9/11 Commission Kean Declares; 'We have no evidence that anybody' ... 'high in the Bush administration did anything wrong'
(too old to reply)
2003-12-21 14:28:50 UTC
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!

Sunday, Dec. 21, 2003
Sept. 11 Panel Chief Cites Mistakes, No Names
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of an independent panel investigating
the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington said on Thursday that
a number of 'mistakes' allowed the hijackings to occur but top people in
government were not necessarily to blame. 'We have no evidence that anybody
... high in the Clinton administration or high in the Bush administration
did anything wrong,' Thomas Kean, chairman of the so called 9/11 commission,
said on ABC's 'Nightline.'
2003-12-22 23:47:02 UTC
Post by HOD
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!
Idiot Savant

1 The Bush administration shifted the focus away from
counterterrorism after taking office.

(A) The National Security Council was more interested in national missile
defense and Iraq than in dealing with the threat of terrorism.

ii Reports that substantiate this.
(A) Newsweek reported, "By the end of the Clinton administration, the then
national-security adviser Sandy Berger had become 'totally preoccupied' with
fears of a domestic terror attack, a colleague recalls. True, the
had failed to act decisively against Al Qaeda, but by the end they were
of the danger it posed. When, in January 2001, Berger gave Rice her handover
briefing, he covered the bin Laden threat in detail, and, sources say,
her: 'You will be spending more time on this issue than on any other.' Rice
alarmed by what she heard, and asked for a strategy review. But the effort
marginalized and scarcely mentioned in ensuing months as the administration
committed itself to other priorities, like national missile defense (NMD)
Iraq." [Newsweek, 5/27/02]
(B) Time Magazine reported that instead of focusing on the threat posed
by al
Qaeda, the "Bush national-security team was obsessed with setting up a
system of missile defense." [Time, 8/4/02]
(C) The Associated Press revealed that while the National Security
'principals committee' [comprised of cabinet-level officials] had met more
100 times during 2001 prior to 9/11, only two of the meetings had
addressed the issue of terrorism. [Associated Press, 6/28/02]

e Department of Justice.
i Summary.
(A) Ashcroft shifted the emphasis from counter-terrorism to "violent
drugs, child porn." Ashcroft's department was reportedly uncooperative with
FBI's efforts to strengthen its counter-terrorism capabilities.

ii Specific Incidents.
(A) On September 10, one day before the terrorist attacks, John Ashcroft
rejected a $58 million proposal to revamp the FBI's counter-terrorism
On the same day, he asked the White House for a budget increase that would
68 programs - none of which concerned counter-terrorism. He also sent a memo
the heads of departments, announcing seven priorities of the Justice
which again did not relate to counter-terrorism. His actions betrayed claims
had made earlier that year, when in May he had told a Senate committee that
counter-terrorism would be his "highest priority." [New York Times, 6/1/02;
Time, 8/4/02; Guardian, 5/21/02]. Interestingly, Ashcroft had stopped flying
commercial airplanes that July because of terrorist threats. [CBS News
Newsweek, 5/27/02]

iii Reports that substantiate this.
(A) Newsweek reported, "under Attorney General John Ashcroft, the
was being prodded back into its old law-and-order mind-set: violent crime,
drugs, child porn. Counter-terrorism, which had become a priority of the
Clintonites (not that they did a better job of nailing bin Laden), seemed to
getting less attention. When FBI officials sought to add hundreds more
counterintelligence agents, they got shot down."

f Department of Treasury.
i Summary.
(A) Bush's Department of Treasury, led by Secretary Paul O'Neill, wanted
take laws off the books that prevented money laundering and the use of tax
havens "of the kind used by terror groups." [Newsweek, 5/27/02]

g Department of Defense.
i Summary.
(A) On September 9, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld threatened to push for a veto if
Senate passed a resolution diverting $600 million from missile defense to
counter-terrorism. [Time, 8/4/02]

h Other
i Censorship of Intelligence Agency Funding Requests.
(A) Newsday reported on August 7, 2003: "The administration blocked the
congressional investigators from obtaining information showing how
agency funding requests were handled by the White House budget office,
back to the Reagan administration" [Newsday, 8/7/03]

ii Dismissal of Rudman report
(A) Summary.
(1) The Bush administration ignored a list of 50 recommendations made by
bipartisan 14-member panel that had been commissioned by President Clinton
1998 to investigate the threat terrorism posed to the U.S. [Salon, 9/12/01]
Instead, Bush appointed Vice President Cheney as head of FEMA's new Office
National Preparedness which was charged with coordinating all federal
for responding to domestic attacks. [New York Times, 7/8/03]
Read more . . .

