(too old to reply)
2004-08-29 10:34:57 UTC

John Pilger

THE "liberation" of Iraq is a cruel joke on a stricken people. The Americans and
British, partners in a great recognised crime, have brought down on the Middle
East, and much of the rest of the world, the prospect of terrorism and suffering
on a scale that al-Qaeda could only imagine.

That is what this week's bloody bombing of the United Nations headquarters in
Baghdad tells us.

It is a "wake-up call", according to Mary Robinson, the former UN Humanitarian

She is right, of course, but it is a call that millions of people sounded on the
streets of London and all over the world more than seven months ago - before the
killing began.

And yet the Anglo-American spin machine, whose minor cogs are currently being
exposed by the Hutton Inquiry, is still in production.

According to the Bush and Blair governments, those responsible for the UN outrage
are "extremists from outside": Al-Qaeda terrorists or Iranian militants, or both.

Whether or not outsiders are involved, the aim of this propaganda is to distract
from the truth that America and Britain are now immersed in a classic guerrilla
war, a war of resistance and self-determination of the kind waged against foreign
aggressors and colonial masters since history began.

For America, it is another Vietnam. For Britain it is another Kenya, or indeed
another Iraq.

In 1921, Lieutenant-General Sir Stanley Maude said in Baghdad: "Our armies do not
come as conquerors, but as liberators."

Within three years 10,000 had died in an uprising against the British, who gassed
and bombed the "terrorists".

Nothing has changed, only the names and the fine print of the lies.

As for the "extremists from outside", simply turn the meaning around and you have
a succinct description of the current occupiers who, unprovoked, attacked a
defenceless sovereign country, defying the United Nations and the opposition of
most of humanity.

Using weapons designed to cause the maximum human suffering - cluster bombs,
uranium-tipped shells and firebombs (napalm) - these extremists from outside
caused the deaths of at least 8,000 civilians and as many as 30,000 troops, most
conscripted teenagers. Consider the waves of grief in any society from that

AT their moment of "victory", these extremists from outside - having already
destroyed Iraq's infrastructure with a 12-year bombing campaign and embargo -
murdered journalists, toppled statues and encouraged wholesale looting while
refusing to make the most basic humanitarian repairs to the damage they had caused
to the supply of power and clean water.

This means that today sick children are dying from thirst and gastro-enteritis,
that hospitals frequently run out of oxygen and that those who might be saved can
not be saved.

How many have died like this?

"We count every screwdriver," said an American colonel during the first Gulf war,
"but counting civilians who die along the way is just not our policy."

The biggest military machine on earth, said to be spending up to $5billion-a-month
on its occupation of Iraq, apparently can not find the resources and manpower to
bring generators to a people enduring temperatures of well over the century -
almost half of them children, of whom eight per cent, says UNICEF, are suffering
extreme malnutrition. When Iraqis have protested about this, the extremists from
outside have shot them dead.

They have shot them in crowds, or individually, and they boast about it.

The other day, Task Force 20, an "elite" American unit murdered at least five
people as they drove down a street.

The next day they murdered a woman and her three children as they drove down a

They are no different from the death squads the Americans trained in Latin

These extremists from outside have been allowed to get away with much of this -
partly because of the web of deceptions in London and Washington, and partly
because of those who voluntarily echo and amplify their lies.

In the current brawl between the Blair government and the BBC a new myth has
emerged: It is that the BBC was and is "anti-war".

This is what George Orwell called an "official truth". Again, just turn it around
and you have the real truth; that the BBC supported Blair's war, that day after
day it broadcast and "debated" and legitimised the charade of weapons of mass
destruction, as well as nonsense such as that which cast Blair as a "moderating
influence" on Bush - when, as we now know, they are almost identical warmongers.

Who can forget the BBC's exultant Chief Political Correspondent Andrew Marr, at
the moment of "coalition" triumph. Tony Blair, he declared, "said that they would
take Baghdad without a blood bath, and that in the end the Iraqis would be
celebrating. And on both those points he has been conclusively proved right."

If you replace "right" with "wrong", you have the truth. To the BBC's man in
Downing Street, up to 40,000 deaths apparently does not constitute a "blood bath".

According to the independent American survey organisation Media Tenor, the BBC
allowed less dissent against the war than all the leading international
broadcasters surveyed, including the American networks.

Andrew Gilligan, the BBC reporter who revealed Dr David Kelly's concerns about the
government's "dodgy dossier" on Iraq, is one of the very few mavericks, an
inconvenient breed who challenge official truth.

One of the most important lies was linking the regime of Saddam Hussein with

As we now know, both Bush and Blair ignored the advice of their intelligence
agencies and made the connection public.

It worked. When the attack on Iraq began, polls showed that most Americans
believed Saddam Hussein was behind September 11.

