C-SPAN Right-wing Loon Call of the Day: 01/14/05
(too old to reply)
Alric Knebel
2005-01-14 16:29:57 UTC
I knew when I turned on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning and saw
Howard Zinn was the guest that at least one really nutty right-wing loon
call would come out of it. In fact, I half-expected one caller in
particular to be punching that redial button, foaming and frothing and
punching, his rage building up each time he heard that damn busy signal.
Even if he didn't get in, I knew Zinn was the type of man this right-wing
fruit hated, Zinn being a well-spoken man, educated, and composed, thereby
giving him credibility and respectability, a thing this right-wing loon
begrudges any left-leaning person. He'd be seething with rage, his veins
bulging through his stupid skull. I pictured this right-wing whacked quack
poking that redial, hearing that busy signal, then slamming the phone down,
then immediately clutching it up and again punching the redial, and I smiled
to myself, knowing he was hard at work, his rage worse than the worst
constipation. Then I heard Brian Lamb say, "And our next call is from
Toledo, Ohio." Was this our loon? The caller claims most often to be from
some various parts of Michigan, but on a some occasions, he claims to be
from Ohio. Could this be HIM?

YES! And he was a sputtering, raging mess! He must have been on the verge
of tears, and he had me almost in tears, but tears of joy at his
near-hysterical ranting. Here's the call (select the top button,
"Right-wing Loon"): http://www.ironeyefortress.com/C-SPAN_loon.html.

Or go directly to the mp3:

Consistently ignoring the 30-day wait period, this first-rate nut growls and
snarls into the phone at an average of once per week. His obsession with
doing this indicates to me some sort of compulsive personality disorder, and
he probably has a rage problem. I like hearing him, as he's so miserable
being him, I realize how good I have it. I've heard him countless times,
and I understand his style. Each time he calls, he's shouting into the
phone, going on and on with so much vitriol, I'm surprised his head doesn't
explode from rage. Of course, not much of what he says makes any real
sense. He's one of those stupid Americans who believe that every time the
United States does something, we're doing it to serve humankind, and our
wars have nothing to do with greed or any other slithering motive. Gosh,
no. We're the country John Wayne told him we were. You know how it is:
United States, good; everyone else, bad. That's about as sophisticated as
his thinking gets.

So this idiot can't wait for thirty days to snarl at the C-SPAN guests, or
accuse the C-SPAN moderators of being part of this vast left-wing
conspiracy, accusing Democrats in congress of being treasonous, and on and
on he sputters, a voluble litany of gibberish and conspiracy crap. On New
Year's Eve, he called and told the moderator (Connie Bodele) that he noticed
an "up kick" the anti-white calls, and that perhaps the calls should be
screened better to filter them out. Listen to this:


In light of the call he made today, and the fact that his calls are often of
the same style -- ranting and raving, his nearly losing it -- and he
violates their policy be calling about once a week, I think the last thing
this man really wants is for C-SPAN to make a greater effort to screen the
calls. He'd have to double up on his medication since he'd have no place to
vent his insanity. He'd be like a pressure cooker without a release valve.
Hell, he's liable to kill someone: He's admitted to having been in a lot of
fistfights,as in this next idiotic call in which he sees Republicans as
being better street fighters than Democrats. Folks, it doesn't get much
dumber than this:


What a bazoo. What a stupid thug. I'm working these days on a Right-wing
Loon Hall of Fame. This man will be featured prominently in it, as he is
also the inspiration for it.
Alric Knebel
Ken Cornelius
2005-01-14 17:48:10 UTC
Well, hell, Alric, if you are looking for bozos like that all you have to do
is read three-quarters of the stuff that shows up on these newsgroups. Why
waste time lurking about, microphone in hand? I agree that he's a nut
case, but he's all too typical of true believers everywhere.
Post by Alric Knebel
I knew when I turned on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning and saw
Howard Zinn was the guest that at least one really nutty right-wing loon
call would come out of it. In fact, I half-expected one caller in
particular to be punching that redial button, foaming and frothing and
punching, his rage building up each time he heard that damn busy signal.
Even if he didn't get in, I knew Zinn was the type of man this right-wing
fruit hated, Zinn being a well-spoken man, educated, and composed, thereby
giving him credibility and respectability, a thing this right-wing loon
begrudges any left-leaning person. He'd be seething with rage, his veins
bulging through his stupid skull. I pictured this right-wing whacked quack
poking that redial, hearing that busy signal, then slamming the phone down,
then immediately clutching it up and again punching the redial, and I
smiled to myself, knowing he was hard at work, his rage worse than the
worst constipation. Then I heard Brian Lamb say, "And our next call is
from Toledo, Ohio." Was this our loon? The caller claims most often to be
from some various parts of Michigan, but on a some occasions, he claims to
be from Ohio. Could this be HIM?
YES! And he was a sputtering, raging mess! He must have been on the
verge of tears, and he had me almost in tears, but tears of joy at his
near-hysterical ranting. Here's the call (select the top button,
"Right-wing Loon"): http://www.ironeyefortress.com/C-SPAN_loon.html.
Consistently ignoring the 30-day wait period, this first-rate nut growls
and snarls into the phone at an average of once per week. His obsession
with doing this indicates to me some sort of compulsive personality
disorder, and he probably has a rage problem. I like hearing him, as he's
so miserable being him, I realize how good I have it. I've heard him
countless times, and I understand his style. Each time he calls, he's
shouting into the phone, going on and on with so much vitriol, I'm
surprised his head doesn't explode from rage. Of course, not much of what
he says makes any real sense. He's one of those stupid Americans who
believe that every time the United States does something, we're doing it
to serve humankind, and our wars have nothing to do with greed or any
other slithering motive. Gosh, no. We're the country John Wayne told him
we were. You know how it is: United States, good; everyone else, bad.
That's about as sophisticated as his thinking gets.
So this idiot can't wait for thirty days to snarl at the C-SPAN guests, or
accuse the C-SPAN moderators of being part of this vast left-wing
conspiracy, accusing Democrats in congress of being treasonous, and on and
on he sputters, a voluble litany of gibberish and conspiracy crap. On New
Year's Eve, he called and told the moderator (Connie Bodele) that he
noticed an "up kick" the anti-white calls, and that perhaps the calls
In light of the call he made today, and the fact that his calls are often
of the same style -- ranting and raving, his nearly losing it -- and he
violates their policy be calling about once a week, I think the last thing
this man really wants is for C-SPAN to make a greater effort to screen the
calls. He'd have to double up on his medication since he'd have no place
to vent his insanity. He'd be like a pressure cooker without a release
valve. Hell, he's liable to kill someone: He's admitted to having been in
a lot of fistfights,as in this next idiotic call in which he sees
Republicans as being better street fighters than Democrats. Folks, it
What a bazoo. What a stupid thug. I'm working these days on a Right-wing
Loon Hall of Fame. This man will be featured prominently in it, as he is
also the inspiration for it.
Alric Knebel