The Democrats still don't get it... Republicans Control Most States
(too old to reply)
2004-01-03 20:00:07 UTC
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States

The Democrats still don't get it.

The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time FDR
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since William
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.

The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.

And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.

Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003 elections
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan control
of legislatures and governors' offices.

Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the Legislature
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.

Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.

Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did not
change party control.

Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats, by a
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)

In 29 states, government is divided between the two major political
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.

In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office and
2004-01-03 20:29:02 UTC
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly split
than this article suggests.
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time FDR
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since William
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003 elections
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan control
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the Legislature
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did not
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats, by a
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major political
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office and
John S. Dyson
2004-01-03 21:34:55 UTC
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal

Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.

There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.

False Document
2004-01-03 21:53:44 UTC
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
You are assuming Bush actually won Florida. We don't know that as we were
denied a comprehensive recount and review of all the ballots cast in that
state. And let's not even get into the 97,000 people Bush's campaign
manager illegally disenfranchised.
Post by John S. Dyson
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.
One question is whether we need electors anymore. The EC was devised with
several aims in mind. Among these was the population disparity between
the three major urban centers (NYC, Boston and Philadelphia) and the rest
of the country (ie the rural areas). The urban population was, at that
time, a scant minority. In order for their votes not to be drowned out by
the "rural vote" their states were awarded electoral votes such that
those three cities - which represented the majority of the populations of
their three states - could gain significant representation in the EC.
Today, there is very close to 50-50 division of population between urban
and non-urban.

Another reason was to force candidates to campaign in as much of the
country as they could. That is, not just campaign in the North and hope
they got enough votes there to overwhelm the south. This was necessary
because travel was much more difficult then.

Yet another reason was that they didn't have instantaneous
communications. Each precincts votes were tabulated in the state capital
and then whoever "won the state" had their "electors" go to DC.

Thus, the three main reasons for the EC:
1) Protecting Urban voters
2) Forcing a national campaign
3) Ensuring accurate communication from state capital to DC

None of these three are in anyway applicable anymore. Thus, you could
argue that the EC is a dinosaur and should be scrapped. Indeed, the Bush
campaign was planning to argue just this in court had they won the
popular vote while losing the electoral college.
Post by John S. Dyson
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Suppose a complete recount of Florida had shown Gore actually won the
state? By blocking such a recount, Bush in effect waged a successful
coup. But it's clear that republicans don't care to know who actually won
as long as Bush won the only vote that actually counted: 5-4.
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden.
It is our Number one priority and we will not rest until we find him!"
George W. Bush, September 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I
really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

Substitute "Hussein" or "WMD" for "OBL" and it still works.
2004-01-03 22:07:15 UTC
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
You are assuming Bush actually won Florida.
He did.
Post by False Document
We don't know that as we were
denied a comprehensive recount and review of all the ballots cast in that
Umm...how many recounts were there?
Post by False Document
And let's not even get into the 97,000 people Bush's campaign
manager illegally disenfranchised.
Neutral source of that for evidence?
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.
One question is whether we need electors anymore.
Yes we do. Your reasons below are sort of bogus. The reason TODAY for the EC
is to keep major mertropoli from deciding elections.

The EC was devised with
Post by False Document
several aims in mind. Among these was the population disparity between
the three major urban centers (NYC, Boston and Philadelphia) and the rest
of the country (ie the rural areas). The urban population was, at that
time, a scant minority. In order for their votes not to be drowned out by
the "rural vote" their states were awarded electoral votes such that
those three cities - which represented the majority of the populations of
their three states - could gain significant representation in the EC.
Today, there is very close to 50-50 division of population between urban
and non-urban.
Another reason was to force candidates to campaign in as much of the
country as they could. That is, not just campaign in the North and hope
they got enough votes there to overwhelm the south. This was necessary
because travel was much more difficult then.
Yet another reason was that they didn't have instantaneous
communications. Each precincts votes were tabulated in the state capital
and then whoever "won the state" had their "electors" go to DC.
1) Protecting Urban voters
2) Forcing a national campaign
3) Ensuring accurate communication from state capital to DC
None of these three are in anyway applicable anymore. Thus, you could
argue that the EC is a dinosaur and should be scrapped. Indeed, the Bush
campaign was planning to argue just this in court had they won the
popular vote while losing the electoral college.
Post by John S. Dyson
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Suppose a complete recount of Florida had shown Gore actually won the
Something like 4 out of 5 recounts did NOT show this. So, if Gore wins say
ONE recount but Bush wins 5, does that mean Gore won? Oh, and why did Gore
want to disenfranchise our men/women in uniform and only count heavily
democrat counties (whose board of elections were run by Democrats)...geesh,
and you wonder why it was all fucked up.
Post by False Document
By blocking such a recount, Bush in effect waged a successful
coup. But it's clear that republicans don't care to know who actually won
as long as Bush won the only vote that actually counted: 5-4.
The only decision from the Supreme court was that Florida State election law
couldn't be over ridden (state's rights). You are just bitter that the court
wouldn't step in and usurp Florida election law as drawn up by Florida
legislators. The election had to be certified by such and such date, Harris
followed THAT law, and it was done.

