C-SPAN Right-wing Loon Call of the Day: " . . . protesters should be tortured at Guantanamo . . . "
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Alric Knebel
2005-01-27 03:53:02 UTC
What is President Bush going to do with this much sanctimonious hatred? In
what direction will he channel this hostility he's unleashed and emboldened?
It's just so hardheadedly stupid, determined to bring Jesus into everyone's
lives . . .


First he accuses Muslims of being a freedom-hating people, and that's why we
need to go to war with them. Well, if they ARE freedom hating, then that's
at least the one freedom they should be allowed. That want at least that
much freedom, the freedom to hate freedom. If that is in fact the case,
that Muslims hate freedom. He's really too stupid to know what he's talking
about. What's he saying? That we're wasting our money and American lives
in this venture?

After making that point, he goes on to say the protesters need to be sent to
Guantanamo Bay, to be tortured, because they're traitors. We have to get
behind the president, or be considered a traitor. But they need to be
TORTURED. TORTURED. A call like this leads me to inevitably draw this
conclusion: the caller is a freedom-hating Christian.

The second call is something right out of the 50s McCarthy era . . .


Man, she couldn't sputter the word "communist" enough times. It was so
comical, if the show hadn't been in color, I might have thought I had
time-warped back fifty years.
Alric Knebel
Ken Dixon
2005-01-28 23:30:26 UTC
Post by Alric Knebel
First he accuses Muslims of being a freedom-hating people, and that's why we
need to go to war with them.
Post by Alric Knebel
After making that point, he goes on to say the protesters need to be sent to
Guantanamo Bay, to be tortured, because they're traitors.
Alric Knebel
2005-01-29 10:36:27 UTC
Post by Alric Knebel
First he accuses Muslims of being a freedom-hating people, and that's why
we need to go to war with them.
Post by Alric Knebel
After making that point, he goes on to say the protesters need to be sent
to Guantanamo Bay, to be tortured, because they're traitors.
Site? What do you mean, "site"? I provided the link so you can hear it
yourself. Click on that link and you'll hear the man say what I said he
said. I think you got mixed up. I think you thought I was talking about
Bush. I was talking about the C-SPAN right-wing loon caller.
Alric Knebel