Do you think things will be better by 2012 or the USA will be in Civil Upheaval by 2012
(too old to reply)
2009-02-14 22:00:07 UTC
Do you think things will be better by 2012 or the USA will be in Civil
Upheaval by 2012

Better by more than 50%
6% (10 votes)

Better by more than 30%
13% (21 votes)

Better by more than 10%
20% (32 votes)

The Same
25% (40 votes)

Worse by 10%
8% (13 votes)

Worse by 30%
15% (23 votes)

Worse by 50%
9% (14 votes)

Civil Upheaval by 2012
3% (5 votes)

No registration required to vote.

2009-03-31 04:39:25 UTC
How can things be better when they're giving away our national treasury?
Why did the government let things reach this point?
Post by keyinkeyout2
Do you think things will be better by 2012 or the USA will be in Civil
Upheaval by 2012
Better by more than 50%
6% (10 votes)
Better by more than 30%
13% (21 votes)
Better by more than 10%
20% (32 votes)
The Same
25% (40 votes)
Worse by 10%
8% (13 votes)
Worse by 30%
15% (23 votes)
Worse by 50%
9% (14 votes)
Civil Upheaval by 2012
3% (5 votes)
No registration required to vote.