Secure the dreams of Freedom and Liberty - NOW and FOREVER
(too old to reply)
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-28 13:29:04 UTC
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the reason
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your opinions.
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington, DC.
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the actual
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets share
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand out...
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.

Thank You America - I love you all!


To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit

To visit our chat rooms please visit

To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit


"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
Kenneth R Cooper Jr
2003-10-29 03:55:29 UTC
Hello America!
I am writing you today to ask you to help us secure our future. One of
the most beautiful things about America is our Freedom of Speech... and we
are so lucky to have it - and more lucky when we use it. That is the reason
for my note/post today --- I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! I ask you to please
visit my website and take a look at what I am about and who I am.... Then
join our BLOG - and let me and the rest of our web users hear your opinions.
Spread the news around that GENERATION X is in town - and hopefully, with
the help and hope of people like you, that town will soon be Washington, DC.
Below this message are links to our website BLOG, the address for the actual
website is: http://www.cooper2004.us come check it out today and lets share
our thoughts on our beautiful Democracy... and everything that has any
effect on it. I'm not the average politician just asking for a hand out...
I want your ideas and thoughts more than I want your money. SO COME ON...
Lets begin sharing today! Be sure to forward this message to anyone and
everyone you know that cares for and loves this beautiful nation of OURS.

Thank You America - I love you all!


To subscribe to our daily digest of news and information please visit

To visit our chat rooms please visit

To visit our NEW and IMPROVED BLOG site please visit


"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the
people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise
their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by education."
- Thomas Jefferson, Author of the declaration of Independence and 3rd
President of the United States.
