Newsweek Monday: Bush "approval" 38%. Bush and his GOP goin' down the toilet.
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2005-09-11 03:39:56 UTC
38% is pretty damn good!
During his presidency he lost the twin towers and the cities of New
Orleans & Biloxi. Gas is over $3.00 a gallon. Osama is still on the
and Iraq is a quagmire.
Just think, he's got three more years to fuck things up even worse than
I remember a few months ago I saw a talking head on TV say that before
the Karl Rove Treasongate thing broke big in the press he figured that
Nero Bushs Poll floor was around the 42% mark,but after that event he
now recalculated that AWOL Georgies new floor was around 29%!
2005-09-11 06:22:12 UTC
I remember a few months ago I saw a talking head on TV say that before
the Karl Rove Treasongate thing broke big in the press he figured that
Nero Bushs Poll floor was around the 42% mark,but after that event he
now recalculated that AWOL Georgies new floor was around 29%!
Job Approval of Postwar Presidents
Approve Disapprove
John F. Kennedy 70% 17
Dwight Eisenhower 65 21
George Bush 63 33
Ronald Reagan 57 39
Bill Clinton 57 39
Lyndon Johnson 56 31
Richard Nixon 49 38
Gerald Ford 48 35
Jimmy Carter 46 39


"Should any political party attempt to abolish
social security, unemployment insurance, and
eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would
not hear of that party again in our political
history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course,
that believes you can do these things. Among them
are [a] few other Texas oil millionaires, and an
occasional politician or business man from other
areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."

- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 11/8/54
