NOBAMA Getting his clock cleaned in polls! By as much as 10 pts!!!
(too old to reply)
2008-09-10 01:03:03 UTC
RCP Average 09/05 - 09/07 -- 48.3 45.4 McCain +2.9
ABC News/Wash Post 09/05 - 09/07 LV 49 47 McCain +2
CBS News 09/05 - 09/07 655 RV 46 44 McCain +2
USA Today/Gallup 09/05 - 09/07 823 LV 54 44 McCain +10
CNN 09/05 - 09/07 942 RV 48 48 Tie
Rasmussen Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 3000 LV 48 47 McCain +1
Hotline/FD Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 924 RV 44 44 Tie
Gallup Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 2733 RV 49 44 McCain +5
2008-09-10 03:45:59 UTC
Post by luvinit
RCP Average 09/05 - 09/07 -- 48.3 45.4 McCain +2.9
ABC News/Wash Post 09/05 - 09/07 LV 49 47 McCain +2
CBS News 09/05 - 09/07 655 RV 46 44 McCain +2
USA Today/Gallup 09/05 - 09/07 823 LV 54 44 McCain +10
CNN 09/05 - 09/07 942 RV 48 48 Tie
Rasmussen Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 3000 LV 48 47 McCain +1
Hotline/FD Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 924 RV 44 44 Tie
Gallup Tracking 09/05 - 09/07 2733 RV 49 44 McCain +5
And you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons STILL lose, since you hate McCain as
well (at least that's what you rightards used to KKKlaim.) McCain's not
KKKonservative enough for you.
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-10 16:02:28 UTC
luvinit wrote:

Who is "NOBAMA"?
