Let's Smoke this Oil Bitch!!!!!!
(too old to reply)
2004-11-02 02:34:18 UTC
Time is now fellow Americans to show our greatness. In the USA we can fire
a despot and tomorrow God willing Karl Rove will crawl under a rock never to
appear again. Let's get out the vote and get America back on track.
Carolina Simpson
2004-11-02 08:33:25 UTC
"enceladus" wrote in
Post by enceladus
Time is now fellow Americans to show our greatness. In the USA we can
fire a despot and tomorrow God willing Karl Rove will crawl under a
rock never to appear again. Let's get out the vote and get America
back on track.
He is a pervy looking character he probably where's lace panties like
ralph reed does.

Carolina S
2004-11-03 22:50:30 UTC
he's a winner you's a loser
Post by Carolina Simpson
"enceladus" wrote in
Post by enceladus
Time is now fellow Americans to show our greatness. In the USA we can
fire a despot and tomorrow God willing Karl Rove will crawl under a
rock never to appear again. Let's get out the vote and get America
back on track.
He is a pervy looking character he probably where's lace panties like
ralph reed does.
Carolina S
Carolina Simpson
2004-11-04 18:41:51 UTC
Post by Rod
he's a winner you's a loser
"Carolina Simpson"wrote in message
Post by Rod
Post by Carolina Simpson
"enceladus" wrote in
Post by enceladus
Time is now fellow Americans to show our greatness. In the USA we can
fire a despot and tomorrow God willing Karl Rove will crawl under a
rock never to appear again. Let's get out the vote and get America
back on track.
He is a pervy looking character he probably where's lace panties like
ralph reed does.
Carolina S
Top posting fool he is the antichrist! There will be armageddon with in
the next 4yrs!

Carolina S
2004-11-06 04:08:53 UTC
Is this a threat against the person of the President ?

Look - Just get over it. President Bush just kicked your clueless arse all
up and
down the streets and blocks of America. America not only rejected your
stupidity but they actually decided to ENABLE the Senate and House to spank
you into sensibility. An IMPOSSIBLE task true :) These guys are obviously so
much smarter than people like yourselves - who can't even 'figger out' the
Message that Mama America just sent to you. Mama America wants to know
"Do you get the message now Moron?" - obviously not :) Peachy - cause this
means you are not only really dumb - but you also are so stupid you can't
learn and here comes 2006 ! Maybe you can continue your tireless efforts to
tell everyone how smart you think you are - while simultaneously LOSING
every thing in sight and providing all too easy fodder for people like me to
write the obvious like this . Robert
Post by enceladus
Time is now fellow Americans to show our greatness. In the USA we can fire
a despot and tomorrow God willing Karl Rove will crawl under a rock never to
appear again. Let's get out the vote and get America back on track.
2004-11-07 06:04:14 UTC
Post by bob
Is this a threat against the person of the President ?
Look - Just get over it. President Bush just kicked your clueless arse all
up and
down the streets and blocks of America. America not only rejected your
stupidity but they actually decided to ENABLE the Senate and House to spank
you into sensibility. An IMPOSSIBLE task true :) These guys are obviously so
much smarter than people like yourselves - who can't even 'figger out' the
Message that Mama America just sent to you. Mama America wants to know
"Do you get the message now Moron?"
isn't that what King George said when things were going bad for
Washington in the early days? We will win in the end and Bush and
Cheney will be in jail for dersertion and draft dodging plus the
Haliburton thing. Nixon and Agnew were just as smug as Cheney and
Bush but we nailed them.

Post by bob
- obviously not :) Peachy - cause this
means you are not only really dumb - but you also are so stupid you can't
learn and here comes 2006 ! Maybe you can continue your tireless efforts to
tell everyone how smart you think you are - while simultaneously LOSING
every thing in sight and providing all too easy fodder for people like me to
write the obvious like this . Robert
Post by enceladus
Time is now fellow Americans to show our greatness. In the USA we can
Post by enceladus
a despot and tomorrow God willing Karl Rove will crawl under a rock never
Post by enceladus
appear again. Let's get out the vote and get America back on track.