Which Straw Will Break the Camels Back
(too old to reply)
2004-04-19 02:34:22 UTC
Full Article is Here:

U.S. is on wrong side of the wall by blatantly backing Israel's Ariel Sharon, President
Bush has given Arabs another target

Dr. Gwynne Dyer is a London-based journalist, a former Sandhurst military college
Professor and has served in the US, Canadian and British navies.

April 16, 2004

You never know which straw will finally break the camel's back, but it may have been
Wednesday's summit between President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel

The public endorsement that Bush gave to Sharon's abandonment of the "peace process" in
favor of "unilateral disengagement" was mostly symbolic, since the Israeli leader was
committed to doing it anyway. But in the Middle East, patience is finally running out.

The people of the Arab countries have been remarkably patient as they watched their
living standards decline under corrupt and oppressive governments backed by the West.
They have been patient as Israel sat on the conquered Palestinian territories for 37
years, pushing Arabs off the land and planting their own settlements on it. They have
been patient about a lot of things - but that dry, snapping sound you heard a moment ago
may have been the camel's back breaking.

Look at the past month from an Arab perspective. At the end of March, Israel
assassinated Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of the Palestinian Islamist
organization Hamas. Sheik Yassin was a staunch supporter of the use of terror against
the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory - but he was also an elderly
paraplegic who was widely seen as a holy man, and for many years Israel avoided
attacking him.

Many Palestinians saw Sheik Yassin's murder as a deliberate attempt by the Israeli
government to stimulate terrorist attacks that would distract international attention
from Sharon's land grab in the West Bank. The attacks have not yet come. What did come
was a statement by Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Hamas' new leader in the Gaza Strip, that
"America has declared war on Allah. Allah has declared war on America and Bush."

Rantisi was saying that America's complicity in what Israel is doing to the Palestinians
is so great that the United States will also become a target of Palestinian terrorism.
Of course, Hamas hasn't even retaliated against Israel for Sheik Yassin's death yet.

Spin forward a week to Iraq, where the ham-fisted mismanagement of the U.S. occupation
regime turns the killing of four men in Fallujah and the banning of a small circulation
newspaper published by a radical young cleric into two full-scale sieges of major Iraqi
cities. No matter what the American military spokesman says, people watching Arab
television can see that the makeshift hospitals are full of wounded women and children
as well as young men. Perhaps the United States is not the Arabs' enemy, but look at it
through Arab eyes.

Full Article is Here:

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Richard Cranium
2004-04-19 14:54:45 UTC
On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 02:34:22 GMT, "Lazimodo"
<Lazimodo1(nospam)@netscape.net> wrote:


It's a good thing that you're such a blatant fucking idiot that nobody
will waste their time pondering your "arab perspectives".
2004-04-19 21:04:09 UTC
Dear Dick;
As always its a pleasure to hear your from you again. I see that your meds are finally
starting to work and you have managed to put the verbs and adjectives in the correct
Don't be such a stranger. Too bad we live on different planets, I'd ave you over for



"Richard Cranium" <***@bunghole.com> wrote in message news:***@news.east.earthlink.net...
| On Mon, 19 Apr 2004 02:34:22 GMT, "Lazimodo"
| <Lazimodo1(nospam)@netscape.net> wrote:
| <<<<<Snip>>>>>
| It's a good thing that you're such a blatant fucking idiot that nobody
| will waste their time pondering your "arab perspectives".

