(too old to reply)
2008-09-08 14:30:41 UTC
WASHINGTON - John McCain bested Barack Obama 50-46 percent among registered
voters in the latest USA Today/Gallup poll, jumping 11 points over his
previous showing and taking his biggest lead since January.

McCain's showing is credited in part to a well-received Republican
Convention last week fueled largely by the surprise pick of McCain's vice
presidential running mate, Sarah Palin. The numbers out Monday show McCain
wiped out a 7-point lead Obama received after the Democratic convention two
weeks ago.
2008-09-08 15:52:55 UTC
Post by luvinit
WASHINGTON - John McCain bested Barack Obama 50-46 percent among
registered voters in the latest USA Today/Gallup poll, jumping 11 points
over his previous showing and taking his biggest lead since January.
McCain's showing is credited in part to a well-received Republican
Convention last week fueled largely by the surprise pick of McCain's vice
presidential running mate, Sarah Palin. The numbers out Monday show McCain
wiped out a 7-point lead Obama received after the Democratic convention
two weeks ago.
His post convention bounce is with the base in states which he already was
expected to win. Obama still has a large lead in most electoral college
2008-09-08 16:12:23 UTC
Post by ***@oh-yoohoo.edu
Post by luvinit
WASHINGTON - John McCain bested Barack Obama 50-46 percent among
registered voters in the latest USA Today/Gallup poll, jumping 11
points over his previous showing and taking his biggest lead since
January. McCain's showing is credited in part to a well-received
Convention last week fueled largely by the surprise pick of McCain's
vice presidential running mate, Sarah Palin. The numbers out Monday
show McCain wiped out a 7-point lead Obama received after the
Democratic convention two weeks ago.
His post convention bounce is with the base in states which he
already was expected to win. Obama still has a large lead in most
electoral college polls.
Add to that the fact that the corporate controlled, Republican biased, right
wing conspiring media has yet to properly expose the fraud that is Sarah
Palin. When people finally get a good look at her...not her trailer park
family life either...but her actual deeds...hiring Washington lobbyists to
gain pork barrel projects...spending like a drunken George W Bush on a full
on toot and leaving her tiny town that she was Mayor of, in millions of
dollars of debt (when it had none BEFORE her)...trying to ban books in her
local library...etc. When this all gets aound, let's see how much of a
"populist" bounce she gives the ticket.
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-08 18:18:49 UTC
Post by luvinit
WASHINGTON - John McCain bested Barack Obama 50-46 percent

Obama: 260
McCain: 173
2008-09-09 01:02:26 UTC
Post by luvinit
WASHINGTON - John McCain bested Barack Obama 50-46 percent
And you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons STILL lose, since you hate McCain as
well (at least that's what you rightards used to KKKlaim.) McCain's not
KKKonservative enough for you.