The law is the law. I know you libs have a hard time with that, citing the
constitution on one hand and giving it the finger on the other.

You stupid libs are so bent on the LAST election that you will blow figuring
out how to win THIS one. And THIS one (if Dean is the opponent) won't be
close. THEN what will be your "conspiracy de jour?"

Also what is amazing that a preppy privlidged frat boy is your best
candidate. Ironic huh?
False Document
2004-01-03 22:17:19 UTC
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
You are assuming Bush actually won Florida.
He did.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Post by False Document
We don't know that as we were
denied a comprehensive recount and review of all the ballots cast in
that state.
Umm...how many recounts were there?
Complete and comprehensive state-wide recounts? Zero.
Post by False Document
And let's not even get into the 97,000 people Bush's campaign
manager illegally disenfranchised.
Neutral source of that for evidence?
Oh good god. DBTI has admitted that at least 97,000 names on their list
were incorrect.
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for
electors, but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for
the presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if
someone isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no
One question is whether we need electors anymore.
Yes we do. Your reasons below are sort of bogus.
Um, no. In fact, they are major reasons why the EC was created. Don't
they teach US history in school anymore?
The reason TODAY for
the EC is to keep major mertropoli from deciding elections.
Except that "major metropoli" are not a clear majority of the population.
Moreover, it's highly doubtful that all urban voters have the same
concerns and biases. In fact, it's much more likely that rural voters
still could form a uniform bloc against all other constituencies.
The EC was devised with
Post by False Document
several aims in mind. Among these was the population disparity
between the three major urban centers (NYC, Boston and Philadelphia)
and the rest of the country (ie the rural areas). The urban
population was, at that time, a scant minority. In order for their
votes not to be drowned out by the "rural vote" their states were
awarded electoral votes such that those three cities - which
represented the majority of the populations of their three states -
could gain significant representation in the EC. Today, there is very
close to 50-50 division of population between urban and non-urban.
Another reason was to force candidates to campaign in as much of the
country as they could. That is, not just campaign in the North and
hope they got enough votes there to overwhelm the south. This was
necessary because travel was much more difficult then.
Yet another reason was that they didn't have instantaneous
communications. Each precincts votes were tabulated in the state
capital and then whoever "won the state" had their "electors" go to
1) Protecting Urban voters
2) Forcing a national campaign
3) Ensuring accurate communication from state capital to DC
None of these three are in anyway applicable anymore. Thus, you could
argue that the EC is a dinosaur and should be scrapped. Indeed, the
Bush campaign was planning to argue just this in court had they won
the popular vote while losing the electoral college.
Post by John S. Dyson
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Suppose a complete recount of Florida had shown Gore actually won the
Something like 4 out of 5 recounts did NOT show this. So, if Gore wins
Something like? The most comprehensive recount was NORC;s (and even that
didn't analyze every single ballot) and in their analysis, Gore wins all
but one recount scenario.
say ONE recount but Bush wins 5, does that mean Gore won? Oh, and why
did Gore want to disenfranchise our men/women in uniform and only
count heavily democrat counties (whose board of elections were run by
Democrats)...geesh, and you wonder why it was all fucked up.
So why did Bush want to disenfranchise our men/women in uniform and only
count their ballots when they were in heavily republican states whose
board of elections were run by republicans?
Post by False Document
By blocking such a recount, Bush in effect waged a successful
coup. But it's clear that republicans don't care to know who actually
won as long as Bush won the only vote that actually counted: 5-4.
The only decision from the Supreme court was that Florida State
election law couldn't be over ridden (state's rights). You are just
Yet the SCOTUS actually overrode florida's election law. And at the very
last minute (well, with 2 hours left) recinded their injunction against
conducting recounts.
bitter that the court wouldn't step in and usurp Florida election law
as drawn up by Florida legislators. The election had to be certified
by such and such date, Harris followed THAT law, and it was done.
And thank god the SCOTUS blocked the recounts until that deadline came
and went. I mean, if they hadn't, the ballots might have actually been
counted and then who knows...
The law is the law. I know you libs have a hard time with that, citing
the constitution on one hand and giving it the finger on the other.
The irony is so deep you need a shovel.
You stupid libs
And, as always, a conservative resorts to name calling.

