(too old to reply)
2008-09-13 17:25:40 UTC

LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
2008-09-13 18:20:58 UTC
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
He he...great news

Biden on Oboobuh
Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), piling on to Democratic complaints about President
Bush's speech in Israel today:

"This is bullshit, this is malarkey. This is outrageous, for the president
of the United States to go to a foreign country, to sit in the Knesset ...
and make this kind of ridiculous statement."

Speaking before the Knesset, Bush said that "some people" believe the United
States "should negotiate with terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious
argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along."
2008-09-14 16:56:51 UTC
Obama's website quietly ditches Hamas supporter

The Obama campaign quietly removed from its official website a page
managed by a fundraiser tied to the Islamic terrorist group Hamas.

The page for Hatem El-Hady – former chairman of an Islamic charity
closed by the U.S. government for terrorist fundraising – listed
Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, as one of three "friends" as recently
as yesterday, according to blogger Charles Johnson.

But by yesterday morning, days after Johnson's "Little Green
Football's" site drew attention to the El-Hady page, Michelle Obama's
name had been removed. Then, later in the day, the entire page

Johnson observed: "There's a lot of talk about William Ayers and his
connections to Obama, but please note that in El-Hady we have someone
who is apparently connected with Hamas – not decades ago, but as
recently as 2006."

El-Hady was head of the Toledo, Ohio-based Kindhearts for Charitable
Human Development, a spinoff of the Holy Land Foundation, the
Dallas-area group indicted by the Justice Department for terrorist

Obama-Biden in 08
2008-09-13 19:42:35 UTC
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217! There's only one problem. That still leaves
McCain 43 electoral votes short of having enough to win the election,
because it doesn't include "leaners". Your own source shows that if the
excluded states that are leaning toward McCain were included, he would have
265 . . . still 5 votes short. If the excluded states that are leaning
toward Obama were included, he would have 273 . . . enough to win with 3 to
spare. Perhaps your "guarantee" is a promise that you'll personally see to
it that the votes of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico
and New Hampshire . . . states where Obama is leading, but not by enough to
call them solidly in his column . . . just won't be counted. How Republican
of you!
I'm not really anti-Bush . . . I'm really just anti-stupid.
I support the right of all Americans to arm bears.
The only Bush I trust is my wife's.
2008-09-13 20:59:28 UTC
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217!
Lookie where Florida be leaning
Obama-Biden in 08
2008-09-14 00:43:53 UTC
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217!
Lookie where Florida be leaning
So? It's one of the states already accounted for in McCain's 227. If it
starts to lean the other way, McCain is toast by an even larger margin than
the current leaners already give to Obama.
I'm not really anti-Bush . . . I'm really just anti-stupid.
I support the right of all Americans to arm bears.
The only Bush I trust is my wife's.
2008-09-14 00:53:47 UTC
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217!
Lookie where Florida be leaning
So? It's one of the states already accounted for in McCain's 227.
You know this how?

If it
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
starts to lean the other way,
The only way that'll happen is if some reason McLib or Palin chokes durring
the debates. We all know Oboobuh can't talk without a teleprompter and
McCain and Palin are folk'sy and at ease with them selves. It's Obama and
Biden who hide what they plan to do to America.

McCain is toast by an even larger margin than
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
the current leaners already give to Obama.
Good luck with that, you'll need it.
(CBS) Speaking on Face The Nation Sunday, former New York City mayor Rudy
Giuliani said that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was announced Friday as
presumptive GOP nominee John McCain's running mate, is more qualified to be
president than Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

"You know why? She had to make decisions," Giuliani told Face The Nation
anchor Bob Schieffer. "All Senator Obama has had to do is talk. That's all
he does."

Click on play, the good stuff starts around 6:00 minutes in and rocks at
7:30 in.
Dan Kimmel
2008-09-14 01:04:57 UTC
Post by CB
If it
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
starts to lean the other way,
The only way that'll happen is if some reason McLib or Palin chokes durring
the debates. We all know Oboobuh can't talk without a teleprompter and
McCain and Palin are folk'sy and at ease with them selves. It's Obama and
Biden who hide what they plan to do to America.
Well that's a given. McSame has to remember so many lies now he can't keep
them straight. Look at the way he was shredded on "The View" by Joyce
Behar... a comedian!

As for Palin, she'll be cancelling her debate appearance shortly because of
a "family emergency." They don't dare put her on stage with Joe Biden.
It'll be the most unevent matchup since Bentsen debated Quayle.

