the issues. What a pussy.