are so bent on the LAST election that you will blow
figuring out how to win THIS one. And THIS one (if Dean is the
opponent) won't be close. THEN what will be your "conspiracy de jour?"
Also what is amazing that a preppy privlidged frat boy is your best
candidate. Ironic huh?
Preppie, privileged frat-boy? You know who just described, don't you?
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden.
It is our Number one priority and we will not rest until we find him!"
George W. Bush, September 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I
really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

Substitute "Hussein" or "WMD" for "OBL" and it still works.
2004-01-03 22:59:37 UTC
Post by False Document
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
You are assuming Bush actually won Florida.
He did.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
No, he did. As required by FL election law.
Post by False Document
Post by False Document
We don't know that as we were
denied a comprehensive recount and review of all the ballots cast in
that state.
Umm...how many recounts were there?
Complete and comprehensive state-wide recounts? Zero.
That is b/c your boy was focussing on select county recounts. Nice try.
Post by False Document
Post by False Document
And let's not even get into the 97,000 people Bush's campaign
manager illegally disenfranchised.
Neutral source of that for evidence?
Oh good god. DBTI has admitted that at least 97,000 names on their list
were incorrect.
You think they are all democrats?
Post by False Document
And, as always, a conservative resorts to name calling.
No, you libs ARE stupid. It isn't a matter of opinion. It is fact. Surely
you were catching onto this? Shit, even libs are getting sick of libs.
Post by False Document
are so bent on the LAST election that you will blow
figuring out how to win THIS one. And THIS one (if Dean is the
opponent) won't be close. THEN what will be your "conspiracy de jour?"
Also what is amazing that a preppy privlidged frat boy is your best
candidate. Ironic huh?
Preppie, privileged frat-boy? You know who just described, don't you?
Sure, But he isn't running for a Democrat primary is he? MUWAAHAAAAAA!
False Document
2004-01-05 17:12:37 UTC
Post by False Document
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic.
Actually, Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore.
All you need to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to
the presidency when he attempted a coup against the constitution
and federal law.
You are assuming Bush actually won Florida.
He did.
Perhaps. Perhaps not.
No, he did. As required by FL election law.
"as required" - interesting choice of words.
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden.
It is our Number one priority and we will not rest until we find him!"
George W. Bush, September 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I
really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
George W. Bush, March 13, 2002

Substitute "Hussein" or "WMD" for "OBL" and it still works.
2004-01-03 23:05:53 UTC
Post by False Document
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
You are assuming Bush actually won Florida. We don't know that as we were
denied a comprehensive recount and review of all the ballots cast in that
state. And let's not even get into the 97,000 people Bush's campaign
manager illegally disenfranchised.
Post by John S. Dyson
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.
One question is whether we need electors anymore. The EC was devised with
several aims in mind. Among these was the population disparity between
the three major urban centers (NYC, Boston and Philadelphia) and the rest
of the country (ie the rural areas). The urban population was, at that
time, a scant minority. In order for their votes not to be drowned out by
the "rural vote" their states were awarded electoral votes such that
those three cities - which represented the majority of the populations of
their three states - could gain significant representation in the EC.
Today, there is very close to 50-50 division of population between urban
and non-urban.
Another reason was to force candidates to campaign in as much of the
country as they could. That is, not just campaign in the North and hope
they got enough votes there to overwhelm the south. This was necessary
because travel was much more difficult then.
Yet another reason was that they didn't have instantaneous
communications. Each precincts votes were tabulated in the state capital
and then whoever "won the state" had their "electors" go to DC.
1) Protecting Urban voters
2) Forcing a national campaign
3) Ensuring accurate communication from state capital to DC
None of these three are in anyway applicable anymore. Thus, you could
argue that the EC is a dinosaur and should be scrapped. Indeed, the Bush
campaign was planning to argue just this in court had they won the
popular vote while losing the electoral college.
Post by John S. Dyson
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Suppose a complete recount of Florida had shown Gore actually won the
state? By blocking such a recount, Bush in effect waged a successful
coup. But it's clear that republicans don't care to know who actually won
as long as Bush won the only vote that actually counted: 5-4.
Suppose I had won Florida, or suppose Florida just shit itself and didn't
want to play... or suppose Gore didn't lie for fifteen minutes...... suppose
your ass was your mouth! Grow up Butthead!..... it's over, we won and we'll
keep on winning!
Post by False Document
"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden.
It is our Number one priority and we will not rest until we find him!"
George W. Bush, September 13, 2001
"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and I
really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."
George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Substitute "Hussein" or "WMD" for "OBL" and it still works.
Moron, circumstances can change priorities! It happens on a regular
basis..... :-))
General Urko
2004-01-03 22:00:35 UTC
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Damn, another irony meter shot to hell....

