"Guilty" by Ann Coulter
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50 Cent
2010-04-05 22:30:54 UTC
When i was a dim, I hated Ann Coulter even though I never heard of her.
My commie/atheist friend told me she was probably a man.
I'm reading "Guilty" and it's really good.I think Rachel Maddow went to
Cornell as did Coulter, yet Coulter is vilified as a racist and Dyke
MadCow is diefied.
She does use a lot of references to things racial but they are in the
context of comparison. She has a fantastic wit and cuts to the chase
without mincing words. Her book is an interesting fact based read (with
footnotes :-)
Yup. A far-right loon like Ann Coulter.
50 Cent
2010-04-05 22:32:10 UTC
She wrote one about Mc Carthy a few years ago that was fantastic. She
documented how right he was and how the Left demonized him into
oblivion. How those 'innocent' people he hurt were in fact taking
orders from Moscow!
Typical far-right insanity.
