Bush's bulge stirs media rumours - BBC
(too old to reply)
2004-10-10 22:58:56 UTC
Bush's bulge stirs media rumours
A square patch was visible on
Bush's back during the debate
[TV Pool Photo]
A bulge in the back of President
George W Bush's suit jacket during
the first TV debate with John Kerry
has triggered rumours that he was
wired to get help.
Internet websites alleged the apparent bulge,
during last week's debate in Miami, was a radio
receiver feeding him answers from an offstage aide.
The Bush campaign dismissed the claims,
saying it was just a wrinkle in the
presidential jacket.
It also denied some web reports
that Mr Bush was wearing a
bullet-proof vest.
"People have been spending too much
time dealing with Internet conspiracies.
It's ridiculous,"
Bush campaign manager Scott Stanzel
was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.
Another campaign official said it was
nothing more than a question of tailoring.
"There was nothing under his suit jacket,"
Nicolle Devenish,
the Bush campaign's communications director,
told the New York Times newspaper.
"It was most likely a rumpling of
that portion of his suit jacket,
or a wrinkle in the fabric,"
Ms Devenish added.
President Bush's tailor later said
that the bulge was nothing more than
a pucker along the jacket's back seam,
according to the Seattle Times newspaper.
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.
2004-10-10 23:04:48 UTC
There's rumors on the INTERNETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bush's bulge stirs media rumours
A square patch was visible on
Bush's back during the debate
[TV Pool Photo]
A bulge in the back of President
George W Bush's suit jacket during
the first TV debate with John Kerry
has triggered rumours that he was
wired to get help.
Internet websites alleged the apparent bulge,
during last week's debate in Miami, was a radio
receiver feeding him answers from an offstage aide.
The Bush campaign dismissed the claims,
saying it was just a wrinkle in the
presidential jacket.
It also denied some web reports
that Mr Bush was wearing a
bullet-proof vest.
"People have been spending too much
time dealing with Internet conspiracies.
It's ridiculous,"
Bush campaign manager Scott Stanzel
was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.
Another campaign official said it was
nothing more than a question of tailoring.
"There was nothing under his suit jacket,"
Nicolle Devenish,
the Bush campaign's communications director,
told the New York Times newspaper.
"It was most likely a rumpling of
that portion of his suit jacket,
or a wrinkle in the fabric,"
Ms Devenish added.
President Bush's tailor later said
that the bulge was nothing more than
a pucker along the jacket's back seam,
according to the Seattle Times newspaper.
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.
Ian S
2004-10-10 23:19:03 UTC
The "bulge" may have been the following:

"The RC-216 Receive-A-Cue system is a professional quality, digitally
synthesized wireless cueing system operating in the interference-free
216-217 MHz band. The IR-230 induction receiver and NTC-102 neck-loop
eliminates the need for visible wires going directly to the ear." That
induction receiver fits inside the ear.
The dimensions for the PR-216 receiver that the neck loop would connect to
are: "1 1/16" x 1 1/2" x 3 1/4". That seems pretty close to the size of the
bulge seen on Bush's back. See http://www.centrumsound.com/fm.html and
scroll down to near the bottom of the page. They have pics too.