While we're on the Constitution, I don't remember a laugh test.

And the fact that he WAS talking about the popular vote does mean much for
the idea that republicans were given a "mandate by the people". How long was
it before Bush was proclaiming that?

One of my favorite republican moments was when a republican strategist was
on Bill Mahers show proclaiming that the recall in California was the
"purest form of democracy". Nobody pointed out that the purest form of
democracy is when the guy with the most votes from the people WINS.
2004-01-03 23:13:11 UTC
Post by General Urko
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Damn, another irony meter shot to hell....
While we're on the Constitution, I don't remember a laugh test.
And the fact that he WAS talking about the popular vote does mean much for
the idea that republicans were given a "mandate by the people". How long was
it before Bush was proclaiming that?
One of my favorite republican moments was when a republican strategist was
on Bill Mahers show proclaiming that the recall in California was the
"purest form of democracy". Nobody pointed out that the purest form of
democracy is when the guy with the most votes from the people WINS.
You obviously live in a hole somewhere about the size of Saddam's..... Do
you not understand the national election laws that have served this country
for many many years! One of my favorite moments is when air-heads like you
insist that an existing law is void simply because it's lawful results were
not what you wanted them to be! Only an idiot liberal would be so stupid!
2004-01-03 23:23:27 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by General Urko
Post by John S. Dyson
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the President.
Our system is constitutional, and not purely democratic. Actually,
Bush got more votes for the presidency than Al Gore. All you need
to win is 270... Al Gore lost any moral claim to the presidency
when he attempted a coup against the constitution and federal
Regarding votes -- you MIGHT be talking about the votes for electors,
but IN NO WAY does the total popular vote mean much for the
presidential election. It is a barometer of sorts, but if someone
isn't constitutionally eligible, then it makes no difference.
There is almost NO WAY that Al Gore could pass the laugh test
on the oath of office, considering his cynical coup attempt.
Damn, another irony meter shot to hell....
While we're on the Constitution, I don't remember a laugh test.
And the fact that he WAS talking about the popular vote does mean much for
the idea that republicans were given a "mandate by the people". How long
Post by General Urko
it before Bush was proclaiming that?
One of my favorite republican moments was when a republican strategist was
on Bill Mahers show proclaiming that the recall in California was the
"purest form of democracy". Nobody pointed out that the purest form of
democracy is when the guy with the most votes from the people WINS.
You obviously live in a hole somewhere about the size of Saddam's..... Do
you not understand the national election laws that have served this country
for many many years! One of my favorite moments is when air-heads like you
insist that an existing law is void simply because it's lawful results were
not what you wanted them to be! Only an idiot liberal would be so stupid!
Are you surprised? Come on! It is almost like watching someone do the "river
dance" with tap shoes on ice. You just KNOW what is going to happen next!
2004-01-03 22:57:41 UTC
Al Gore did not have more qualified lawful votes than Bush.. That is simply
not so. In a presidential election according to the laws of this land, the
same law that elected Clinton, Carter and Johnson, only qualified votes
count. Those same votes were the only ones counted when Clinton was elected
in 1992 with only 43% of the vote. These same rules were used in the 2000
election that saw Bush win with 48% of the vote! So No, you still don't get
it and probably never will!

Read this monkey's post.... textbook liberal dishonesty, present them the
facts and they just refuse to accept them.... denial sets in and then the
lies come forth....... over and over and over! :-))
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly split
than this article suggests.
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since William
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the Legislature
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did not
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats,
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major political
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office
Post by HOD
2004-01-04 06:11:06 UTC
Jesus you're a retard.


