(too old to reply)
2004-09-22 23:06:59 UTC
If these people are so proud of who they are and what the stand for why the
hell do they cover their faces up? I feel so sorry for the family's of the
men that were beheaded. I feel sorry for all the people that have died in
this war.
Col. RSJ
2004-09-24 18:31:26 UTC
Post by Lori
If these people are so proud of who they are and what the stand for why the
hell do they cover their faces up? I feel so sorry for the family's of the
men that were beheaded. I feel sorry for all the people that have died in
this war.
Because the Muslim like the kaffir is a coward at heart.


Money is truthful. If a man speaks of his honor,
make him pay cash.
(Robert A. Heinlein)

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