Did Fatso Doper Limbaugh move to Costa Rica yet?
(too old to reply)
50 Cent
2010-04-07 18:56:47 UTC
It=92s really a natural move for him. He=92ll have unlimited access to al=
the dope and dirt poor prepubescent boys willing to prostitute
themselves to the pedophile dope head.
Gee. Why are you so angry and full of hate?? Are you envious of
Limbaugh?? Does he scare you? WTF?? He's a talk show host. Why do you
hate him so??
Nope. You just don't like somebody speaking out about your fellow cracker
scumbags. You're also good at playing the envy card.
2010-04-26 10:55:14 UTC
Post by 50 Cent
It=92s really a natural move for him. He=92ll have unlimited access to al=
the dope and dirt poor prepubescent boys willing to prostitute
themselves to the pedophile dope head.
Gee. Why are you so angry and full of hate?? Are you envious of
Limbaugh?? Does he scare you? WTF?? He's a talk show host. Why do you
hate him so??
Nope. You just don't like somebody speaking out about your fellow cracker
scumbags. You're also good at playing the envy card.
Did slim, svelte, 400-lib Michael Moore go to Cuba so he could get
free medical care? What I can't understand about Liberals is their
inability to look at their own....Wispy, Madelene Murray....thin Bela
Abzug....all those svelt, thin, rakish 400 pounders....And what about
the sexy lace front of Nancy Pelosi's wig? Oh. And don't forget sexy
little Rosie O'Donnel.
Peter Nicolaysen
2010-04-30 12:14:56 UTC
Post by thuss
Post by 50 Cent
It=92s really a natural move for him. He=92ll have unlimited access to al=
the dope and dirt poor prepubescent boys willing to prostitute
themselves to the pedophile dope head.
Gee. Why are you so angry and full of hate?? Are you envious of
Limbaugh?? Does he scare you? WTF?? He's a talk show host. Why do you
hate him so??
Nope. You just don't like somebody speaking out about your fellow cracker
scumbags. You're also good at playing the envy card.
Did slim, svelte, 400-lib Michael Moore go to Cuba so he could get
free medical care? What I can't understand about Liberals is their
inability to look at their own....Wispy, Madelene Murray....thin Bela
Abzug....all those svelt, thin, rakish 400 pounders....And what about
the sexy lace front of Nancy Pelosi's wig? Oh. And don't forget sexy
little Rosie O'Donnel.
The could always got to the now! Ekstreme Right Wing Program Nation
Denmark, unless ofcourse they want to discuss politics on a serious level,
which is currently sort of......rotten! Having been infected by National Socialist
in Disguise(DF)
Kan jeg ikke få jer til at klikke og skrive her:
om de ikke godt vil komme følgende i Gerimax Ginseng:
100mg Glutathione,5mg Astaxanthin og 50mg Pycnogenol
Peter Nicolaysen
2010-04-30 12:20:16 UTC
Post by thuss
Post by 50 Cent
It=92s really a natural move for him. He=92ll have unlimited access to al=
the dope and dirt poor prepubescent boys willing to prostitute
themselves to the pedophile dope head.
Gee. Why are you so angry and full of hate?? Are you envious of
Limbaugh?? Does he scare you? WTF?? He's a talk show host. Why do you
hate him so??
Nope. You just don't like somebody speaking out about your fellow cracker
scumbags. You're also good at playing the envy card.
Did slim, svelte, 400-lib Michael Moore go to Cuba so he could get
free medical care? What I can't understand about Liberals is their
inability to look at their own....Wispy, Madelene Murray....thin Bela
Abzug....all those svelt, thin, rakish 400 pounders....And what about
the sexy lace front of Nancy Pelosi's wig? Oh. And don't forget sexy
little Rosie O'Donnel.
They could always got to the now! Ekstreme Right Wing Program Nation
Denmark, unless ofcourse they want to discuss politics on a serious level,
which is currently, sort of......rotten! Having been infected by National Socialist
in Disguise(DF)
Kan jeg ikke få jer til at klikke og skrive her:
om de ikke godt vil komme følgende i Gerimax Ginseng:
100mg Glutathione,5mg Astaxanthin og 50mg Pycnogenol