I'll help you out: Al Gore received 50,999,897, Dumbya Bush received

I'll say it again: Jesus you're a fucking (lying) retard.
Post by HOD
Al Gore did not have more qualified lawful votes than Bush.. That is simply
not so. In a presidential election according to the laws of this land, the
same law that elected Clinton, Carter and Johnson, only qualified votes
count. Those same votes were the only ones counted when Clinton was elected
in 1992 with only 43% of the vote. These same rules were used in the 2000
election that saw Bush win with 48% of the vote! So No, you still don't get
it and probably never will!
Read this monkey's post.... textbook liberal dishonesty, present them the
facts and they just refuse to accept them.... denial sets in and then the
lies come forth....... over and over and over! :-))
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly
Post by Dan
than this article suggests.
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats,
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office
Post by HOD
E.E.Bud Keith
2004-01-04 08:23:42 UTC
Post by Dan
Jesus you're a retard.
I'll help you out: Al Gore received 50,999,897, Dumbya Bush received
I'll say it again: Jesus you're a fucking (lying) retard.
Anyone that makes the stupid statements that you do should not run aeound
calling others retards,retard.
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Al Gore did not have more qualified lawful votes than Bush.. That is
Post by HOD
not so. In a presidential election according to the laws of this land, the
same law that elected Clinton, Carter and Johnson, only qualified votes
count. Those same votes were the only ones counted when Clinton was
Post by HOD
in 1992 with only 43% of the vote. These same rules were used in the 2000
election that saw Bush win with 48% of the vote! So No, you still don't
Post by HOD
it and probably never will!
Read this monkey's post.... textbook liberal dishonesty, present them the
facts and they just refuse to accept them.... denial sets in and then the
lies come forth....... over and over and over! :-))
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly
Post by Dan
than this article suggests.
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties.
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
2004-01-04 12:56:10 UTC
I'll say it again, Al Gore did not receive more qualified lawful votes in
the presidential process. You remain confused and simply do not understand
the election laws that have been in place for many many years. You are
simply ignorant to the law..... the votes of which you reference are not
acceptable, they don't count... if they did you'd know it! Maybe some day
they will, but today they are not legal votes counted toward the election
process!... now, retard..... learn to live with it cause you're not going to
change it...... :-))
Post by Dan
Jesus you're a retard.
I'll help you out: Al Gore received 50,999,897, Dumbya Bush received
I'll say it again: Jesus you're a fucking (lying) retard.
Post by HOD
Al Gore did not have more qualified lawful votes than Bush.. That is
Post by HOD
not so. In a presidential election according to the laws of this land, the
same law that elected Clinton, Carter and Johnson, only qualified votes
count. Those same votes were the only ones counted when Clinton was
Post by HOD
in 1992 with only 43% of the vote. These same rules were used in the 2000
election that saw Bush win with 48% of the vote! So No, you still don't
Post by HOD
it and probably never will!
Read this monkey's post.... textbook liberal dishonesty, present them the
facts and they just refuse to accept them.... denial sets in and then the
lies come forth....... over and over and over! :-))
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly
Post by Dan
than this article suggests.
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties.
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's
Post by HOD
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
E.E.Bud Keith
2004-01-03 21:37:23 UTC
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly split
than this article suggests.
Do you find it difficult to see by the numbers that you are right on a
national level but wrong on a state by state level.
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since William
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the Legislature
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did not
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats,
Post by Dan
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major political
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office
Post by HOD
2004-01-03 21:21:47 UTC
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly split
than this article suggests.
and, not only that, but poor HodgePodgeloon won't tally up the number of years
"liberals" held power from 1900--2000, how many national programs were begun under
liberal presidents, how many wars were sucessfully prosecuted by liberal presidents, how
many civil rights we gained under liberal presidents/congresses.


"The Afghan Mujahadeens are the moral equivalent
of the Founding Fathers of America."

-Ronald Reagan
2004-01-04 12:50:21 UTC
Post by r***@whiner.com
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly split
than this article suggests.
and, not only that, but poor HodgePodgeloon won't tally up the number of years
"liberals" held power from 1900--2000,
The main reason for many if not most of our problems!
Post by r***@whiner.com
how many national programs were begun under
liberal presidents,
All of the 'give-a-way' programs, all of the "punish the successful"
programs, to name a couple!
Post by r***@whiner.com
how many wars were sucessfully prosecuted by liberal presidents, how
many civil rights we gained under liberal presidents/congresses.
I would be very interested in reviewing your list of "liberal" presidents
that successfully prosecuted wars!
Care to share?
2004-01-04 15:41:57 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by r***@whiner.com
Post by Dan
I get that in 2000 Gore had more votes than the pResident. So the
electorate, minus bogus partisan gerrymandering, are a lot more evenly
Post by r***@whiner.com
Post by Dan
than this article suggests.
and, not only that, but poor HodgePodgeloon won't tally up the number of
Post by r***@whiner.com
"liberals" held power from 1900--2000,
The main reason for many if not most of our problems!
Post by r***@whiner.com
how many national programs were begun under
liberal presidents,
All of the 'give-a-way' programs, all of the "punish the successful"
programs, to name a couple!
Post by r***@whiner.com
how many wars were sucessfully prosecuted by liberal presidents, how
many civil rights we gained under liberal presidents/congresses.
I would be very interested in reviewing your list of "liberal" presidents
that successfully prosecuted wars!
Care to share?