Which means that you're left hoping Obama won't fight back, but you're too
late. He's already doing it. Virtually every poll shows the bounces have
dissipated and we're back to the dead heat, which means that the debates
will be crucial and McSame has to bank on the same people who voted for Bush
because they wanted to have a beer with him are still too stupid to see how
McSame will continue the same failed policies.
Obama-Biden in 08
2008-09-14 02:13:43 UTC
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217!
Lookie where Florida be leaning
So? It's one of the states already accounted for in McCain's 227.
You know this how?
Are you really this dumb? Take a close look at the map on the site you
cited for the numbers in the first place. Notice the pretty colors? Red
indicates a solidly McCain state, and that states votes are included in the
numbers you cited. Pink indicates a state that's not so solid for McCain,
but solid enough for Real Clear Politics to include its votes for McCain as
well. Dark blue and light blue are correspondingly strongly Obama and
weakly Obama. Now, see those gray states? Those are the ones in question.
Now, look above the map and look for the words "No Toss Up States". Get
your mommy to teach you how to click on a link, and then click on that one.
Voila! All the toss-up states are put where they're leaning, and Obama wins
by 8. See? With a little bit of work, even you can get to know reality.
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
If it
starts to lean the other way,
The only way that'll happen is if some reason McLib or Palin chokes
durring the debates.
We don't need to wait for debates. They've both already choked. Palin was
on the defensive and blithering like an idiot through most of the Gibson
interview, and she and McCain can't even coordinate well enough to be able
to keep their lies synchronized.
Post by CB
We all know Oboobuh can't talk without a teleprompter and
Unlike both McCain and Palin, Obama's been "off script", except for his
acceptance speech, for three months. And he's still charming record-setting
crowds everywhere he goes.
Post by CB
McCain and Palin are folk'sy and at ease with them selves.
Right. She was really "at ease" talking to the American people during the
Gibson interview. Try learning to read body language. She started that
interview being defensive, and finished it looking like a confused lost
lamb. She and McCain are as stiff as a couple of boards. They're both in
way over their heads, and they're both showing signs of realizing it.
Post by CB
It's Obama and Biden who hide what they plan to do to America.
Now, you see, therein lies the difference. Obama and Biden don't plan on
doing anything TO America, so they have nothing to hide in that area. It's
McCain and Palin that have plans to do things TO America, while Obama and
Biden plan to do things FOR America.
Post by CB
McCain is toast by an even larger margin than
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
the current leaners already give to Obama.
Good luck with that, you'll need it.
Stay tuned. McCain's post-convention "bounce" has started to fade. Polls
now show the race statistically dead even, but those polls don't call cell
phones, and Obama's got a veritable army of young, first-time voters whose
only phone IS their cell phone. That's why he consistently did 5% to 8%
better in every single primary than the polls showed before the vote.

Repeat after me:

"President Obama"
"Vice-President Biden"

Keep repeating it. You'll need to get used to saying it. When you get
accustomed to those, work on these:

"Secretary of State Bill Richardson"
"Senate Majority Leader Hillary Clinton"
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi"

and maybe even "Attorney General John Edwards"
I'm not really anti-Bush . . . I'm really just anti-stupid.
I support the right of all Americans to arm bears.
The only Bush I trust is my wife's.
2008-09-14 15:46:18 UTC
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217!
Lookie where Florida be leaning
So? It's one of the states already accounted for in McCain's 227.
You know this how?
Are you really this dumb? Take a close look at the map on the site you
cited for the numbers in the first place. Notice the pretty colors? Red
indicates a solidly McCain state, and that states votes are included in
the numbers you cited. Pink indicates a state that's not so solid for
McCain, but solid enough for Real Clear Politics to include its votes for
McCain as well. Dark blue and light blue are correspondingly strongly
Obama and weakly Obama. Now, see those gray states? Those are the ones
in question. Now, look above the map and look for the words "No Toss Up
States". Get your mommy to teach you how to click on a link, and then
click on that one. Voila! All the toss-up states are put where they're
leaning, and Obama wins by 8. See? With a little bit of work, even you
can get to know reality.
It's a fool who counts their chickens before they hatch. If that's the case,
it's Real Clear Politics who be duh foo
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
If it
starts to lean the other way,
The only way that'll happen is if some reason McLib or Palin chokes
durring the debates.
We don't need to wait for debates.
Oh, so Obama 'is' the anointed one

They've both already choked. Palin was
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
on the defensive and blithering like an idiot through most of the Gibson
interview, and she and McCain can't even coordinate well enough to be able
to keep their lies synchronized.
Post by CB
We all know Oboobuh can't talk without a teleprompter and
Unlike both McCain and Palin, Obama's been "off script", except for his
acceptance speech, for three months. And he's still charming
record-setting crowds everywhere he goes.

Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
McCain and Palin are folk'sy and at ease with them selves.
Right. She was really "at ease" talking to the American people during the
Gibson interview. Try learning to read body language.
Her body language is what got the ticket one top

She started that
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
interview being defensive, and finished it looking like a confused lost
lamb. She and McCain are as stiff as a couple of boards. They're both in
way over their heads, and they're both showing signs of realizing it.
Heh...ok, what ever you say. What's the projected electoral count again?
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
It's Obama and Biden who hide what they plan to do to America.
Now, you see, therein lies the difference. Obama and Biden don't plan on
doing anything TO America, so they have nothing to hide in that area.
Ever 'progressive' taxes

Post by Obama-Biden in 08
McCain and Palin that have plans to do things TO America, while Obama and
Biden plan to do things FOR America.
What in your dilluted mind is McLib gonna do to America?

Give my boss a tax break soz I can get a raise? Drill drill drill so little
old ladies may have cheap oil in the future? How about the truckers that
bring produce to Piggly Wiggly?

The only thing McLib will do that you don't approve of is to continue the
war on Islamo-fascists.

Oboobuh claims McLib has surrounded him self with lobbyists. If it's true
what difference does it make? McLib has never taken earmarks to pay them
back for donations.
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
McCain is toast by an even larger margin than
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
the current leaners already give to Obama.
Good luck with that, you'll need it.
Stay tuned. McCain's post-convention "bounce" has started to fade. Polls
now show the race statistically dead even, but those polls don't call cell
phones, and Obama's got a veritable army of young, first-time voters whose
only phone IS their cell phone. That's why he consistently did 5% to 8%
better in every single primary than the polls showed before the vote.
People understand what effects them locally. Energy prices are at the mercy
of hurricanes and OPEC. Oboobuh has said he's not apposed to high prices for

Those cell phone people drive don't they? They'll vote their wallet.

What does Oboobuh offer to lower the price of anything?
(CBS) Speaking on Face The Nation Sunday, former New York City mayor Rudy
Giuliani said that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was announced Friday as
presumptive GOP nominee John McCain's running mate, is more qualified to be
president than Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

"You know why? She had to make decisions," Giuliani told Face The Nation
anchor Bob Schieffer. "All Senator Obama has had to do is talk. That's all
he does."

