(too old to reply)
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-16 21:38:38 UTC
Dear Friends, Family, and Fellow Americans:

We stand on the eve on what is bound to be one of the hottest contested
races for public office that my generation has ever seen. We thought that
Election 2000 was hot, but Election 2004 is destined to be on fire! We want
to make our voice heard but its hard to shout when your standing alone.
That is the reason for this letter today - to ask for your help and support.
Until I really began digging I had no idea how hard it was to get the ball
rolling and keep its momentum up. There are so many causes that we find the
need to rally around; equal rights, the economy, our military position, our
face to the world, healthcare, the elderly, our futures, and most
importantly our sacred honor. On each and every one of these issue the
administration has come up short, fallen behind, and moved in a direction
against the American people, the people the administration is suppose to be
leading. We've been taken to the cleaners recently by this administration
with their tax cuts, their war-making actions, the PATRIOT act, and the list
grows each and every day. Our rights vanish more and more by the second.
And our futures grow bleak and not bright. I am proud to be a Detroiter, we
have so many different people and cultures, we truly are a world city, with
world class citizens, many of whom came to this beautiful land of liberty in
search of a better life. Who left their motherland in the hopes that their
children could grow up and enjoy freedoms that could not be found in the
nation from which they came. In hopes of a brighter tomorrow, a more secure
tomorrow, and reason to look forward to tomorrow. The administration is
selling us all short. The have continually tried to rob one group or
another of the most basic and enjoyed freedoms that our nation is known for.
We've had no choice since the 2000 election on what way our country should
go, what we should or should not fight for, and what we do or don't believe

Many say that the war in Iraq was justified because Saddam Hussein was a
bad man, no one disagrees with that statement, but I ask those people with
that opinion, where would we be right now if the President had waited on his
war. I would argue that we would see an Iraq without Saddam at the helm, we
would have friends and allies on board with us, and most importantly now, we
would not be footing the bill alone. I believe that if the President would
have waited we would still see an Iraq emerging from war, but it would have
been a war fought by the international community and not a "coalition of the
willing"... it would have been a true coalition perhaps with the support of
nations like France, Russia, China, and Germany - nations that we went
against the will of by going it alone and early. As I have said before you
can go into something with the best of intentions, but if you don't do it in
a trustworthy way, you've lost the cause in the bigger picture.

We still see a struggle for equality in our nation. It is almost mind
boggling to me that in the 21st century we would still have second and third
class citizens who must fight just to be heard. Who must fight to have a
voice like the one the majority usually takes for granted. Who have to
fight to be treated as equals before the law. If I am not mistake this was
all taken care of a long time ago with a little thing called the 14th
Amendment which in part states: "All persons born or naturalized in the
United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the
United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or
enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens
of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person
within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." The 14th
Amendment contains the Equal Protection Clause. This Amendment was put into
place to ensure that recently freed slaves would be afforded equal
protection in all of the nation. Now we see gays and lesbians in need of
the protection of this Amendment, and yet no one has stepped up to champion
the cause - to demand that the Supreme Court or Congress strike down laws
like the Defense of Marriage Act - or states with Constitutional Amendments
or other laws stating that marriage is between one man and one woman and
that they will not recognize unions formed in other states, which in itself
is unconstitutional due to the "Full Faith and Credit Clause" of the
original Constitution.

We need a fighter, we need someone who has a voice and is not afraid to
use it - regardless of personal cost. I want to be that person for you, for
Detroit, for Michigan, and for our beautiful Nation. Though the post I seek
is Representative of the 14th Congressional District of the State of
Michigan, I will be a fighter for all regardless of location in our nation.
As long as the fight is for progress - I'll be the fighter for the idea. As
long as it moves our nation forward - I will push. As long as it means
equality - I will fight. And as long as it means a more prosperous future -
I will shout. But now friend I need your help. Regardless of how much you
can give or what you can give - we need it. We need money, we need
volunteers, we need fighters, we need thinkers, we need opinions, we need
options, we need our country back - if we don't start now, when shall we,
and will be too late by then. I urge you give all you can give, it doesn't
have to be money - it doesn't have to be time - but it does have to be
something for freedom is never free and if we stall much longer it will be
too late. I ask you to send this message to every American you know no
matter if they live in Michigan or California, New York or Alabama, Alaska
or Florida - if they are an American and if they want their voice back, urge
them to help us.