Ashland Henderson
2004-01-03 23:50:21 UTC
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time FDR
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since William
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003 elections
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan control
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the Legislature
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did not
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats, by a
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major political
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office and
Here's a hint for the reality impared: The world is not coming to an end,
the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in near oblivion.
Time marches on and things change. Do not expect the republicans to continue
on forever or even for a long time. Unless, of course, you secretly want them
to lose control. Complacancy will kill them almost as quickly as their out
of control financial policy and military adverturism.
2004-01-04 03:10:33 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time FDR
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since William
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003 elections
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan control
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the Legislature
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did not
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats, by a
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major political
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office and
Here's a hint for the reality impared: The world is not coming to an end,
the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in near oblivion.
Time marches on and things change. Do not expect the republicans to continue
on forever or even for a long time. Unless, of course, you secretly want them
to lose control. Complacancy will kill them almost as quickly as their out
of control financial policy and military adverturism.
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose control of both house's...
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that Bush would never
be the President.....
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose California.....
All of those liberal soothsayer's sounded just like this one, why would
anyone pay attention after such a dismal track record? You folks haven't
been right once! :-))
Roedy Green
2004-01-04 05:09:43 UTC
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose control of both house's...
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that Bush would never
be the President.....
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose California.....
Who is this liberal soothsayer? A figment of your imagination?

Anyone is a fool who says "never". Never is a very very long time.

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
Coaching, problem solving, economical contract programming.
See http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jgloss.html for The Java Glossary.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-04 06:55:24 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats,
by a
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Here's a hint for the reality impared: The world is not coming to an end,
the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in near
Post by Ashland Henderson
Time marches on and things change. Do not expect the republicans to
Post by Ashland Henderson
on forever or even for a long time. Unless, of course, you secretly want
Post by Ashland Henderson
to lose control. Complacancy will kill them almost as quickly as their out
of control financial policy and military adverturism.
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose control of both house's...
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that Bush would never
be the President.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose California.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say. Not that
they have actually lost California.
Post by HOD
All of those liberal soothsayer's sounded just like this one, why would
anyone pay attention after such a dismal track record? You folks haven't
been right once! :-))
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not coming
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in
near oblivion.

Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
2004-01-04 15:36:46 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the time
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red than
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky and
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana did
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than Democrats,
by a
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties. (Nebraska
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's office
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Here's a hint for the reality impared: The world is not coming to an end,
the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in near
Post by Ashland Henderson
Time marches on and things change. Do not expect the republicans to
Post by Ashland Henderson
on forever or even for a long time. Unless, of course, you secretly want
Post by Ashland Henderson
to lose control. Complacancy will kill them almost as quickly as their out
of control financial policy and military adverturism.
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose control of both house's...
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that Bush would never
be the President.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would never
lose California.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say. Not that
they have actually lost California.
Post by HOD
All of those liberal soothsayer's sounded just like this one, why would
anyone pay attention after such a dismal track record? You folks haven't
been right once! :-))
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not coming
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
if you're really honest you'll acknowledge that liberals have been "talking"
tomorrow for years and years with little substance to show for their
prophesies. I refer to liberals in general, you are a liberal..... or maybe
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-04 20:52:34 UTC
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than
by a
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties.
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Here's a hint for the reality impared: The world is not coming to an
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in near
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Time marches on and things change. Do not expect the republicans to
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
on forever or even for a long time. Unless, of course, you secretly
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
to lose control. Complacancy will kill them almost as quickly as their
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
of control financial policy and military adverturism.
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
lose control of both house's...
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that Bush would
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
be the President.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
lose California.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say. Not that
they have actually lost California.
Post by HOD
All of those liberal soothsayer's sounded just like this one, why would
anyone pay attention after such a dismal track record? You folks haven't
been right once! :-))
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not
Post by Ashland Henderson
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
if you're really honest you'll acknowledge that liberals have been "talking"
tomorrow for years and years with little substance to show for their
prophesies. I refer to liberals in general, you are a liberal..... or maybe
Of course liberals have been talking about tomorrow for some years. Why not?
What are they supposed to do, give in? Demographics does not particularly
indicate a republican domination on-going for years and years so why should
they give up?

