'Swift Boat' backer is major political financier
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2004-08-28 04:30:20 UTC
'Swift Boat' backer is major political financier
Texan has deep pockets for conservative causes
The Associated Press
Updated: 7:00 p.m. ET Aug. 27, 2004


HOUSTON - The chief financial backer of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and its television
ad challenging Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's military record is a wealthy
Texas homebuilder known for his deep pockets and aversion to the limelight.

Bob J. Perry, 71, provided at least $100,000 to help start the veterans group at the
urging of his friend John O'Neill, a Houston attorney who co-wrote "Unfit for Command," a
book which attacks Kerry's military record.

Perry donates generously to conservative causes in Texas and across the nation, but public
records reflect little effort to gain the ear of politicians he's helped elect.

A man of contrasts, Perry founded a home-building company that reported revenues of $420
million in 2002. But he and his wife, Doylene, live in a $662,000 five-bedroom house in
Nassau Bay, a modest Houston suburb near NASA's Johnson Space Center, rather than a
multimillion-dollar mansion in River Oaks, Houston's wealthiest enclave.

He's given more than $5.2 million to Texas candidates and committees since 2000, according
to Texans for Public Justice, a nonpartisan group that tracks campaign contributions, yet
Texas' top GOP donor is rarely seen at fancy fund-raisers or hobnobbing with the political

White House senior adviser Karl Rove told Fox television's Brit Hume this week that he's
known Perry for 25 years, and he was one of the few wealthy Texans "willing to write
checks to support Republican candidates."

Rove said he had not spoken with Perry in more than a year, and he "certainly did not
discuss with him or anybody else in the Swift Boat leadership what they're doing."

Perry, in Mexico this week, declined an interview for this story and referred questions to
recently hired spokesman Bill Miller, an Austin political consultant.

He'll write the check
Miller said Perry's donation to the Swift Boat Veterans reflected his belief in the
group's message.

"In my conversations with Bob, he just said, 'John contacted me, told me what he was
trying to do, and it sounded good to me.' That's really the way he does it," Miller said.
"People call him and pitch him, and if he likes what he hears, he'll write a check."

The Swift Boat ads, which ran in three swing states earlier this month, challenged Kerry's
wartime service in Vietnam for which he received five medals. The ads said Kerry didn't
deserve his Purple Hearts, lied to get his Bronze Star and Silver Star and unfairly
branded all veterans with his 1971 congressional testimony about atrocities in Vietnam.

The Kerry campaign rebutted the ads with Navy records and witnesses who served with him.
Kerry contends the group is a front for President Bush's re-election campaign.

Bush has criticized ads by outside groups of all political stripes but refused to
specifically denounce the Swift boat ads.

Perry donated $46,000 to Bush's 1994 and 1998 Texas gubernatorial campaigns, and $2,000 to
his current re-election effort.

Perry is the top individual contributor (but not related) to Gov. Rick Perry, Bush's
successor, giving $225,000 since 2001.

Documents in the Texas archives do not show Perry ever received special board or committee
appointments from the governors. Perry did write each of them about legislation he

In 1997, Perry asked Bush to oppose a title insurance bill, which passed the state Senate
but never made it out of the House.

In 1999, Perry urged then-Lt. Gov. Rick Perry to block a bill he contended would
discourage judges from dismissing or ruling on civil cases before trial. Rick Perry wrote
back a month later that Bush had vetoed the bill.

Lots of money, few words
Miller said Perry considers Rick Perry a friend, but they seldom see each other and don't
talk often.

Bob Perry "doesn't come to Austin, doesn't do social events or political events," Miller
said. "Just like when O'Neill called him up - he's not incommunicado, but he's not a
schmoozer at all."

Perry was born 50 miles south of Fort Worth in a farming and ranching area.

His father was a teacher and later became dean of students at Baylor University, where
Perry studied history. Perry taught high school after graduating from Baylor in 1954, but
in 1968 he switched professions and established Perry Homes. The private Houston-based
company is now one of the largest builders of homes and townhouses in Texas.

In 1978, former Texas Republican Gov. Bill Clements asked Perry to help raise money for
his first successful gubernatorial campaign.

Since then, Perry's donations have grown.

"I have been fortunate to gain more financial strength in recent years, and I made a
decision to be more involved in campaigns that I think are important," Perry told the
Houston Chronicle in a rare 2002 interview.

In the 2002 election cycle, Perry was the state's largest individual contributor to the
Texas Republican Party ($905,000) and to the campaigns of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst
($115,000) and Attorney General Greg Abbott, who got $387,500 from Perry and $150,000 from
Perry's wife.

Since 2000, Perry has also given to political groups known as 527s after a provision of
law authorizing them. Along with Swift Boat, he gave $165,000 to House Majority Leader Tom
DeLay's Texans for a Republican Majority and $105,000 to the Texas Association of

A Texas grand jury is investigating whether those two groups broke state campaign finance
laws when they funneled $2.5 million in corporate contributions to Republican state House
candidates during the 2002 election.

Perry's donations this election cycle include $10,000 to the pro-Republican Club for
Growth and at least $19,250 to federal candidates and party committees, according the
Center for Public Integrity, which tracks contributions.

© 2004 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:18:38 UTC
DemocRATs Distressed Over 'Sissy-Boy' Image? Many Liberals Commit

Every night millions of DemocRAT men are compelled to deal with a what
is now becoming a national problem, suspicious stares from their
wives, boyfriends and children when they find out the so-called man of
the house is voting for John Kerry. This reporter has interviewed
hundreds of wives who are, for the most part, mortified and depressed
when told their husbands plan on voting for Kerry.

The major worries of these women seem to be two-fold. One, that
somehow their neighbors and best friends will find out about their
awful secret but the most compelling reason seems to be the widespread
impression that any man who votes for Kerry is somehow slightly less
manly than Bush supporters.

Alice Cooper of Ronkonkoma, New York is one example. She has
threatened to divorce and even start battering her husband of 12 years
Elroy for bringing shame and degradation upon their household.
"When my next door neighbor Molly saw the Kerry bumper sticker on my
jerk-off husbands car I was so ashamed I nearly died," she admitted
angrily,, "so now I have to do our food shopping in the dead of night
because I can't stand the accusing stares and the constant
denunciations from other women shoppers"

The children have also been affected claims Mrs Cooper, "their
playmates now shun and despise them and neighborhood bullies now
constantly congregate outside our house and the children when they
leave the house are forced to run a gauntlet of obscure knock-knock
jokes about their 'Kerry-loving' father- it's just heartbreaking."
Elroy Cooper, a semi-successful owner of a clinic that specializes in
animal abortions has seen his yearly income plummet dramatically ever
since his Kerry leanings were revealed by Newsday- "it's gotten so
bad," he admits, "that even the animal right to life demonstrators no
longer protest my clinic because they're so ashamed and disgusted by
my political leanings"

Cooper, along with several other pro Kerry Long Islanders have sought
help from the ACLU, the NAACP, the DemocRATic National Committee and
even Michael Moore but was rebuffed by each organization-he claims
Michael Moore's office advised him to "stop acting like a girlee-man'
and deal with it and please don't contact us again, we have our own
fucking problems"

When last contacted Cooper's wife had finally ejected him from his
home and is now seeking a public divorce. "Let John Fucking Kerry take
care of him now," she declared angrily, while burning her husbands
prized collection of autographed Jimmy Carter memorabilia, "they're
both a couple of God damned losers"

This a particularly distressing story and I urge all posters to
contribute to the 'Elroy Cooper Fund' at:


Liberals Hate America!