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Open Canopy
2004-04-20 17:53:30 UTC
You are on the wrong side. Try to analyse the history of events a little
better so that you can draw a conclusion that will benifit your health in
years to come.
Post by Lazimodo
U.S. is on wrong side of the wall by blatantly backing Israel's Ariel Sharon, President
Bush has given Arabs another target
Dr. Gwynne Dyer is a London-based journalist, a former Sandhurst military college
Professor and has served in the US, Canadian and British navies.
April 16, 2004
You never know which straw will finally break the camel's back, but it may have been
Wednesday's summit between President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
The public endorsement that Bush gave to Sharon's abandonment of the "peace process" in
favor of "unilateral disengagement" was mostly symbolic, since the Israeli leader was
committed to doing it anyway. But in the Middle East, patience is finally running out.
The people of the Arab countries have been remarkably patient as they watched their
living standards decline under corrupt and oppressive governments backed by the West.
They have been patient as Israel sat on the conquered Palestinian territories for 37
years, pushing Arabs off the land and planting their own settlements on it. They have
been patient about a lot of things - but that dry, snapping sound you heard a moment ago
may have been the camel's back breaking.
Look at the past month from an Arab perspective. At the end of March, Israel
assassinated Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of the Palestinian Islamist
organization Hamas. Sheik Yassin was a staunch supporter of the use of terror against
the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory - but he was also an elderly
paraplegic who was widely seen as a holy man, and for many years Israel avoided
attacking him.
Many Palestinians saw Sheik Yassin's murder as a deliberate attempt by the Israeli
government to stimulate terrorist attacks that would distract
international attention
Post by Lazimodo
from Sharon's land grab in the West Bank. The attacks have not yet come. What did come
was a statement by Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Hamas' new leader in the Gaza Strip, that
"America has declared war on Allah. Allah has declared war on America and Bush."
Rantisi was saying that America's complicity in what Israel is doing to the Palestinians
is so great that the United States will also become a target of Palestinian terrorism.
Of course, Hamas hasn't even retaliated against Israel for Sheik Yassin's death yet.
Spin forward a week to Iraq, where the ham-fisted mismanagement of the U.S. occupation
regime turns the killing of four men in Fallujah and the banning of a small circulation
newspaper published by a radical young cleric into two full-scale sieges of major Iraqi
cities. No matter what the American military spokesman says, people watching Arab
television can see that the makeshift hospitals are full of wounded women and children
as well as young men. Perhaps the United States is not the Arabs' enemy, but look at it
through Arab eyes.
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Version: 6.0.659 / Virus Database: 423 - Release Date: 15/04/2004
2004-04-22 01:40:03 UTC
The Lab Called.
Your brain is ready.

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Version: 6.0.665 / Virus Database: 428 - Release Date: 21/04/2004
2004-04-20 21:49:40 UTC
my reply to that camel ....