You appear to be of the persuasion that because republicans lead now they
will always do so. I am of the historical persuasion. Times change. The
democrats had it all for years, got complacent, and eventually lost. The
republicans will do the same in time. The time may not be yet or even another
10 years or more. The country will most likely survive although the longer
the republicans are in control the longer it will take us to pay off the
federal debt and the longer we will screw up the environment. I have my
doubts about the international relations situation as well but that is a
different kettle of fish.
2004-01-04 23:16:37 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2003 11:17 p.m. EST
2004: Republicans Control Most States
The Democrats still don't get it.
The party that has dominated the American landscape from the
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
swept to power in 1932 has careened into near oblivion ever since
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Jefferson Clinton took the oath of office in 1992.
The first domino to fall was the Congress, which fell to the
Republicans in 1994.
And since then, state by state, the union is looking more red
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
blue, more Reagan Republican than Clinton Democrat.
Recently, State Legislatures Magazine reported that the 2003
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
brought only a few changes to the color-coded maps showing partisan
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
of legislatures and governors' offices.
Democrats scored victories in New Jersey by seizing the
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
and in Louisiana by winning the governor's office.
Republicans captured governors' seats in California, Kentucky
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Mississippi, boosting their advantage 28 to 22.
Legislative elections in Virginia, Mississippi and Louisiana
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
change party control.
Republicans continue to control more legislatures than
by a
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
21-17 margin. Eleven states are split between the two parties.
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
legislators are chosen in nonpartisan elections.)
In 29 states, government is divided between the two major
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
parties. In 12 states, Republicans hold all the cards.
In eight states, the Democrats control both the governor's
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Here's a hint for the reality impared: The world is not coming to an
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in near
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
Time marches on and things change. Do not expect the republicans to
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
on forever or even for a long time. Unless, of course, you secretly
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
to lose control. Complacancy will kill them almost as quickly as their
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
Post by Ashland Henderson
of control financial policy and military adverturism.
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
lose control of both house's...
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that Bush would
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
be the President.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say.
Post by HOD
Liberal soothsayer's said right here on this same NG that they would
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by HOD
lose California.....
That's nice but they weren't me. I could care less what they say. Not that
they have actually lost California.
Post by HOD
All of those liberal soothsayer's sounded just like this one, why would
anyone pay attention after such a dismal track record? You folks haven't
been right once! :-))
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not
Post by Ashland Henderson
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
if you're really honest you'll acknowledge that liberals have been "talking"
tomorrow for years and years with little substance to show for their
prophesies. I refer to liberals in general, you are a liberal..... or maybe
Of course liberals have been talking about tomorrow for some years. Why not?
What are they supposed to do, give in?
No, not at all. I do believe however, that after experiencing so many
defeats in a row... as the liberal side has, I would re-evaluate my approach
and in an effort to simply save face possibly change my fight song just a
little. Here again I'm speaking in general..... but I believe most observers
of the past several years would agree that the liberal "war-paint" has been
rather comical. The threats and promises from your side has served to
diminish the impact of the liberal effectiveness and little else. Some folks
have said that the liberal loonies are living up to their reputation and
then some.
Post by Ashland Henderson
Demographics does not particularly
indicate a republican domination on-going for years and years so why should
they give up?
You appear to be of the persuasion that because republicans lead now they
will always do so. I am of the historical persuasion. Times change. The
democrats had it all for years, got complacent, and eventually lost. The
republicans will do the same in time. The time may not be yet or even another
10 years or more. The country will most likely survive although the longer
the republicans are in control the longer it will take us to pay off the
federal debt and the longer we will screw up the environment. I have my
doubts about the international relations situation as well but that is a
different kettle of fish.
I guess only time will tell.....
abdul rahim
2004-01-06 07:51:11 UTC
liberals are their own worst enemy, and in their echo chamber, they
have illusions of being very numerous. they will, shrieking with the
hysteria of a mob at a fascist rally, nominate quack dean. they will
be orgasming and think that the nation is with them.

then they will find themselves with 38% of the popular vote.
Timothy Horrigan
2004-01-05 04:42:07 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not coming
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
The Democratic Party's Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the popular vote
in the 2000 election--- and would have won the electoral vote if they
could have picked up a few hundred votes in Florida. And the
Democrats control almost half the seats in both houses of Congress.
This is not exactly a party in oblivion.
2004-01-06 03:40:15 UTC
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not coming
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not in
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
The Democratic Party's Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the popular vote
in the 2000 election--- and would have won the electoral vote if they
could have picked up a few hundred votes in Florida.
And if Gore had taken his own state of TN.

