Missing Military Records Found/Bu$h AWOL!!!
(too old to reply)
2004-07-24 04:28:25 UTC
That's right! The long-missing military records of GW Bush's NG
service have been discovered in the Pentagon! By whom? Karl Rove, of
course, for Karl has a nose for things like that. And you can bet he
will find a lot of other things before Nov. 2nd.
So did Kerry ever figure out what he did with his medals?
Funny you should mention medals.
Kerry: 1 Silver Star
1 Bronze Star
3 Awards of the Purple Heart
1 Combat Action Ribbon
1 Navy Presidential Unit Citation
1 Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon
1 National Defense Service Medal
1 Vietnam Service Medal
1 Vietnam Campaign Medal
Bush: 0
Dave and Marci
2004-08-09 21:02:18 UTC
Oh please, Kerry cheated to get his medals.
That's right! The long-missing military records of GW Bush's NG
service have been discovered in the Pentagon! By whom? Karl Rove, of
course, for Karl has a nose for things like that. And you can bet he
will find a lot of other things before Nov. 2nd.
So did Kerry ever figure out what he did with his medals?
Funny you should mention medals.
Kerry: 1 Silver Star
1 Bronze Star
3 Awards of the Purple Heart
1 Combat Action Ribbon
1 Navy Presidential Unit Citation
1 Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon
1 National Defense Service Medal
1 Vietnam Service Medal
1 Vietnam Campaign Medal
Bush: 0