For Vietnam veterans, wounds are opened anew by campaigns
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2004-08-28 04:31:34 UTC
For Vietnam veterans, wounds are opened anew by campaigns
Timothy Egan The New York Times
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Many of them are bent and broken, grayer and wider. Some carry shrapnel from a step too
far, an ambush replayed over and over. All of them carry memories. And now as the debate
over service 35 years ago in a war that will not entirely fade roils the presidential
campaign, Vietnam veterans wonder if they are doomed to take the arguments that divided a
nation to their graves.

"It really upsets me, pitting one Vietnam veteran against another," said Frank Stephens,
55, of Granite Falls, Washington, who was awarded a Purple Heart after being wounded
during his tour with the U.S. Army in Vietnam in 1969. "I feel like the politicians are
using us. They just won't let that war go."

For the more than 2.5 million veterans who served in Vietnam from 1965 through 1973, the
clash over Senator John Kerry's service on a U.S. Navy Swift boat moves them into a new
phase of their evolving place in the national consciousness. After being called both
baby-killers and heroes, they now feel like something else: political footballs.

They profess to be brothers, and in veterans halls around the country the people who
fought in Vietnam stress their common bonds and a view that most of the country may never
understand them. But the advertisements by one group of veterans attacking the war record
of Kerry, advertisements that are closely tied to supporters of President George W. Bush,
have reopened wounds related to class and service and frayed some of the unifying threads.
"We didn't see any rich boys out there, not any at all, and if they were they had cushy
jobs," said Ambrose D'Arpino, a 57-year-old former U.S. Air Force medic from Arizona who
said Bush should not be criticizing Kerry because the president did not serve in Vietnam.
D'Arpino was touring the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, which carries the names
of the 58,245 Americans who died in the war. The Swift boat ads have infuriated D'Arpino,
who said Bush and Kerry should focus on the issues of the day. It is a sentiment expressed
by many veterans.

"Kerry earned medals. Bush didn't. Who cares?" Curtis Hamilton, a U.S. Army veteran from
Maine who served in the mid-1980s.

The hurt and divisions have always been there, veterans said, but they come and go.

"This new stuff from the Swift boat opponents of Kerry does not surprise me," said Charlie
Brown of Seattle, a U.S. Air Force medic in Vietnam and 1967 and 1968. "There was a right
and a left among guys in Vietnam back in the '60s. And there's a right and a left now."

It is unclear how the advertisements will affect the vote of the nation's 26.5 million
veterans. Kerry had hoped that his war record would help him to make significant inroads
with a group that tends to vote Republican.

A poll by CBS last week showed a drop in veteran support for Kerry, but the margin of
error in that poll of the small number of veterans sampled, plus or minus eight points,
was too large to give a true picture of veterans' sentiment, other pollsters said.

But interviews with veterans across the country found a hard-edged cynicism about both
Kerry's using his Vietnam service to advance his candidacy and Bush for his ties to a
group that has renewed some of the divisions of a long-ago war. None of the veterans
interviewed said the challenge by the anti-Kerry group, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, had
actually changed their minds on the election. But a handful said the attacks were making
them rethink support for Bush.

"I'm a Republican - I voted for Bush last time - but I may go to Kerry this year," said
Ron Ostrander, who served in the U.S. Army from 1966 to 1969 and lives in Vancouver,
Washington. "To me, it's irrelevant whether Kerry's boat went into international waters or
not, or how he got his medals. The fact that he served and did his duty - don't try to
take that away from him."

Ralph Bozella, a 55-year-old veteran who lives in Longmont, Colorado, said the more he
followed the Swift boat controversy, the more he drifted into Kerry's camp. "I feel like
what they did to attack his record is an affront to all veterans," said Bozella, who
served as an infantry soldier in Vietnam in 1971.

Few veterans interviewed said it made much difference whether the candidates saw combat or
not. "We all tried to get into the Air National Guard," said Gary Franklin, a supporter of
Bush who did two tours of duty as an U.S. Air Force sergeant from 1969 through 1972 and
was wounded. "Bush was smart. Who wants to get shot?"

Franklin said it did not bother him that Kerry had later protested the war and said U.S.
soldiers had committed atrocities. "He earned that right to protest," Franklin said
outside the veterans hospital in Seattle. "He didn't have to go over there, but he did."

Charles Nichols, 57, of Matteson, Illinois, a retired U.S. Marine Corps veteran, said he
would like to see the campaign focus on other issues. "I truly think it's a big waste of
the public's time," said Nichols, who was awarded two Purple Hearts, one for being shot in
the knee, the other for a bullet in the shoulder. "They're trying to discredit him, taking
our minds off the issues."

Stephens, the army veteran from Granite Falls, said he had never harbored any bitterness
toward his fellow baby-boomers who did not serve. But the Swift boat controversy has made
him rethink his feelings toward people like Vice President Dick Cheney, who avoided the
draft by college deferments, he said.

"The vice president said he had 'other priorities,'" said Stephens, gesturing toward his
war wound. "Didn't we all."

Radsch, Mindy Sink and Katie Zezima contributed reporting for this article.

Copyright © 2004 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:23:32 UTC
Liberal Democrat leaves dog poop in Government Bldg

HARTFORD, Conn. Aug. 13, 2004

- A state Senate leader says he has the scoop on the poop in the state
Capitol. Senate Republican leader Louis DeLuca told reporters Thursday
that he had a surveillance videotape proving that Democratic state
Sen. Edith Prague's dog left a surprise in the Public Safety Committee
room last week.

Prague, who's from Columbia, Conn., initially denied that her dog,
Molly the Shih Tzu, was the culprit, and she blamed a seeing eye dog
belonging to a worker in DeLuca's office.

from: http://abcnews.go.com/wire/US/ap20040813_1536.html

2004-08-28 16:21:38 UTC
Post by Ron
For Vietnam veterans, wounds are opened anew by campaigns
John "MOMMY! MOMMY! MAKE THEM STOP!" Kerry opened the wounds. He's
running on 4 months service in Vietnam over 30 years ago as a Lt (jg)
in charge of a 50-foot wooden boat.
Kerry nails himself:

"Don't get suckered into the how many years you've been
in one job or this job" debate, Kerry said. "You've got
people in [Washington] who have been in one job [for]
30 years of what you call experience, and they have done
nothing, They don't stand for anything and they don't
know how to fight."