The opposite was true. Monstrous though it was, Saddam Hussein's regime was a
veritable bastion against al-Qaeda and its Islamic fanaticism. Saddam was the
West's man, who was armed to the teeth by America and Britain in the 1980s because
he had oil and a lot of money and because he was an enemy of anti-Western mullahs
in Iran and elsewhere in the region.

Saddam and Osama bin Laden loathed each other.

His grave mistake was invading Kuwait in 1990; Kuwait is an Anglo-American
protectorate, part of the Western oil empire in the Middle East.

The killings in the UN compound in Baghdad this week, like the killing of
thousands of others in Iraq, form a trail of blood that leads to Bush and Blair
and their courtiers.

It was obvious to millions of people all over the world that if the Americans and
British attacked Iraq, then the fictional link between Iraq and Islamic terrorism
could well become fact.

The brutality of the occupation of Iraq - in which children are shot or arrested
by the Americans, and countless people have "disappeared" in concentration camps -
is an open invitation to those who now see Iraq as part of a holy jihad.

When I travelled the length of Iraq several years ago, I felt completely safe.

I was received everywhere with generosity and grace, even though I was from a
country whose government was bombing and besieging my hosts.

Bush's and Blair's court suppressed the truth that most Iraqis both opposed Saddam
Hussein and the invasion of their country.

The thousands of exiles, from Jordan to Britain, said this repeatedly.

But who listened to them? When did the BBC interrupt its anti-Christ drumbeat
about Saddam Hussein and report this vital news?

Nor are the United Nations merely the "peacemakers" and "nationbuilders" that this
week's headlines say they are.

There were dedicated humanitarians among the dead in Baghdad but for more than 12
years, the UN Security Council allowed itself to be manipulated so that Washington
and London could impose on the people of Iraq, under a UN flag, an embargo that
resembled a mediaeval siege.

It was this that crippled Iraq and, ironically, concentrated all domestic power in
the hands of the regime, thus ending all hope of a successful uprising.

The other day I sat with Dennis Halliday, former Assistant Secretary General of
the United Nations, and the UN in New York. Halliday was the senior UN official in
Iraq in the mid-1990s, who resigned rather than administer the blockade.

"These sanctions," he said, "represented ongoing warfare against the people of
Iraq. They became, in my view, genocidal in their impact over the years, and the
Security Council maintained them, despite its full knowledge of their impact,
particularly on the children of Iraq.

"We disregarded our own charter, international law, and we probably killed over a
million people.

"It's a tragedy that will not be forgotten... I'm confident that the Iraqis will
throw out the occupying forces. I don't know how long it will take, but they'll
throw them out based on a nationalistic drive.

"They will not tolerate any foreign troops' presence in their country, dictating
their lifestyle, their culture, their future, their politics.

"This is a very proud people, very conscious of a great history.

"It's grossly unacceptable. Every country that is now threatened by Mr Bush, which
is his habit, presents an outrage to all of us.

"Should we stand by and merely watch while a man so dangerous he is willing to
sacrifice Americans lives and, worse, the lives of others."

John Pilger's documentary on Iraq, Afghanistan and the war on terror will be shown
on ITV on September 22.

- -
"...Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They
never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people,
and neither do we." - George W Bush
The True AntiLiberal
2004-08-29 17:33:39 UTC
Post by LMN
John Pilger
THE "liberation" of Iraq is a cruel joke on a stricken people. The Americans and
British, partners in a great recognised crime, have brought down on the Middle
East, and much of the rest of the world, the prospect of terrorism and suffering
on a scale that al-Qaeda could only imagine.
That is what this week's bloody bombing of the United Nations headquarters in
Baghdad tells us.
It is a "wake-up call", according to Mary Robinson, the former UN Humanitarian
She is right, of course,
She is wrong. While Saddam Hussein was in power the UN allowed him to
siphon money from the oil from food program and guess what? The food
didn't go to the people. Thousands of people were murdered and
tortured in Hussein's Iraq while the useless UN did nothing to stop

What was the UN going to do to get rid of Zarqawi's little merry band
of butchers without an invasion? Pass another resolution?
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-30 04:40:03 UTC
Liberals Hate America! Who do you think al Qaeda would support in

Terrorists for Kerry

By Neal Boortz
March 15, 2004


Have you seen those images on television yesterday? Did you see those
trains in Spain blown to bits? Now ... can you picture that same
scene somewhere in the United States ... maybe in the Northeast
corridor or in
Chicago where tens of thousands of people commute by rail?

So, you think this election is about jobs and health care? There are
about 200 people in Spain who will no longer benefit from any health
care, and another 1,200 who probably won't be going to work for today
... or for a while ... or maybe never. Is al-Qaeda back? Maybe they
never left! The supposedly peaceful religion of Islam has struck
again, brutally murdering 192 people, and wounding more than 1,200. If
you think the war on terror isn't important, then it's time to get
your head out of the sand, or whatever dark region you have it stored.

Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you have heard what
happened. Ten backpack bombs exploded within a 15-minute span,
starting at about 7:40 a.m. yesterday aboard commuter trains. Police
also detonated three more bombs. A stolen van was found near Madrid
containing seven detonators and an Arabic tape with Koran verses on
it. The Spanish government initially pointed the finger at a
separatist group, but then a letter was faxed to Reuters by an
al-Qaeda-backed group. They referred to the attack as "operation death
trains." The attack occurred 911 days after September 11th. Another
letter was faxed to the Associated Press office in Cairo warning that
America was next. That's right; al-Qaeda says America is

You have a role to play here. You have a decision to make ... and that
decision will be made on November 2nd. You will decide who is going to
lead this country in this time of peril ... this era of Islamic
terrorism. Maybe you'll want to chose someone who has proven that he
will use the American military and whatever resources are available to
him to hunt these terrorists down and kill them. Or maybe you'll want
to chose the man who says that this is all a law enforcement problem;
someone who, if he does manage to catch these Islamic predators with
his glorified police force, will then turn them over to some
international tribunal for trial. As the great Og Mandino once said,
"Use wisely your power of choice."

Who do you think the thousands of people who have died at the hands of
al-Qaeda would choose? And who do you think the al-Qaeda supporters
and sympathizers in the United States will chose?
2004-08-30 12:48:08 UTC
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Bush killed 950+ Americans for no reason.
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Liberals Hate America! Who do you think al Qaeda would support in
Terrorists for Kerry
By Neal Boortz
March 15, 2004
Have you seen those images on television yesterday? Did you see those
trains in Spain blown to bits? Now ... can you picture that same
scene somewhere in the United States ... maybe in the Northeast
corridor or in
Chicago where tens of thousands of people commute by rail?
So, you think this election is about jobs and health care? There are
about 200 people in Spain who will no longer benefit from any health
care, and another 1,200 who probably won't be going to work for today
... or for a while ... or maybe never. Is al-Qaeda back? Maybe they
never left! The supposedly peaceful religion of Islam has struck
again, brutally murdering 192 people, and wounding more than 1,200. If
you think the war on terror isn't important, then it's time to get
your head out of the sand, or whatever dark region you have it stored.
Unless you have been living under a rock, by now you have heard what
happened. Ten backpack bombs exploded within a 15-minute span,
starting at about 7:40 a.m. yesterday aboard commuter trains. Police
also detonated three more bombs. A stolen van was found near Madrid
containing seven detonators and an Arabic tape with Koran verses on
it. The Spanish government initially pointed the finger at a
separatist group, but then a letter was faxed to Reuters by an
al-Qaeda-backed group. They referred to the attack as "operation death
trains." The attack occurred 911 days after September 11th. Another
letter was faxed to the Associated Press office in Cairo warning that
America was next. That's right; al-Qaeda says America is
You have a role to play here. You have a decision to make ... and that
decision will be made on November 2nd. You will decide who is going to
lead this country in this time of peril ... this era of Islamic
terrorism. Maybe you'll want to chose someone who has proven that he
will use the American military and whatever resources are available to
him to hunt these terrorists down and kill them. Or maybe you'll want
to chose the man who says that this is all a law enforcement problem;
someone who, if he does manage to catch these Islamic predators with
his glorified police force, will then turn them over to some
international tribunal for trial. As the great Og Mandino once said,
"Use wisely your power of choice."
Who do you think the thousands of people who have died at the hands of
al-Qaeda would choose? And who do you think the al-Qaeda supporters
and sympathizers in the United States will chose?
J Lee, Director of Operations
2004-08-31 03:57:17 UTC
"Hanoi Jane Fonda" <***@N0SPAM.C0M> wrote in message news:***@4ax.com...
: Liberals Hate America! Who do you think al Qaeda would support in
: November?
No--MORONS! We hate MORONS! MORONS like you!

Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-31 06:36:59 UTC
Kerry Stabs America In The Back!


Stab in the Back
By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 12, 2004

The fact that the President is now on the defensive over the war in
Iraq is both puzzling and ominous. The Democratic attack on the
credibility of the Commander-in-Chief has gone on relentlessly for
more than ten months, ever since the liberation of Baghdad in April
of last year. This ferocious attack would be understandable if the war
had gone badly or been unjust; if Saddam Hussein had unleashed
chemical weapons on the coalition armies, or had ignited an
environmental disaster, or if the war had resulted in tens
of thousands of coalition casualties, or become an endless quagmire,
or instigated a wave of terror across the Muslim world ? as its
opponents predicted before it began.