Yes, it's a bit bulky but IIRC, the debate rules were supposed to prevent
camera shots of the candidates from the rear so Roveco probably figured it
would never be picked up. It would explain a lot of things: Bush's odd
little exclamation of "let me finish" when nobody onstage was interrupting,
the varying explanations for the bulge from the Bush camp, and those times
in the debate when Bush seemed to be waiting for some answer to come to him.
Also, don't forget that Rove apparently has some experience with hidden
electronic transmitting/receiving devices (i.e. he supposedly bugged his own
candidate's campaign office in 1986 and blamed it on the Dems.)
Justice Cow
2004-10-11 14:22:32 UTC
Post by Ian S
"The RC-216 Receive-A-Cue system is a professional quality, digitally
synthesized wireless cueing system operating in the interference-free
216-217 MHz band. The IR-230 induction receiver and NTC-102 neck-loop
eliminates the need for visible wires going directly to the ear." That
induction receiver fits inside the ear.
The dimensions for the PR-216 receiver that the neck loop would connect to
are: "1 1/16" x 1 1/2" x 3 1/4". That seems pretty close to the size of the
bulge seen on Bush's back. See http://www.centrumsound.com/fm.html and
scroll down to near the bottom of the page. They have pics too.
Yes, it's a bit bulky but IIRC, the debate rules were supposed to prevent
camera shots of the candidates from the rear so Roveco probably figured it
would never be picked up. It would explain a lot of things: Bush's odd
little exclamation of "let me finish" when nobody onstage was interrupting,
the varying explanations for the bulge from the Bush camp, and those times
in the debate when Bush seemed to be waiting for some answer to come to him.
Also, don't forget that Rove apparently has some experience with hidden
electronic transmitting/receiving devices (i.e. he supposedly bugged his own
candidate's campaign office in 1986 and blamed it on the Dems.)
however amusing the idea is, I would think the confusion of listening to
three people at the same time, kerry, the moderator AND whoever was
mumbling into his little radio would cause fearless potato head's brain
to explode. to be fair, I don't know who could handle something like
that, unless they've had him in training for months for this very thing.

on the other hand, I can't imagine what in hell that huge lump was on
his back, particularly because the potato team states it wasn't anything
having to do with a bullet proof vest. they're denying ANY bulge, which
is a little crazy but consistant with their denials about anything.

we'd all love to know what in hell it is and you KNOW the press is going
to be taking all kinds of pictures of bush every which way during this
weeks debate. so it's going to remain an issue.
Cosmic Dawg, Forensic Proctologist
2004-10-11 17:24:53 UTC
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 10:22:32 -0400, Justice Cow
Post by Justice Cow
Post by Ian S
"The RC-216 Receive-A-Cue system is a professional quality, digitally
synthesized wireless cueing system operating in the interference-free
216-217 MHz band. The IR-230 induction receiver and NTC-102 neck-loop
eliminates the need for visible wires going directly to the ear." That
induction receiver fits inside the ear.
The dimensions for the PR-216 receiver that the neck loop would connect to
are: "1 1/16" x 1 1/2" x 3 1/4". That seems pretty close to the size of the
bulge seen on Bush's back. See http://www.centrumsound.com/fm.html and
scroll down to near the bottom of the page. They have pics too.
Yes, it's a bit bulky but IIRC, the debate rules were supposed to prevent
camera shots of the candidates from the rear so Roveco probably figured it
would never be picked up. It would explain a lot of things: Bush's odd
little exclamation of "let me finish" when nobody onstage was interrupting,
the varying explanations for the bulge from the Bush camp, and those times
in the debate when Bush seemed to be waiting for some answer to come to him.
Also, don't forget that Rove apparently has some experience with hidden
electronic transmitting/receiving devices (i.e. he supposedly bugged his own
candidate's campaign office in 1986 and blamed it on the Dems.)
however amusing the idea is, I would think the confusion of listening to
three people at the same time, kerry, the moderator AND whoever was
mumbling into his little radio would cause fearless potato head's brain
to explode.
One would think that on first glance but people who use them say it's
really not a problem.

to be fair, I don't know who could handle something like
Post by Justice Cow
that, unless they've had him in training for months for this very thing.
Well, it's likely he HAS been "training" on it for months since there
have been multiple reports of him with an earpiece doing the same sort
of herky jerky talking in his stump speeches to his "base", the haves
and the have mores.
Post by Justice Cow
on the other hand, I can't imagine what in hell that huge lump was on
his back, particularly because the potato team states it wasn't anything
having to do with a bullet proof vest. they're denying ANY bulge, which
is a little crazy but consistant with their denials about anything.
we'd all love to know what in hell it is and you KNOW the press is going
to be taking all kinds of pictures of bush every which way during this
weeks debate. so it's going to remain an issue.
When people speak to you about a preventive war, you
tell them to go and fight it. After my experience,
I have come to hate war. War settles nothing.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

