McCain/Palin Rescue American Flags Thrown In Trash By Obama & Supporters
(too old to reply)
2008-09-09 19:01:25 UTC
Dems Dump Flags, Republicans Rescue Them
McCain Camp Rescues Flags From Obama Rally Cuz, ya know, the flag is just a
worthless prop to waive around in front of the cameras. After the show is
over, they're junk not even worth recycling ... Democrats are not caring for
their Stars and Stripes.

Zak Moore | Joe's Dartblog
2 days ago
Flags Forgotten (?) and Found
At the very intersection of patriotism, environmentalism, and conservatism
is the story of the rescue/ recycling of thousands of American flags from
the garbage heaps of the Democrat convention for use by McCain supporters.

Slobokan | Slobokan's Site O' Schtuff
2 days ago
Respect, Responsibility & 12,000 Flags
What is it about honesty that makes some people act stupid? In my previous
post I referenced an article in the Denver Post about the recycling of over
12,000 flags that were found in trash bags after the Democratic National
Convention ... If they were to be returned to the manufacturer, why did they
sit near the trash in trash bags for eight days?

DiscerningTexan | The Discerning Texan
2 days ago
More Evidence of Ideological Collapse: GOP to use Hundreds of Flags that
Obama supporters Trashed at Invesco Field
And the hits just keep on coming from the Stalinist left... (but don't you
DARE question their patriotism!) ... FOX News has more on the latest
patriotic gesture by the Far Left.

Martin | Blogbat
2 days ago
Dems Trashing Flags Reveals a Dangerous Philosophy
So Dems were caught throwing away their flags. That's whatMcCain's camp said
... That's whatMcCain's camp said.

Jimmie | The Sundries Shack
2 days ago
84 Trash Bags of American Flags: The Obama Campaign's Newest Chunk of
I had thought until this past week that John Kerry's 2004 campaign was the
most inept and tone-deaf Presidential run I had ever seen ... Oh the other
hand, 84 bags of bundled American flags in the trash bins of Invesco Field a
week after his big speech is also a powerful symbol.

Jay | Stop The ACLU
3 days ago
One Party's Trash Is Another Party's Treasure: McCain Camp Rescues Flags
Thrown in Trash From DNC
Roger wrote about this on the September 1st, and yes the entire Democratic
party should be ashamed. Of course, they aren't. So, why wouldn't people
question your patriotism when you treat the flag like this? ...FOX:

loboinok | The Dread Pundit Bluto
3 days ago
One Party's Trash is Another Party's Treasure
Crossposted from Stop the ACLU: My co-blogger Roger wrote about this on the
September 1st, and yes the entire Democratic party should be ashamed. Of
course, they aren't ... FOX:

Jay777 | Lobo's Links
3 days ago
One Party's Trash is Another Party's Treasure
Crossposted from Stop the ACLU:My co-blogger Roger wrote about this on the
September 1st, and yes the entire Democratic party should be ashamed. Of
course, they aren't. So, why wouldn't people question your patriotism when
you treat the flag like this? ...FOX:

Dubya | Roblog
3 days ago
McCain camp 'rescues' American flags from Obama rally
McCain camp "rescues" American flags from Obama rallyOnce the cameras were
gone, Obama supporters threw their little flag props in the trash.

Gateway Pundit | Gateway Pundit
3 days ago
1,000's Of US Flags Trashed At Obama's Invesco Event Will Be Used At GOP
Event (Video) ...Update: Dems Claim Flags Were Stolen ...Update: GOP Proof
One Party's Trash Is Another Party's Treasure...Republicans at the
McCain-Palin event in Colorado will be given US flags that were trashed by
Democrats after the Obamapalooza at Invesco Field.The flags were rescued by
local boy scouts after the Obama gi.. ... FOX News has more on the latest
patriotic gesture by the Far Left.

Merv | PrairiePundit
3 days ago
Recycling flags Democrats threw in trash
Fox News:Democrats are not caring for their Stars and Stripes. At least that's
the message out of John McCain's campaign.