But it did not. This was a good war and relatively costless as modern
conflicts go. Its result was the liberation of 25 million Iraqis from
a monster regime. Its cost was a third of the economic losses
resulting from the 9/11 attack. Its relatively painless victory was a
tremendous setback for the forces of chaos. The war destroyed a
principal base of regional aggression and terror. It induced a
terrorist and nuclear power, Libya, to give up its weapons of mass
destruction. It induced Iran to allow inspections of its nuclear
sites; it caused North Korea to consider negotiation and restraint. It
induced Pakistan to give up its nuclear secrets dealer. It made the
terrorist regime in Syria more reasonable and pliant. It sent a
message across a dangerous world that defiance of UN resolutions and
international law, when backed by the word of the United States, can
mean certain destruction for outlaw regimes. In all these ways,
whatever else one may say about it, George Bush?s war has struck a
mighty blow for global peace.

The Democrats? attack on the President?s war, then, is an effort ?
whether Democrats intend it so or not ? to reverse these gains. If the
President is defeated in the coming election on the issue of war and
peace, as Democrats intend, his defeat will send exactly the reverse
message to the world of nations. It will tell them that a new American
government is prepared to go back to the delusions of pre-9/11, that
it will end the war on terror and return to treating terrorists as
criminals instead of enemy soldiers. Candidate John Kerry has said
this in so many words. It will tell them that the United States will
no longer hold governments responsible for the actions of terrorists
who operate from their soil, as did Ansar al-Islam, Abu Nidal, and Abu
Abbas from their bases in Iraq. Or for supporting terror, as Saddam
Hussein did when he financed suicide bombers in Israel. It will send a
signal that tyrants like Saddam Hussein who defy UN ultimatums are
likely to be appeased ? the way they were under the Clinton
Administration which had the vision to stop Saddam and the Taliban but
not the will to stop them with force. It will announce to the world
that the
American government is now reluctant to risk even a few American lives
to defend international law or stand up for the freedom of those who
are oppressed like the people of Iraq.

The Democrats? personal attack on the President over the war is not
only imprudent; it is also unprecedented. Never in our history has a
commander-in-chief been attacked on a partisan basis for a war that
went well, let alone so well. Never in human history has a leader been
attacked on a partisan basis for liberating a people or inducing
tyrants to give up their weapons of mass destruction. The Democrats?
attack on the President is an unprecedented partisan campaign over
national security in a time of war. It is a campaign that apparently
knows no limits, adopting tactics that are as unscrupulous as they are
reckless. The commander-in-chief has been called a ?deceiver,? a
?deserter,? a ?breaker of promises,? a ?fraud?
who ?concocted? the war for personal material gain, a leader who
risked innocent American lives for a ?lie.? And all these accusations
are made while the war continues! All these charges are made while
terrorists plot to kill thousands of Americans with biological and
chemical and possibly nuclear weapons! The Democrats? campaign is a
stab in the back not only of the President but of the nation he serves
and which he is sworn to protect.

No one knows what the future will bring. But no one can fail to have
noticed that while the commander-in-chief has carried on an aggressive
war against terror in Afghanistan and Iraq, there have been no
attacks on American soil. For two-and- a-half years while the
commander-in-chief has waged this war that the Democrats have chosen
to attack, the American people have been safe.

If the American people were now to elect a candidate who has conducted
his campaign as an attack on the very war the President has fought to
defend us, no one can doubt that our enemies will be encouraged and
our lives will be in greater danger than before. Perhaps there have
been elections with higher stakes than the one we are facing this
year. But this observer can?t remember one. David Horowitz is the
author of numerous books including an autobiography, Radical Son,
which has been described as ?the first great autobiography of his
generation,? and which chronicles his odyssey from radical activism to
the current positions he holds. Among his other books are The Politics
of Bad Faith and The Art of Political War. The Art of Political War
was described by White House political strategist Karl Rove as ?the
perfect guide to winning on the political battlefield.? Horowitz?s
latest book, Uncivil Wars, was published in January this year, and
chronicles his crusade against intolerance and racial McCarthyism on
college campuses last
spring. Click here to read more about David

Borders, Language, & Culture is what matters
all the way.
Joe Myers
2004-08-31 07:05:24 UTC
"We can't win the war against terrorism." -- George WMD Bush, August 30,

Talk about stabbing America's troops in the back!
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Kerry Stabs America In The Back!
Stab in the Back
By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 12, 2004
Joe Nalf
2004-08-31 14:08:40 UTC
Post by Hanoi Jane Fonda
Kerry Stabs America In The Back!
Stab in the Back
By David Horowitz
FrontPageMagazine.com | February 12, 2004
Well it's a good thing it's written by David Horowitz, known racist
and spin doctor. Everything he says *must* be true.
