Bu$h and Cheney= Dumb and Just Plain Moronic
(too old to reply)
2004-10-07 02:53:10 UTC
Nothing is working more to John Kerry's advantage than just how far out of
touch Bush and co. are with the American people! Now Bush is poised to all
but commit political suicide by using, as weapons, issues that are doomed to
incite disgust, not support from Americans. Case in point: Bush thinks the
public will rally behind him by accusing Kerry of pushing America toward
'Hillary-care" (a stupid Repug euphemism for universal health care). Trouble
is, a very recent national poll showed that a stunning 75% of Americans
FAVOR universal healthcare. Not only that, a huge majority admire Hillary
Clinton! More suicidal still - Bush plans to use flow charts to "illustrate"
Kerry's economic plans - a scheme that will SCREAM corporate board room and
Ross Perot (whose flow charts are now a stock comedy routine joke). Go for
it, Dubya! We'll be cheerin' ya on!

2004-10-07 09:47:02 UTC
Post by enceladus
Nothing is working more to John Kerry's advantage than just how far out of
touch Bush and co. are with the American people! Now Bush is poised to all
but commit political suicide by using, as weapons, issues that are doomed
to incite disgust, not support from Americans. Case in point: Bush thinks
the public will rally behind him by accusing Kerry of pushing America
toward 'Hillary-care" (a stupid Repug euphemism for universal health
care). Trouble is, a very recent national poll showed that a stunning 75%
of Americans FAVOR universal healthcare. Not only that, a huge majority
admire Hillary Clinton! More suicidal still - Bush plans to use flow
charts to "illustrate" Kerry's economic plans - a scheme that will SCREAM
corporate board room and Ross Perot (whose flow charts are now a stock
comedy routine joke). Go for it, Dubya! We'll be cheerin' ya on!
John Forged Kerry
2004-10-07 11:33:08 UTC
For months and months now, the very rich (but very foolish) northeastern
liberal Democrat, John Forbes Kerry, has been touting HIS "national defense
plan" as "superior" to that of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
Think again, Demmie dufus.

KERRY'S plan basically revolves around "getting the UN involved". Kerry
has obviously learned NOTHING from the 12 years of Saddam Hussein jerking
around the UN Inspectors. And Kerry has obviously learned NOTHING
concerning the following:

Report links U.N. to Iraq bribes

NEW YORK (AP) -- The top U.S. arms inspector has accused the former head of
the $60 billion U.N. oil-for-food program of accepting bribes in the form of
vouchers for Iraqi oil sales from Saddam Hussein's government.

The report by Charles Duelfer, head of the Iraq Survey Group, alleges the
Iraqi government manipulated the U.N. program from 1996 to 2003 in order to
acquire billions of dollars in illicit gains and to import illegal goods,
including acquiring parts for missile systems.

The alleged schemes included an Iraqi system for allocating lucrative oil
vouchers, which permitted recipients to purchase certain amounts of oil at a

Benon Sevan, the former chief of the U.N. program, is among dozens of people
who allegedly received the vouchers, according to the report, which said
Saddam personally approved the list.


What this all means is that the October Surprise isn't a surprise at all,
but is rather merely a reiteration of that which we Americans already knew -
namely, that John Forbes Kerry is an ass, an ass who bases his national
defense scheme on the UN, and an ass who has once again been shown to be a
JERK by virtue of the known BEHAVIOR of the UN.
Post by Rocio
Post by enceladus
Nothing is working more to John Kerry's advantage than just how far out
of touch Bush and co. are with the American people! Now Bush is poised to
all but commit political suicide by using, as weapons, issues that are
doomed to incite disgust, not support from Americans. Case in point: Bush
thinks the public will rally behind him by accusing Kerry of pushing
America toward 'Hillary-care" (a stupid Repug euphemism for universal
health care). Trouble is, a very recent national poll showed that a
stunning 75% of Americans FAVOR universal healthcare. Not only that, a
huge majority admire Hillary Clinton! More suicidal still - Bush plans to
use flow charts to "illustrate" Kerry's economic plans - a scheme that
will SCREAM corporate board room and Ross Perot (whose flow charts are
now a stock comedy routine joke). Go for it, Dubya! We'll be cheerin' ya