Betsy Newmark | Betsy's Page
3 days ago
Republicans make use of the DNCC's 'trash'
The Democrats did a much better job at handling the visual aspects of their
convention. Actually, the Republicans did a pretty crummy job with their
visuals especially the funky green screen behind McCain's speech ... The
Republicans know an opportunity when they are handed one.

BobG | Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
3 days ago
Why Obama Doesn't Wear The Lapel Flag
McCain supporters, have rescued 12,000 miniature American flags from the
site of Barack Obama's nomination acceptance speech last Thursday and
redistributed them to audience members ahead of a McCain rally in Colorado
Springs Saturday.

Xyba | Once More Into the Breach
3 days ago
Democrats Trash US Flags
From the people who don't wish to have their patriotism questioned.by David
Harsanyi on September 6, 2008This morning.. ... Damon Jones, spokesman for
the Democratic National Convention Committee, released a statement saying
McCain should applaud the fact that thousands of American flags were
"proudly waved" at their convention.

John Ruberry | Marathon Pundit
3 days ago
Democratic National Convention flags: Not so grand
Hat tip to my friend and fellow Chicago White Sox fan, Mr. Right of America
is an Obamanation.. ... But Damon Jones, an Obama spokesma and budding
conspiracy theorist was, and he accused Republicans of "wrongfully" removing
the flags from Invesco Field, where Obama gave his acceptance speech in
front of carefully placed stryofoam Greek columns.
Who's Blogging about this Topic
Thers | Whiskey Fire
2 days ago
Makes Good Sense to Me
When did Andrew Sullivan become The Atlantic Magazine? Why is noted moron
Dean Barnett throwing a punch at Sullivan without using his name? ...I mean,
look what we're up against.

2 days ago
(Updated) The Democratic National Convention Leaves Its Trash Behind
Update: McCain/Palin campaign are in Colorado Springs handing out American
Flags with a great background story, they were found near dumpsters by a
vendor after the Democratic National Convention bound for the dump.

Andrew Fell | Weasel Zippers
2 days ago
Dems Throw 12,000 American Flags in Trash, Rescued by Worker and Will be
Used at McCain Event Today (Update) Obama's Camp say They Were Stolen by
McCain Supporters for Cheap Stunt....
I'm surprised the Dems didn't use them as toilet paper...... This morning,
Republicans tell me that a worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands
of unused flags from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for
the garbage.

William Teach | Pirate's Cove
2 days ago
Thrown Away Democrat American Flags Rescued by Camp McCain
I'm a little late to this party, too busy today to drop a post till now,
but, 'member those flags the DNC was caught throwing in the trash? Well,
there were apparently tons more Democrats are not caring for their Stars and

C.A. Morrison | PAXALLES
2 days ago
Obama Campaign's Flagging Patriotism Has Them Down In The Dumpster
Dump"1.. ... Dump"1,000's Of US Flags Trashed At Obama's Invesco Event Will
Be Used At GOP Event (Video) ...

Jake Tapper | Political Punch
2 days ago
Obama Finds Curious McCain's Plea to Reduce Partisan Rancor
In Indiana today, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., expressed bemusement at Sen.
John McCain's nomination acceptance speech. "I have to say, when John McCain
says in his speech that he wants to reduce the rancor in Washington ... and
I'm thinking...

Kevin Drum | Political Animal
2 days ago
The bogus flag story
right blogs are excited about the latest in a series of lies from the McCain
campaign -- the notion that thousands of American flags from the Democratic
convention were going.. ... Like far too many of the stories pushed by the
McCain campaign, and embraced by Fox News and far-right blogs, it's not

macranger | Macsmind
2 days ago
The DNC is lying - They threw away the flags
This story came out via Fox earlier today that the McCain campaign rescued
flags from Invesco that Democrats were about to send to the dump. The
Huffington Puffington Post says, "No way, we asked the DNC and they said no

The Machiavellian | The Virtuous Republic
2 days ago
What the Left Thinks of Their Flag
Rosemary's Thoughts has a great round up of the Democrat's latest example of
patriotism. The symbolism of American flags discarded into the garbage after
the Obamer's acceptance speech is simply rich.