In closing, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this message
and showing your support for our common future. Though the issues that our
country faces are as wide ranging as the people who inhabit this land,
together we can and will make a difference. The only thing worse than
failing is not trying at all so again I will ask you for your support and
assistance in this true fight for freedom.

May God Continue to Bless these United States,

Ken Cooper Jr


Show your support today!

Visit us on the web at http://www.cooper2004.us

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Again, Thank You!
Efonious Sanders
2004-10-27 09:37:34 UTC
Bill Clinton decided NOT to kill Osama

Bill Clinton decided NOT to do anything after the USS Cole

John Kerry will NOT do anything to kill Osama

Demilitarize the US

Embrace Defeat

Support Withdrawal

Kerry Edwards
Lars Eighner
2004-10-27 09:53:05 UTC
In our last episode,
the lovely and talented Efonious Sanders
Post by Efonious Sanders
Bill Clinton decided NOT to kill Osama
Bill Clinton decided NOT to do anything after the USS Cole
Bush decided he wanted the Iraqi oil fields and the chance
to enrich his buddies at Halliburton more than he wanted
to track down his buddy Osama.
Post by Efonious Sanders
John Kerry will NOT do anything to kill Osama
Your crystal ball is cloudy.
Lars Eighner -finger for geek code- ***@io.com http://www.io.com/~eighner/
"With a heavy dose of fear and violence, and a lot of money for projects,
I think we can convince these people that we are here to help them"
-- Lt. Col. Nathan Sassaman
Mike Morgan
2004-10-27 17:18:54 UTC
Post by Efonious Sanders
Bill Clinton decided NOT to kill Osama
Bill Clinton decided NOT to do anything after the USS Cole
John Kerry will NOT do anything to kill Osama
Demilitarize the US
Embrace Defeat
Support Withdrawal
Kerry Edwards
It would be a violation of the U.S. Constitution to target a world
leader, even a religious nut like Osama. That's not to say that it
hasn't happened in secret. Supposedly, more than one president targeted
Castro. We really have no way of knowing for sure.

In a time of war, however, we do have much more leeway in regards to the
country with which we are at war. This is why we finally captured
Saddam. George H. Bush decided NOT to go after him. Of course, the
political climate was different at the time.

If George W. Bush had wanted to capture, kill, or do anything else to,
Osama, he would have had his family interrogated. Don't forget, it was
a close relative of Saddam who gave away his position. Instead, Bush
had Osama's family whisked away to be hidden and protected. Apparently,
neither the Al Qaeda nor their leader were really that big of a concern
to him.

He further drove home this point by conquering a nation that had nothing
to do with the 9-11 attack, had little in the way of ties to Al Qaeda,
and had no weapons of mass destruction. The evidence indicates that
Saudi Arabia *did* have something to do with 9-11, but he did nothing.
North Korea finally had to begrudgingly admit that it *did* have weapons
of mass destruction, and we are pursuing diplomatic solutions.

Conquer nations that did nothing to provoke us

Embrace terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia

Distort the facts at every turn

Bush Cheney
"When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking
ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take
the Republican Party and make a religious organization out of it. If
that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."
-- Barry Goldwater

Remove your shorts to email me.
2004-10-27 18:21:16 UTC
I was unaware the Constitution prohibits assassination of foreign leaders,
but I may be wrong. If it does, al Qaeda is not a state therefore bin Laden
is not recognized as a foreign leader.
If we attacked Saudi Arabia, that would likely involve bombing and/or
capturing Mecca and Medina which would likely cause Jihad across the Muslim
North Korea must be dealt with, but it seems we can do it without firing a
shot. Iraq survived sanction, I don't think N. Korea can. My personal
opinion doubts they really have nuclear weapons. It appears Kim Jong Ill
just wanted the attention and fear of the world, but again, I may be wrong.