Click on play, the good stuff starts around 6:00 minutes in and rocks at
7:30 in.
Obama-Biden in 08
2008-09-14 23:37:08 UTC
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
Wow! McCain 227, Obama 217!
Lookie where Florida be leaning
So? It's one of the states already accounted for in McCain's 227.
You know this how?
Are you really this dumb? Take a close look at the map on the site you
cited for the numbers in the first place. Notice the pretty colors? Red
indicates a solidly McCain state, and that states votes are included in
the numbers you cited. Pink indicates a state that's not so solid for
McCain, but solid enough for Real Clear Politics to include its votes for
McCain as well. Dark blue and light blue are correspondingly strongly
Obama and weakly Obama. Now, see those gray states? Those are the ones
in question. Now, look above the map and look for the words "No Toss Up
States". Get your mommy to teach you how to click on a link, and then
click on that one. Voila! All the toss-up states are put where they're
leaning, and Obama wins by 8. See? With a little bit of work, even you
can get to know reality.
It's a fool who counts their chickens before they hatch. If that's the
case, it's Real Clear Politics who be duh foo
Point made, and point taken. Especially since you were the one rejoicing
over McCain's tenuous 10-point lead, if you don't count all the votes, right
at the height of his post-convention "bounce".
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
If it
starts to lean the other way,
The only way that'll happen is if some reason McLib or Palin chokes
durring the debates.
We don't need to wait for debates.
Oh, so Obama 'is' the anointed one
No, but McCain is the senile one.
Post by CB
They've both already choked. Palin was
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
on the defensive and blithering like an idiot through most of the Gibson
interview, and she and McCain can't even coordinate well enough to be
able to keep their lies synchronized.
Post by CB
We all know Oboobuh can't talk without a teleprompter and
Unlike both McCain and Palin, Obama's been "off script", except for his
acceptance speech, for three months. And he's still charming
record-setting crowds everywhere he goes.
So, what's your point? Speech therapists will tell you that "uh"s are a
sign that the speaker's mind is moving faster than he's speaking, and it's
usually a sign of intelligence, can we then assume that you're trying to
point out that McCain is intelligent? Please note that, while certainly
high, Obama's "uh" count pales in comparison with McCain's "I was a POW"
count. I doubt that speech therapists would agree that constantly repeating
"I was a POW" counts the same as an "uh". It's probably more closely akin
to Giuliani's littany of a noun, a verb and "9/11".
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
McCain and Palin are folk'sy and at ease with them selves.
Right. She was really "at ease" talking to the American people during
the Gibson interview. Try learning to read body language.
Her body language is what got the ticket one top
No, that would be her "body", not her "body language". There's a
difference, you know.
Post by CB
She started that
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
interview being defensive, and finished it looking like a confused lost
lamb. She and McCain are as stiff as a couple of boards. They're both
in way over their heads, and they're both showing signs of realizing it.
Heh...ok, what ever you say. What's the projected electoral count again?
Currently, Obama/Biden 273, McCain/Palin 265.
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
It's Obama and Biden who hide what they plan to do to America.
Now, you see, therein lies the difference. Obama and Biden don't plan on
doing anything TO America, so they have nothing to hide in that area.
Ever 'progressive' taxes
Progressive taxes are good for the country. Regressive taxes, like McCain
wants, are bad.
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
McCain and Palin that have plans to do things TO America, while Obama and
Biden plan to do things FOR America.
What in your dilluted mind is McLib gonna do to America?
More war as a result of continuation of the current failed foreign policy.
More debt as a result of continuation of paying for wars with money borrowed
from China will giving their aristocratic supporters more tax breaks. More
poverty as a result of wanting to tax your health insurance benefits (if
you're among those lucky enough to have insurance), higher gas prices as a
result of being sycophantic puppets to the oil industry, higher inflation as
a result of higher gas prices, just to name a few things.
Post by CB
Give my boss a tax break soz I can get a raise?
Sorry, but when boss gets a tax break his spoiled son gets a new car. You
don't get a raise.
Post by CB
Drill drill drill so little old ladies may have cheap oil in the future?
With the "easy" sites already being drilled, "drill drill drill" means
drilling in places where it's too expensive to be profitable unless gas is
$5 to $6 /gallon.
Post by CB
How about the truckers that bring produce to Piggly Wiggly?
How about them? "Drill drill drill" doesn't help the price of deisel any
more than it helps the price of gasoline.
Post by CB
The only thing McLib will do that you don't approve of is to continue the
war on Islamo-fascists.
I approve wholeheartedly with the war on Islamo-fascists, as does Obama.
It's the war we should be sending our resources to, instead of wasting them
in an ongoing occupation of Iraq.
Post by CB
Oboobuh claims McLib has surrounded him self with lobbyists. If it's true
what difference does it make? McLib has never taken earmarks to pay them
back for donations.
Nope. But you can bet that they continue to pump money into the 527s
supporting him because they think there'll be a payday down the road.
Post by CB
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
Post by CB
McCain is toast by an even larger margin than
Post by Obama-Biden in 08
the current leaners already give to Obama.
Good luck with that, you'll need it.
Stay tuned. McCain's post-convention "bounce" has started to fade.
Polls now show the race statistically dead even, but those polls don't
call cell phones, and Obama's got a veritable army of young, first-time
voters whose only phone IS their cell phone. That's why he consistently
did 5% to 8% better in every single primary than the polls showed before
the vote.
People understand what effects them locally.
Yeah, like their job disappearing because our stupid government (with
McCain's support) gives companies a tax break if they hire Ravi or Punjab
for 85¢/hour to do the job from Mumbai.
Post by CB
Energy prices are at the mercy of hurricanes and OPEC. Oboobuh has said
he's not apposed to high prices for gas.
If you're talking about Obama, you're wrong. He never said that. And
energy prices become secondary if you don't have the money to buy gas at ANY
price because you don't have a job.
Post by CB
Those cell phone people drive don't they? They'll vote their wallet.
What does Oboobuh offer to lower the price of anything?
Alternative energy solutions to lower the demand, thus lower the price, of
gasoline. And tax breaks (up to four times the size as McCain has proposed)
for those earning less than $250,000/year will make anything with an
inflexible price more affordable. And most importantly, Obama offers a
significant reduction in the price of freedom.
I'm not really anti-Bush . . . I'm really just anti-stupid.
I support the right of all Americans to arm bears.
The only Bush I trust is my wife's.
I'm not really anti-Bush . . . I'm really just anti-stupid.
I support the right of all Americans to arm bears.
The only Bush I trust is my wife's.
David Friedman
2008-09-13 19:44:28 UTC
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
1. The page gives two counts, one with states that are very close left
out, one with states that are very close included--presumably allocated
to whomever is currently ahead. On the first McCain is up by ten votes,
on the second Obama is up by 8. So I think the real verdict is still
"too close to call."

2. Possibly more interesting, the Intrade Market Odds are now 51.1
McCain/47.2 Obama. That represents an estimate of the probabilities by
people willing to bet money on their judgement.

3. Do you think calling him "Nobama" makes readers more or less willing
to trust your judgement about the election?
http://www.daviddfriedman.com/ http://daviddfriedman.blogspot.com/
Author of
_Future Imperfect: Technology and Freedom in an Uncertain World_,
Cambridge University Press.
2008-11-05 06:04:10 UTC
On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:25:40 -0400, "luvinit"
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
LOL you just got owned like a slave

2008-11-05 19:42:02 UTC
Post by J***@0.com
On Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:25:40 -0400, "luvinit"
Post by luvinit
LIke I said.... I guarantee Nobama will 'never' be President!
LOL you just got owned like a slave
Sorry, but he's moved on. He now goes by ***@liberalsrboss.net