Is Barack Obama a Muslim?
(too old to reply)
2008-09-07 14:11:59 UTC
Obama states he is a Christian and never practiced Islam. Barack Obama did
practice Islam, and was enrolled in school as a Muslim from 1967-1971. The
Catholic school "documents showed Obama was enrolled as a Muslim" while at a
Catholic school during first through third grades. Records also show Obama
('Barry Soetoro' ) was registered by his family as a Muslim at both schools
he attended. Obama's school friends remember Obama going to the local mosque
with his stepfather for Friday prayers

Stop-Obama.info has learned that in Obama's book "Dreams From My Father" he
mentions that he studied the Quran at school, revealing he was a Muslim.
Indonesian students attended religious classes according to their faith.
Obama has never stated he rejected Islam. If Obama rejected Islam wouldn't
his life been in danger when he visited Kenya in 2006? Islamic law states
that any Muslim who rejects Islam shall be killed. Obama was welcomed by his
Muslim family, and the Muslim community with open arms. Is Barack Obama a
Muslim? The American people will have to decide the answer to this question.

Stop-Obama.info takes a close look at Obama's friend and mentor the Rev.
Jeremiah Wright Jr., and his connection with Louis Farrakhan the leader of
Islam in America. Barack Obama's other questionable friends to name a few
are the domestic terrorist Williams Ayers, and Tony Rezko who recently was
convicted on corruption charges in Chicago, Illinois. Both these men were
contributors, and fund raisers for Obama's State Senate race. Tony Rezko
help to finance Barack Obama's bid for U.S. Senator, and in fact was the
finance chairman on Obama's campaign committee
Poor Lil Johnny
2008-09-07 15:20:00 UTC
"luvinit" <***@liberalsridiots.net> wrote in message news:***@comcast.com...

So? What if he were? Don't you believe in the US Constitution?
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-08 15:50:42 UTC
luvinit wrote:

Nope, he's a Christian.
2008-09-09 01:47:51 UTC
On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 08:50:42 -0700, "Lamont Cranston"
Post by Lamont Cranston
Nope, he's a Christian.
He was raised as a Muslim, which can be verified in his own books. He
claims he converted to Christianity a few years back-but only he truly
knows what he considers himself today.
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-09 16:00:35 UTC
Post by j***@netcentral.com
On Mon, 8 Sep 2008 08:50:42 -0700, "Lamont Cranston"
Post by Lamont Cranston
Nope, he's a Christian.
He was raised as a Muslim, which can be verified in his
own books.
No, he was not raised as a Muslim, and no, it cannot be
verified in his own books.

No, he wasn't.




"Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a
Muslim, and is a committed Christian. Further, this myth
perpetuates unfortunate falsehoods about the Muslim-American
community that are offensive to people of all faiths."
Post by j***@netcentral.com
claims he converted to Christianity a few years back-but
only he truly
knows what he considers himself today.
You are a liar.

The following refutes ALL of your claims:

"Although the elder Obama was raised as a Muslim, no
evidence supports the claim that he was ever a "radical
Muslim," and Senator Obama's family histories note that his
father was an atheist or agnostic (i.e., no longer a
practicing Muslim) by the time he married the younger
Obama's mother."

In short, you are a fucking liar.