2004-10-10 23:21:34 UTC
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.
If Bush was getting the answers from someone else, what does that tell you
about the President and his staff. It tells me that they are all STUPID and
Kerry is brilliant.
"The President didn't find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, so he's
turned his campaign into a weapon of mass deception." Sen. John Kerry

All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to stand by and do
Ian S
2004-10-10 23:54:03 UTC
Post by Coasterqueen
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.
If Bush was getting the answers from someone else, what does that tell you
about the President and his staff. It tells me that they are all STUPID
No, all it says is that Bush was unable to multitask. They would have been
only giving him cues not his complete lines. Bush's actual brain (not the
Rovian one) is just too addled to process that effectively anymore. For
proof just watch his old gubernatorial debates from the 1990's. He was quite
well spoken then. He wasn't even too bad in 2000. His deterioration since
has been spectacular.
2004-10-10 23:59:11 UTC
Post by Ian S
Post by Coasterqueen
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.
If Bush was getting the answers from someone else, what does that tell you
about the President and his staff. It tells me that they are all STUPID
No, all it says is that Bush was unable to multitask. They would have been
only giving him cues not his complete lines. Bush's actual brain (not the
Rovian one) is just too addled to process that effectively anymore. For
proof just watch his old gubernatorial debates from the 1990's. He was quite
well spoken then. He wasn't even too bad in 2000. His deterioration since
has been spectacular.
And that's why he should not be elected--he is unfit to lead this country
"The President didn't find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, so he's
turned his campaign into a weapon of mass deception." Sen. John Kerry

All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to stand by and do
Ian S
2004-10-11 00:41:04 UTC
Post by Coasterqueen
Post by Ian S
Post by Coasterqueen
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.
If Bush was getting the answers from someone else, what does that tell you
about the President and his staff. It tells me that they are all STUPID
No, all it says is that Bush was unable to multitask. They would have been
only giving him cues not his complete lines. Bush's actual brain (not the
Rovian one) is just too addled to process that effectively anymore. For
proof just watch his old gubernatorial debates from the 1990's. He was quite
well spoken then. He wasn't even too bad in 2000. His deterioration since
has been spectacular.
And that's why he should not be elected--he is unfit to lead this country
LOL! No argument there.
Roedy Green
2004-10-10 23:56:01 UTC
Post by Coasterqueen
If Bush was getting the answers from someone else, what does that tell you
about the President and his staff. It tells me that they are all STUPID and
Kerry is brilliant.
Exactly. Bush even with direct voice access to his team STILL fucked
up worse than any president in history.

LET them cheat. It gives us a more accurate picture of what Bush is
really -- an animatronic.

Bush is not on your side!
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.
2004-10-11 00:32:33 UTC
Bush's bulge stirs media rumours
A square patch was visible on
Bush's back during the debate
[TV Pool Photo]
A bulge in the back of President
George W Bush's suit jacket during
the first TV debate with John Kerry
has triggered rumours that he was
wired to get help.
Internet websites alleged the apparent bulge,
during last week's debate in Miami, was a radio
receiver feeding him answers from an offstage aide.
The Bush campaign dismissed the claims,
saying it was just a wrinkle in the
presidential jacket.
It also denied some web reports
that Mr Bush was wearing a
bullet-proof vest.
"People have been spending too much
time dealing with Internet conspiracies.
It's ridiculous,"
Bush campaign manager Scott Stanzel
was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.
Another campaign official said it was
nothing more than a question of tailoring.
"There was nothing under his suit jacket,"
Nicolle Devenish,
the Bush campaign's communications director,
told the New York Times newspaper.
"It was most likely a rumpling of
that portion of his suit jacket,
or a wrinkle in the fabric,"
Ms Devenish added.
President Bush's tailor later said
that the bulge was nothing more than
a pucker along the jacket's back seam,
according to the Seattle Times newspaper.
Georges de Paris, who made the suit worn by Mr Bush,
said the bulge was accentuated when the president
crossed his arms and leaned forward.