Mark Hardy
Post by Mike Morgan
Post by Efonious Sanders
Bill Clinton decided NOT to kill Osama
Bill Clinton decided NOT to do anything after the USS Cole
John Kerry will NOT do anything to kill Osama
Demilitarize the US
Embrace Defeat
Support Withdrawal
Kerry Edwards
It would be a violation of the U.S. Constitution to target a world
leader, even a religious nut like Osama. That's not to say that it
hasn't happened in secret. Supposedly, more than one president targeted
Castro. We really have no way of knowing for sure.
In a time of war, however, we do have much more leeway in regards to the
country with which we are at war. This is why we finally captured
Saddam. George H. Bush decided NOT to go after him. Of course, the
political climate was different at the time.
If George W. Bush had wanted to capture, kill, or do anything else to,
Osama, he would have had his family interrogated. Don't forget, it was
a close relative of Saddam who gave away his position. Instead, Bush
had Osama's family whisked away to be hidden and protected. Apparently,
neither the Al Qaeda nor their leader were really that big of a concern
to him.
He further drove home this point by conquering a nation that had nothing
to do with the 9-11 attack, had little in the way of ties to Al Qaeda,
and had no weapons of mass destruction. The evidence indicates that
Saudi Arabia *did* have something to do with 9-11, but he did nothing.
North Korea finally had to begrudgingly admit that it *did* have weapons
of mass destruction, and we are pursuing diplomatic solutions.
Conquer nations that did nothing to provoke us
Embrace terrorist nations like Saudi Arabia
Distort the facts at every turn
Bush Cheney
"When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking
ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take
the Republican Party and make a religious organization out of it. If
that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."
-- Barry Goldwater
Remove your shorts to email me.
Gannnewbiefor trading
2004-10-27 21:25:07 UTC
Post by mwhardy
I was unaware the Constitution prohibits assassination of foreign leaders,
but I may be wrong. If it does, al Qaeda is not a state therefore bin Laden
is not recognized as a foreign leader.
If we attacked Saudi Arabia, that would likely involve bombing and/or
capturing Mecca and Medina which would likely cause Jihad across the Muslim
North Korea must be dealt with, but it seems we can do it without firing a
shot. Iraq survived sanction, I don't think N. Korea can. My personal
opinion doubts they really have nuclear weapons. It appears Kim Jong Ill
just wanted the attention and fear of the world, but again, I may be wrong.
Mark Hardy
N.Korea has Uranium mine. Unlike Iraq, only black gold.
Uranium could be toxin instantaneously if mishandle it, Bush will
definitely not risk his Job for that. Contrary, Iraq has plenty of Black
Gold, it would only enrich his cronies and corporations that backed him.
Black Gold would enhance his power and popularity in the country.
Mike Morgan
2004-10-28 10:10:54 UTC
Post by mwhardy
I was unaware the Constitution prohibits assassination of foreign leaders,
but I may be wrong. If it does, al Qaeda is not a state therefore bin Laden
is not recognized as a foreign leader.
I *may* have misspoken when I said it was a Constitutional law. It *is*
a law. Bin Laden *was* a world leader when he was in charge of Afghanistan.

<the rest deleted>
"When you say 'radical right' today, I think of these moneymaking
ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take
the Republican Party and make a religious organization out of it. If
that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye."
-- Barry Goldwater

Remove your shorts to email me.
Merlin Dorfman
2004-11-02 00:33:09 UTC
Post by Mike Morgan
Post by mwhardy
I was unaware the Constitution prohibits assassination of foreign leaders,
but I may be wrong. If it does, al Qaeda is not a state therefore bin Laden
is not recognized as a foreign leader.
I *may* have misspoken when I said it was a Constitutional law. It *is*
a law. Bin Laden *was* a world leader when he was in charge of Afghanistan.
It's not a law, it's an executive order first issued by Jerry
Ford after the CIA scandals of the 70s. It has been renewed by
every president since then.
Silence Is Deep
2004-11-02 19:27:21 UTC
Post by Merlin Dorfman
Post by Mike Morgan
Post by mwhardy
I was unaware the Constitution prohibits assassination of foreign leaders,
but I may be wrong. If it does, al Qaeda is not a state therefore bin Laden
is not recognized as a foreign leader.
I *may* have misspoken when I said it was a Constitutional law. It *is*
a law. Bin Laden *was* a world leader when he was in charge of Afghanistan.
It's not a law, it's an executive order first issued by Jerry
Ford after the CIA scandals of the 70s. It has been renewed by
every president since then.
Except Bush.