Then the 2002 elections...GOP picked up more seats in the Senate

2004 is predicted to be more gains for GOP in Senate as well.

And the
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Democrats control almost half the seats in both houses of Congress.
This is not exactly a party in oblivion.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-06 16:50:42 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
The Democratic Party's Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the popular vote
in the 2000 election--- and would have won the electoral vote if they
could have picked up a few hundred votes in Florida.
And if Gore had taken his own state of TN.
Then the 2002 elections...GOP picked up more seats in the Senate
2004 is predicted to be more gains for GOP in Senate as well.
Could be. Sometimes the wheel turns fast, sometimes it turns slow.
Intelligent people understand that it does turn. Fools and fanatics
always claim that the "now" is "forever". But the wheel continues to
Post by Ashland Henderson
And the
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Democrats control almost half the seats in both houses of Congress.
This is not exactly a party in oblivion.
2004-01-07 01:41:27 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
The Democratic Party's Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the popular vote
in the 2000 election--- and would have won the electoral vote if they
could have picked up a few hundred votes in Florida.
And if Gore had taken his own state of TN.
Then the 2002 elections...GOP picked up more seats in the Senate
2004 is predicted to be more gains for GOP in Senate as well.
Could be. Sometimes the wheel turns fast, sometimes it turns slow.
Intelligent people understand that it does turn. Fools and fanatics
always claim that the "now" is "forever". But the wheel continues to
Rather than waxing poetic, try looking at the number of 'dem
senators up for re-election, the number of 'dem senators that are not
running for re-election (ie open seats) vs the number of GOP senators
in the same position.

That might provide a clue why the GOP might increase its majority in
the Senate

Post by Ashland Henderson
And the
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Democrats control almost half the seats in both houses of Congress.
This is not exactly a party in oblivion.
Ashland Henderson
2004-01-08 02:07:33 UTC
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
That's nice but they weren't me. As I said earlier, the world is not
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
to an end, the sun will rise tomorrow, and the democratic party is not
Post by Ashland Henderson
Post by Timothy Horrigan
Post by Ashland Henderson
near oblivion.
Check back when you understand the concepts of time, change, and nothing
remaining the same. Until then go and play with your toys.
The Democratic Party's Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the popular vote
in the 2000 election--- and would have won the electoral vote if they
could have picked up a few hundred votes in Florida.
And if Gore had taken his own state of TN.
Then the 2002 elections...GOP picked up more seats in the Senate
2004 is predicted to be more gains for GOP in Senate as well.
Could be. Sometimes the wheel turns fast, sometimes it turns slow.
Intelligent people understand that it does turn. Fools and fanatics
always claim that the "now" is "forever". But the wheel continues to
Rather than waxing poetic, try looking at the number of 'dem
senators up for re-election, the number of 'dem senators that are not
running for re-election (ie open seats) vs the number of GOP senators
in the same position.
That might provide a clue why the GOP might increase its majority in
the Senate
It might well happen. Which says nothing at all about my point. The wheel
is still turning. It won't stay just as it is now.
2004-01-07 03:04:39 UTC
Post by T.Carr
Rather than waxing poetic, try looking at the number of 'dem
senators up for re-election, the number of 'dem senators that are not
running for re-election (ie open seats) vs the number of GOP senators
in the same position.
Not relevant

Only those in "unsafe" states are "up for grabs"
Post by T.Carr
That might provide a clue why the GOP might increase its majority in
the Senate
Still doesn't explain why your lying, rat-fuck idiot/appointee/deserter got a million less
votes than Gore, does it?

And, BTW

One of those "Red states", 70% republican registered, elects TWO (count 'em) Democrat
Senators.......and chose one last cycle even when your lying asshole, his slut wife, and
bunker dwelling chickenshit VP personally asked John Thune, came here (twice) to campaign
for him.


"The Afghan Mujahadeens are the moral equivalent
of the Founding Fathers of America."

-Ronald Reagan
