Crazt People and ADP
(too old to reply)
50 Cent
2010-04-06 22:06:46 UTC
I noticed those things too and wonder if everyone is becoming spread too
thin. Hard to decide where to post these days and feel that I am often
wasting my time.
Crazy conservatives bad themselves. Also they can't take the heat so they cower.
50 Cent
2010-04-06 22:08:23 UTC
I might be wrong but it looks like most of the Libs that came to Crazy
are not horribly radical
and ADP has gotten really ugly! Crazy has almost 1500 posts already
with just us. It feels fairly successful on it's own. Who'd of thunk
You dumb crackers can't handle the heat. go cower back in your trailer park.
50 Cent
2010-04-07 06:46:18 UTC
I felt that way before Crazy became so busy and so interesting. I
lurked a little in ADP and the hate was overwhelming there. Crude
vulgar stuff with very little actual discussion. Unintended consequences
of the move to Crazy seems to be a chance to actually discuss? We were
just planning on taking a break from the hate there but I don't have any
desire to ever go back. I'm enjoying crazy. Also like having Spaces to
come to for Conservative conversation.
You mean cracker-babble. go find a neo-nazi NG.
