Natural Law Party Endorses Rep. Dennis Kucinich
(too old to reply)
2003-09-26 19:43:41 UTC
From John Hagelin:
Please Support Kucinich Campaign

Dr. John Hagelin

Rep. Dennis
J. Kucinich

Dear Friend of the Natural Law Party,

I strongly urge you to give your support today to our nation's only true
presidential peace candidate-Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich.

Recipient of the 2003 Gandhi Peace Award "for contributions made in the
promotion of international peace and good will," initiator of legislation to
create a Cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace, the only Democratic
candidate who has to vote against President Bush's $87 billion request for
postwar Iraq funding, Dennis Kucinich has proven again and again that he
will take a bold, principled, unequivocal stance for peace in our world.

His campaign is gaining momentum across the nation and has drawn support
from a broad, inclusive, and rapidly expanding coalition of voters,
including young people and members of the nation's largest third parties.

Dennis is a strong advocate of the fundamental prevention-oriented
approaches that have been central to all our Natural Law Party principles
and policies. Moreover, on the basis of his unwavering commitment to peace,
he envisions a significant "peace dividend" to be invested in education,
health care, environmental clean-up, Social Security, and other urgent
domestic needs.

Dennis is making enormous strides as he campaigns around the country. But
now he needs our help.

September 30 represents a key deadline for financial contributions to the
Kucinich campaign-the final date on which donations can be counted in the
campaign's quarterly report. The generosity of Natural Law Party supporters
in the last quarter was instrumental to Dennis's surprising performance on
this crucial test of national support.

This time, Dennis is poised to surpass his previous fundraising record-and
such evidence of widespread grassroots support is critical for media
coverage of his message and his campaign successes.

Please join me in supporting Dennis Kucinich at this critical time in his
presidential campaign. Let's do all we can for a candidate who is such a
dynamic force for peace in our world. For more information on the Kucinich
campaign, and to make a financial contribution, please visit

Thank you in advance for your generosity in the cause of peace.

With best wishes,

John Hagelin
Dennis Kucinich in 2004; The Antidote to Bush
The Frog
2003-09-26 20:49:17 UTC
That's certainly a surprise to me.......

It is true that politics make strange bedfellows.....and I'm not talking
about Barnery Frank.....

The Frog
Post by StreetImperial
Please Support Kucinich Campaign
Dr. John Hagelin
Rep. Dennis
J. Kucinich
Dear Friend of the Natural Law Party,
I strongly urge you to give your support today to our nation's only true
presidential peace candidate-Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich.
Recipient of the 2003 Gandhi Peace Award "for contributions made in the
promotion of international peace and good will," initiator of legislation to
create a Cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace, the only Democratic
candidate who has to vote against President Bush's $87 billion request for
postwar Iraq funding, Dennis Kucinich has proven again and again that he
will take a bold, principled, unequivocal stance for peace in our world.
His campaign is gaining momentum across the nation and has drawn support
from a broad, inclusive, and rapidly expanding coalition of voters,
including young people and members of the nation's largest third parties.
Dennis is a strong advocate of the fundamental prevention-oriented
approaches that have been central to all our Natural Law Party principles
and policies. Moreover, on the basis of his unwavering commitment to peace,
he envisions a significant "peace dividend" to be invested in education,
health care, environmental clean-up, Social Security, and other urgent
domestic needs.
Dennis is making enormous strides as he campaigns around the country. But
now he needs our help.
September 30 represents a key deadline for financial contributions to the
Kucinich campaign-the final date on which donations can be counted in the
campaign's quarterly report. The generosity of Natural Law Party supporters
in the last quarter was instrumental to Dennis's surprising performance on
this crucial test of national support.
This time, Dennis is poised to surpass his previous fundraising record-and
such evidence of widespread grassroots support is critical for media
coverage of his message and his campaign successes.
Please join me in supporting Dennis Kucinich at this critical time in his
presidential campaign. Let's do all we can for a candidate who is such a
dynamic force for peace in our world. For more information on the Kucinich
campaign, and to make a financial contribution, please visit
Thank you in advance for your generosity in the cause of peace.
With best wishes,
John Hagelin
Dennis Kucinich in 2004; The Antidote to Bush
2003-09-29 12:28:52 UTC
Wow. With an endorsement like that, getting elected should be no
problem. LOL

Post by StreetImperial
Please Support Kucinich Campaign
Dr. John Hagelin
Rep. Dennis
J. Kucinich
Dear Friend of the Natural Law Party,
I strongly urge you to give your support today to our nation's only true
presidential peace candidate-Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich.
Recipient of the 2003 Gandhi Peace Award "for contributions made in the
promotion of international peace and good will," initiator of legislation to
create a Cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace, the only Democratic
candidate who has to vote against President Bush's $87 billion request for
postwar Iraq funding, Dennis Kucinich has proven again and again that he
will take a bold, principled, unequivocal stance for peace in our world.
His campaign is gaining momentum across the nation and has drawn support
from a broad, inclusive, and rapidly expanding coalition of voters,
including young people and members of the nation's largest third parties.
Dennis is a strong advocate of the fundamental prevention-oriented
approaches that have been central to all our Natural Law Party principles
and policies. Moreover, on the basis of his unwavering commitment to peace,
he envisions a significant "peace dividend" to be invested in education,
health care, environmental clean-up, Social Security, and other urgent
domestic needs.
Dennis is making enormous strides as he campaigns around the country. But
now he needs our help.
September 30 represents a key deadline for financial contributions to the
Kucinich campaign-the final date on which donations can be counted in the
campaign's quarterly report. The generosity of Natural Law Party supporters
in the last quarter was instrumental to Dennis's surprising performance on
this crucial test of national support.
This time, Dennis is poised to surpass his previous fundraising record-and
such evidence of widespread grassroots support is critical for media
coverage of his message and his campaign successes.
Please join me in supporting Dennis Kucinich at this critical time in his
presidential campaign. Let's do all we can for a candidate who is such a
dynamic force for peace in our world. For more information on the Kucinich
campaign, and to make a financial contribution, please visit
Thank you in advance for your generosity in the cause of peace.
With best wishes,
John Hagelin