(too old to reply)
Righteous Dan
2003-12-22 22:47:49 UTC
Yep it's true, but you won't see this on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Countless
News-services, or even NPR. Junior got busted for Drugs..... Again!! I see
you lefty liberals will cry and moan about the Bush girls getting nailed for
drinking, but for the "Trusted Icon of the Looney Left" to have his kid
BUSTED.... AGAIN!! What, I say, What is this world coming to?? You Crazy
Lefty Liberals cry about putting Rush behind bars for abusing Pain Killers
and such. So how come none of you didn't report this today?? Hell, you got
your early morning news/marching orders from the DNC High Command didn't
you. Ohhhh, wait a minute, I bet they didn't tell ya about this one did
they????. Hey here's a thought... Maybe Dr. Dean can help ALGORE's kid by
prescribing something to, you know, to help him??? What do you think??
Mr. N
2003-12-22 23:18:24 UTC
Post by Righteous Dan
Yep it's true
you won't see this on CBS
Gore Son Busted on Pot Charges (CBS)
Post by Righteous Dan
Sone of All Gore Charged with Marijuana Posession (MSNBC)
Post by Righteous Dan
Countless News-services
I can't count that high, but here's a pretty big one:

Al Gore's Son Arrested for Pot Posession (Washington Post via AP wire)
Post by Righteous Dan
Junior got busted for Drugs..... Again!!
Then he should pay the price, shouldn't he? I don't hear anyone running to
his defense, and as has been pointed out - you've lied about the news
Post by Righteous Dan
I see you lefty liberals will cry and moan about the Bush girls getting
nailed for
Post by Righteous Dan
The issue isn't kids fucking up - it's right-wing hypocrisy. You
big-government loving Constitution-hating right-wing wackos hold yourselves
up as the Guardians of Virtue, meanwhile your kids have the same kinds of
problems as anyone else's - divorce, drinking, drugs, petty theft,
pregnancy, homosexuality, etc. Pointing out when right-wing kids fall from
grace isn't "moaning" - it's identifying the reality of life that your views
don't make your kids any better than our views make our kids.

See? Probably not.
Post by Righteous Dan
What is this world coming to??
Oh, I don't know. The main problem seems to be insane stupid jackass
right-wingers ranting at the wind over things nobody is making an issue of
but them.
Post by Righteous Dan
You Crazy Lefty Liberals cry about putting Rush behind bars for abusing
Pain Killers
Post by Righteous Dan
and such.
Again - this is about hypocrisy. Rush for all his right-wing virtue is no
better than a common criminal. Sorry. But you right-wankers go right on
worshipping him. Add to that Rush's own expressed views on what people who
have done EXACTLY WHAT HE DID shoudl be treated, and he deserves to feel the
wrath of his own values biting him in the ass.
Post by Righteous Dan
So how come none of you didn't report this today??
"None of you didn't report this"? Not familiar with your strain of English.
It's been pointed out to you however that this story is prevalent throughout
all major news organizations, and you lying about it is both easily
verified, and pretty damned pathetic.
Post by Righteous Dan
Hell, you got your early morning news/marching orders from the DNC High
Command didn't
Post by Righteous Dan
Truly friend - your mental illness is beginning to create a serious
delusional issue. I suggest medication.
-My Real Name
2003-12-22 23:51:57 UTC
Post by Righteous Dan
Yep it's true, but you won't see this on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Countless
News-services, or even NPR. Junior got busted for Drugs..... Again!! >
Read and heard about it all over the place. Why don't you do a
news.google.com search before you make a fool out of yourself next time?

al gore pot

yields 177 news hits, including places like CNN.
2003-12-23 01:14:50 UTC
Post by Righteous Dan
What do you think??
i think you're proof of reincarnation, because you couldn't have gotten
this ridiculous in one lifetime.
Righteous Dan
2003-12-24 18:47:02 UTC
Huh, what sort of Liberal crap was that reply... Soooooo childish, but that
is what we expect from those who can't take the truth.. Merry Christmas,
hope that somebody gives you a present of common sense..
Post by <SmirkS>
Post by Righteous Dan
What do you think??
i think you're proof of reincarnation, because you couldn't have gotten
this ridiculous in one lifetime.
2003-12-24 19:43:45 UTC
Post by Righteous Dan
Huh, what sort of Liberal crap was that reply... Soooooo childish, but
that is what we expect from those who can't take the truth.. Merry
Christmas, hope that somebody gives you a present of common sense..
oh, and this crap wasn't childish?
Post by Righteous Dan
Post by Righteous Dan
What do you think??
2003-12-23 01:28:00 UTC
Post by Righteous Dan
Yep it's true, but you won't see this on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Countless
News-services, or even NPR. Junior got busted for Drugs..... Again!! I see
you lefty liberals will cry and moan about the Bush girls getting nailed for
drinking, but for the "Trusted Icon of the Looney Left" to have his kid
BUSTED.... AGAIN!! What, I say, What is this world coming to??
At least it was only pot, GW was(is) a coke head.......
Post by Righteous Dan
You Crazy
Lefty Liberals cry about putting Rush behind bars for abusing Pain Killers
and such. So how come none of you didn't report this today??
His fatness is an adult with adult responsibilities like HONESTY and
RESPONSIBILITY. Give the kid a break.

Asswipe Limbaugh talked the good game but failed on the field.......
Post by Righteous Dan
Hell, you got
your early morning news/marching orders from the DNC High Command didn't
you. Ohhhh, wait a minute, I bet they didn't tell ya about this one did
they????. Hey here's a thought... Maybe Dr. Dean can help ALGORE's kid by
prescribing something to, you know, to help him??? What do you think??
I think Limbaugh and Bush would be glad to be arrested for simple
"Send lawyers, guns and money
The sh*t has hit the fan", Warren Zevon