How Much Is $87,000,000,000...
(too old to reply)
2003-10-02 16:27:35 UTC
How much is

$87 B is more than all state budget deficits in the United States,
President Bush wouldn't help states deal with their deficits, even
though his tax cuts helped drive down state revenues.

$87 B is nearly double what we're spending on unemployment benefits.

Over one million Americans have exhausted their unemployment benefits
without finding a job, and Congress has offered only measly

$87 B is double what we invest in homeland security...
eight times what we invest on Pell grants for college students...
87 times our investment in after-school programs.

The White House budget slashes after-school programs from $1 billion
to $600 million -- eliminating them for 475,000 children.

...and where can we get that kind of cash?

Bush's dividend and capital gains tax cuts mostly favor big investors.
Repealing them would save $148 Billion over 10 years.
(Joint Committee on Taxation)

Bush cut the highest income tax rate for the wealthiest Americans.
Restoring the pre-Bush rate could save $20 Billion annually.
(Joint Committee on Taxation)

If Bush's 2001 tax cuts for the richest one percent of Americans were
today, the nation would save $442 Billion over the next six years.
(Citizens for Tax Justice)

President Bush says Americans must sacrifice for Iraq.
But he asks nothing from wealthy Americans,
his best friends and biggest supporters.
He's giving them huge tax breaks instead.

$87 Billion is a lot of money, but it's less than five percent
of Bush's tax cuts, most of which benefit the wealthiest Americans.

We need revenue?

Repeal the Bush tax cuts.
"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis
Dan Listermann
2003-10-02 18:51:25 UTC
Post by Sarah
We need revenue?
Repeal the Bush tax cuts.
They are not tax cuts, they are giveaways. If we were running a surplus and
we didn't have a national debt, they would be tax cuts. We are borrowing
money to give away money. The tax system is mearly the calculation method.
2003-10-02 21:16:52 UTC
Post by Dan Listermann
Post by Sarah
We need revenue?
Repeal the Bush tax cuts.
They are not tax cuts, they are giveaways. If we were running a surplus and
we didn't have a national debt, they would be tax cuts. We are borrowing
money to give away money. The tax system is mearly the calculation method.
You are correct about that one, Dan.
2003-10-02 22:58:43 UTC
Post by Sarah
How much is
That's even more than Bill Gates' worth!!!!
martin chill
2003-10-03 00:14:50 UTC
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Post by Sarah
How much is
$87 B is more than all state budget deficits in the United States,
President Bush wouldn't help states deal with their deficits, even
though his tax cuts helped drive down state revenues.
one could even say that bush allows some states to flounder, in order to
foster opposition to the democratic governor of that state, in order to
replace that democrat with a republican governor who will help deliver the
state in 2004.

one could say.


"When our children fail competency tests the schools lose funding.
When our missiles fail tests, we increase funding." ---Dennis

"it will be a great day when schools have all the money they need and the
army has to hold a bake sale to buy bombs." a bumper sticker

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