Kerry Caught in another LIE!
(too old to reply)
2004-10-29 18:43:04 UTC
For months Kerry has told the american public he had released ALL of his
military records. Today in an interview with NBC News Tom Brokaw they
had the following exchange:

Brokaw: Someone has analyzed the President's military aptitude tests and
yours, and concluded that he has a higher IQ than you do.

Kerry: That's great. More power. I don't know how they've done it,
because my record is not public. So I don't know where you're getting
that from.

That's right Kerry said "my record is not public". What is John Kerry
hiding from us. Did he receive an Honorable Discharge? Did he have an
Administrative Hearing in which he received only an Administrative
Discharge? The Discharge papers on Kerry on site are RE-Issued
Discharged papers, issued 9- years after he left the service.

Bush has released all of his military records. Why not Kerry?
undecided boater
2004-10-29 18:48:59 UTC
Post by cstevens7
For months Kerry has told the american public he had released ALL of his
military records. Today in an interview with NBC News Tom Brokaw they had
Like this lie in Bush's latest campaign ad???

The Abrasive Sponge
2004-10-29 18:51:58 UTC
Post by cstevens7
For months Kerry has told the american public he had released ALL of his
military records. Today in an interview with NBC News Tom Brokaw they
Brokaw: Someone has analyzed the President's military aptitude tests and
yours, and concluded that he has a higher IQ than you do.
Kerry: That's great. More power. I don't know how they've done it,
because my record is not public. So I don't know where you're getting
that from.
That's right Kerry said "my record is not public". What is John Kerry
hiding from us. Did he receive an Honorable Discharge? Did he have an
Administrative Hearing in which he received only an Administrative
Discharge? The Discharge papers on Kerry on site are RE-Issued
Discharged papers, issued 9- years after he left the service.
Bush has released all of his military records. Why not Kerry?
hmmmm. This sounds stupid enough to come from Limbaugh.
Chris Wright
2004-10-29 18:52:48 UTC
LOL... this is the best you can come up with to discredit Kerry? Fag.
2004-10-29 23:39:31 UTC
Post by Chris Wright
LOL... this is the best you can come up with to discredit Kerry? Fag.
This is only one of a million things that discredit
2004-10-30 07:30:39 UTC
Post by thereactionary
Post by Chris Wright
LOL... this is the best you can come up with to discredit Kerry? Fag.
This is only one of a million things that discredit
Feel free to list them then.

Better hurry though. You loons only have 92 hours left before REAL
Americans take back the country & then take a wrecking ball to your sick
sad little neocon world.
2004-10-30 07:37:52 UTC
Post by mhirtes
Post by thereactionary
Post by Chris Wright
LOL... this is the best you can come up with to discredit Kerry? Fag.
This is only one of a million things that discredit
Feel free to list them then.
Better hurry though. You loons only have 92 hours left before REAL
Americans take back the country & then take a wrecking ball to your sick
sad little neocon world.
2004-10-30 18:09:16 UTC
Post by phillip
Keep laughing, neoloon. You'll be seeing plenty of them voting Bush out
three days from now.
Post by phillip
Post by mhirtes
Post by thereactionary
Post by Chris Wright
LOL... this is the best you can come up with to discredit Kerry? Fag.
This is only one of a million things that discredit
Feel free to list them then.
Better hurry though. You loons only have 92 hours left before REAL
Americans take back the country & then take a wrecking ball to your sick
sad little neocon world.
Roedy Green
2004-10-29 20:14:14 UTC
Post by cstevens7
Bush has released all of his military records. Why not Kerry?
Let's assume what you said is true. Do you even allege anything
improper in the unreleased records of 30 years ago?

Is this the WORST you can come up with on Kerry, that he failed to
have released his IQ score?

It is clear even if W. was at one time bright enough to earn a MBA
from Harvard, today he is too addled to work at McDonalds.

"Cheney masterminded 9/11."
~ Stanley Hilton lead attorney for the 9/11 victims, Bob Dole's advisor.
Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
See http://mindprod.com/bush911.html for details on Cheney's crime of the century.
Julian D.
2004-10-30 19:30:13 UTC
Post by cstevens7
For months Kerry has told the american public he had released ALL of his
military records. Today in an interview with NBC News Tom Brokaw they
Brokaw: Someone has analyzed the President's military aptitude tests and
yours, and concluded that he has a higher IQ than you do.
Kerry: That's great. More power. I don't know how they've done it,
because my record is not public. So I don't know where you're getting
that from.
That's right Kerry said "my record is not public". What is John Kerry
hiding from us. Did he receive an Honorable Discharge? Did he have an
Administrative Hearing in which he received only an Administrative
Discharge? The Discharge papers on Kerry on site are RE-Issued
Discharged papers, issued 9- years after he left the service.
Bush has released all of his military records. Why not Kerry?
Because Kerry refuses to sign Form 180 which will release ALL of his
records. There's still 30+ pages he doesnt want anyone to see.
Bush signed his Form 180.