iii Statement from former Clinton administration official.
(A) Time magazine reported, "Some members of the outgoing Administration
the sense that the Bush team thought the Clintonites had become obsessed
terrorism." The magazine quoted one former Clinton administration official
said, "It was clear that this was not the same priority to them that it was
us." [Time, 8/4/02]

I could go on...its just that you are most likely choking on what I have
just posted.

Copyright © 2002 Center for Cooperative Research. All Rights Reserved.
2003-12-23 02:15:30 UTC
Post by JohnDoe
Post by HOD
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!
Idiot Savant
I could go on...its just that you are most likely choking on what I have
just posted.
Throwing up would be more like it!
I lost my appetite for fantasy when I became an adult. Without certified
cites for reference, I have absolutely no interest in your rant! Thanks for
trying anyway..... :-))
John Agosta
2003-12-23 03:00:53 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by JohnDoe
Post by HOD
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!
Idiot Savant
I could go on...its just that you are most likely choking on what I have
just posted.
Throwing up would be more like it!
I lost my appetite for fantasy when I became an adult. Without certified
cites for reference, I have absolutely no interest in your rant! Thanks for
trying anyway..... :-))
HOD, you have no interest in anything other than
what you gleefully swallow when the Bushites tell
you to take more of their manure.

Why don't you do some research yourself, instead of acting like a waste bin,
a depository, for the crap FOX
Propaganda Channel puts out?

HOD, another member of the Bewildered Herd....

Say "moo" cow boy.
2003-12-24 13:20:21 UTC
Let's look at this enlightening response from "John Agosta"...
Post by John Agosta
Post by HOD
Post by JohnDoe
Post by HOD
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!
Idiot Savant
I could go on...its just that you are most likely choking on what I
Post by HOD
Post by JohnDoe
just posted.
Throwing up would be more like it!
I lost my appetite for fantasy when I became an adult. Without certified
cites for reference, I have absolutely no interest in your rant! Thanks
Post by HOD
trying anyway..... :-))
HOD, you have no interest in anything other than
what you gleefully swallow when the Bushites tell
you to take more of their manure.
Let's see, I ask for cite references and from that comes a statement about
manure from "John Agosta"!!!
Post by John Agosta
Why don't you do some research yourself, instead of acting like a waste bin,
a depository, for the crap FOX
Propaganda Channel puts out?
It's clear you're uncertain as to your intended point. If you don't know
your intent "John Agosta" , why should I?
Post by John Agosta
HOD, another member of the Bewildered Herd....
hmmmmmmmmmmm? Must be a liberal insider!
Post by John Agosta
Say "moo" cow boy.
I'll just let the above statement of "John Agosta" speak for itself!

Merry Christmas "John Agosta" :-))
2003-12-23 05:27:46 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by JohnDoe
Post by HOD
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!
Idiot Savant
I could go on...its just that you are most likely choking on what I have
just posted.
Throwing up would be more like it!
I lost my appetite for fantasy when I became an adult. Without certified
cites for reference, I have absolutely no interest in your rant! Thanks for
trying anyway..... :-))

It is sourced, better re-read, idiot savant. Get a check up for Alzheimer's
2003-12-24 13:23:25 UTC
Post by JohnDoe
Post by HOD
Post by JohnDoe
Post by HOD
Lying Liberals Nailed Again!
Idiot Savant
I could go on...its just that you are most likely choking on what I
Post by HOD
Post by JohnDoe
just posted.
Throwing up would be more like it!
I lost my appetite for fantasy when I became an adult. Without certified
cites for reference, I have absolutely no interest in your rant! Thanks
Post by HOD
trying anyway..... :-))
It is sourced, better re-read, idiot savant. Get a check up for Alzheimer's
Gomer, you're the one that should "re-read", not me......."Without
cites for reference, I have absolutely no interest in your rant! Thanks"

Merry Christmas! :-))