this is WW III, make no mistake about it - this is not about the Arabs vs.
non-Arabs. It is rather radical terrorists vs. the Free Society
Post by Lazimodo
U.S. is on wrong side of the wall by blatantly backing Israel's Ariel Sharon, President
Bush has given Arabs another target
Dr. Gwynne Dyer is a London-based journalist, a former Sandhurst military college
Professor and has served in the US, Canadian and British navies.
April 16, 2004
You never know which straw will finally break the camel's back, but it may have been
Wednesday's summit between President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
The public endorsement that Bush gave to Sharon's abandonment of the "peace process" in
favor of "unilateral disengagement" was mostly symbolic, since the Israeli leader was
committed to doing it anyway. But in the Middle East, patience is finally running out.
The people of the Arab countries have been remarkably patient as they watched their
living standards decline under corrupt and oppressive governments backed by the West.
They have been patient as Israel sat on the conquered Palestinian territories for 37
years, pushing Arabs off the land and planting their own settlements on it. They have
been patient about a lot of things - but that dry, snapping sound you heard a moment ago
may have been the camel's back breaking.
Look at the past month from an Arab perspective. At the end of March, Israel
assassinated Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of the Palestinian Islamist
organization Hamas. Sheik Yassin was a staunch supporter of the use of terror against
the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory - but he was also an elderly
paraplegic who was widely seen as a holy man, and for many years Israel avoided
attacking him.
Many Palestinians saw Sheik Yassin's murder as a deliberate attempt by the Israeli
government to stimulate terrorist attacks that would distract
international attention
Post by Lazimodo
from Sharon's land grab in the West Bank. The attacks have not yet come. What did come
was a statement by Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Hamas' new leader in the Gaza Strip, that
"America has declared war on Allah. Allah has declared war on America and Bush."
Rantisi was saying that America's complicity in what Israel is doing to the Palestinians
is so great that the United States will also become a target of Palestinian terrorism.
Of course, Hamas hasn't even retaliated against Israel for Sheik Yassin's death yet.
Spin forward a week to Iraq, where the ham-fisted mismanagement of the U.S. occupation
regime turns the killing of four men in Fallujah and the banning of a small circulation
newspaper published by a radical young cleric into two full-scale sieges of major Iraqi
cities. No matter what the American military spokesman says, people watching Arab
television can see that the makeshift hospitals are full of wounded women and children
as well as young men. Perhaps the United States is not the Arabs' enemy, but look at it
through Arab eyes.
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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.659 / Virus Database: 423 - Release Date: 15/04/2004
Hugh Reilly Jr.
2004-04-22 04:40:07 UTC
Who cares, Islam was a religion invented by a general to surpress conquered
peoples. He was the only witness to this "religion". He was an evil man
who's teachings now surpress billions to poverty. Islam has called war on
Christianity, not the other way around. I was one of many here in the US
who thought Israel had no right to exist. They stole a land just because
they occupied it thousands of years ago? I am now turned around 180 degrees
as are many who thought the way I did. Muslims show over and over their
lack of common sense after being brainwashed by some dusty work of fiction.
What nations gives billions every year in foreign aid to Muslim countries?
Is it other Muslim countries? Never! They hate each other. It is the US.
We give and give and give. And is Iraq grateful? They are killing the very
engineers that are building roads and power plants and water treatment
plants and schools, etc... Notice how I didn't say rebuild? They are
building them where they never existed before and where they are needed.
The Muslim "holy men" are waging war on their own people claiming we have
waged war on Islam. Really? If we were going to wage war on Islam we would
have tanks running over that holy meterorite they think was sent from God
called Mecca. How humble of Muhammed to make visiting his homeland a
requirement of his religion. Islam teaches kill your enemies (which is
anyone who isn't Muslim). Chrisianity teaches love your enemies. Which is
what we are doing right now. If we were evil we would level whole cities
right now, but we don't want to take the chance of hurting any innocent
people so more of our soldiers die. Now it turns out that every nation (all
three of them) that opposed us in the war in Iraq was taking money from
either Sadamm or the oil for food program. Sure the Arab press is against
the US because every Arab news agency is owned by a dictator! Dictaors who
feel their grip on the masses weakening. They are fighting the US by
brainwashing otherwise peaceful Arab men to violence. Rmember the 200,000
young children who died in Iraq every year because of the UN/US led
ARAB NEWS AGENCIS CLAIMED. If I was a Muslim I'd want to kill someone too
after hearing that. They think they have a righteous cause but it was a
lie, just like all the lies they are being fed by the Arab media now. No
matter what the US does it's the bad guy. If we don't get involved we are
accomplises. If we do get involved we don"t respect other cultures. We
can"t win so we may as well do what's right. It was over Arab objections
that Bush 1 didn"t take out Sadamm back in 1991. Now the same people are
bitching that he shouldn't have pulled out of Iraq because thousands were
slaughtered. Pretty soon the Arab nations will be on the internet on a
mass scale, how will they brainwash theor people then? Will there be banned
political websites, oh yeah, there already are. I'm sure this newsgroup is
illegal there as well.
Post by Lazimodo
U.S. is on wrong side of the wall by blatantly backing Israel's Ariel Sharon, President
Bush has given Arabs another target
Dr. Gwynne Dyer is a London-based journalist, a former Sandhurst military college
Professor and has served in the US, Canadian and British navies.
April 16, 2004
You never know which straw will finally break the camel's back, but it may have been
Wednesday's summit between President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel
The public endorsement that Bush gave to Sharon's abandonment of the "peace process" in
favor of "unilateral disengagement" was mostly symbolic, since the Israeli leader was
committed to doing it anyway. But in the Middle East, patience is finally running out.
The people of the Arab countries have been remarkably patient as they watched their
living standards decline under corrupt and oppressive governments backed by the West.
They have been patient as Israel sat on the conquered Palestinian territories for 37
years, pushing Arabs off the land and planting their own settlements on it. They have
been patient about a lot of things - but that dry, snapping sound you heard a moment ago
may have been the camel's back breaking.
Look at the past month from an Arab perspective. At the end of March, Israel
assassinated Sheik Ahmed Yassin, the founder and leader of the Palestinian Islamist
organization Hamas. Sheik Yassin was a staunch supporter of the use of terror against
the Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territory - but he was also an elderly
paraplegic who was widely seen as a holy man, and for many years Israel avoided
attacking him.
Many Palestinians saw Sheik Yassin's murder as a deliberate attempt by the Israeli
government to stimulate terrorist attacks that would distract
international attention
Post by Lazimodo
from Sharon's land grab in the West Bank. The attacks have not yet come. What did come
was a statement by Abdel Aziz Rantisi, Hamas' new leader in the Gaza Strip, that
"America has declared war on Allah. Allah has declared war on America and Bush."
Rantisi was saying that America's complicity in what Israel is doing to the Palestinians
is so great that the United States will also become a target of Palestinian terrorism.
Of course, Hamas hasn't even retaliated against Israel for Sheik Yassin's death yet.
Spin forward a week to Iraq, where the ham-fisted mismanagement of the U.S. occupation
regime turns the killing of four men in Fallujah and the banning of a small circulation
newspaper published by a radical young cleric into two full-scale sieges of major Iraqi
cities. No matter what the American military spokesman says, people watching Arab
television can see that the makeshift hospitals are full of wounded women and children
as well as young men. Perhaps the United States is not the Arabs' enemy, but look at it
through Arab eyes.
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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.659 / Virus Database: 423 - Release Date: 15/04/2004