Oliver Willis | Oliver Willis: Like Kryptonite To Stupid
2 days ago
McCain Supporters/Campaign Pushing Phony Story About "Thrown Away" Flags
When you've got no record to run on, this is the kind of bull you pull.

Josh Marshall | Talking Points Memo
2 days ago
McCain Plays the Cameron Card
According to a article just out from Huffington Post, the story about flags
from the Democratic National Convention being thrown away is simply false.
The story was jumped on and apparently authored by the McCain campaign.

Greyhawk | Mudville Gazette
2 days ago
Trashed in Colorado
In which we ask the question, "Should Dems give props to the McCain
campaign?" Downtown Denver: the cameras roll and the crowd goes wild. Waving
American flags, smiling, watching the fireworks - what a show! Then the
speech is over.

Charles Johnson | Little Green Footballs
2 days ago
Democrats Say Republicans 'Wrongfully Took' Flags
You've probably heard that Republicans found thousands of US flags at
Invesco Field, apparently being thrown away by the Democrats, and
distributed them at the McCain-Palin rally in Colorado today: Republican

Jason | postpolitical
2 days ago
McCain Camp Rescues Flags
(image: foxnews.com) Last week, RedState featured numerous photos of bundled
American flags mixed together with floor trash lining the isles of the
Democratic National Convention during cleanup time.

Michael C. Moynihan | Reason Magazine - Hit & Run
2 days ago
McCain's Rick Monday Politics
This is just embarrassing.

Bob Hayes | Blogger News Network
3 days ago
Democrats Throw 12,000 American Flags Into The Garbage
In a staggering act of political and environmental insensitivity, the
Democratic Party threw 12,000 American flags left over from their convention
in Denver into the garbage during the cleanup of Invesco Field...

Dan Spencer | Redstate
3 days ago
Democrats Have No Use For The Flag
A worker at Denver's Invesco Field saved thousands of unused flags from the
Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage. Even though
The Democrats had no use for the flags, the Republicans did.

DrewM. | Ace of Spades HQ
3 days ago
Democrats Toss Thousands Of American Flags In The Trash
For Democrats the flag seems to be just another disposable prop. Don't
worry, this won't be one of those things only rightwing nut jobs know about.
Drudge has it and has crashed the Denver Post site. And oh yeah.

SG | Sweetness & Light
3 days ago
Republicans Recycle Flags Dems Trashed
Telling, the things that Democrats refused to recycle at their oh-so-green
convention. Of course like those styrofoam columns, these flags were merely
props in the first place.

Adam T. Yoshida | The Shotgun
3 days ago
Democrats Threw Thousands of American Flags into the Trash in Denver
I love the people who are running the McCain-Palin campaign. They have what
the Democrats lack - balls. This is the toughest campaign I've seen in my
lifetime - this is a knife-fighting campaign.

Fred Fry | Fred Fry International
3 days ago
Beyond Stupid: Democrats Throw Away Over 10,000 US Flags
Drudge Report is linking to a story that part of the trash generated by the
Democrat National convention in Denver is over 12,000 unused American Flags,
which were saved from being tossed out as garbage by a worker.This

Editor | Hollywood Newsroom
3 days ago
Sarah Palin Quickly Becomes A Part Of Celebrity Culture Online
John McCain's campaign team has often used Barack Obama's popularity and the
world's interest in him as a tool to belittle his candidacy during the 2008
presidential campaign.

McQ | QandO
3 days ago
It is stupid things like this ...
Which can cost you elections. I'm not claiming there are any dastardly
ulterior motives at all other than unthinking expediency (don't need 'em,
get rid of 'em, etc.), but things like this don't sit well with voters no
matter what the motive.

Marie's Two Cents | Marie's Two Cents
3 days ago
McCain Rescues 12,000 Flag's Thrown Away by Democrat's
Boy Scouts have arrived with 84 trash bags full of bundles of flags at the
site of a McCain rally scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. local time in
Colorado Springs.The campaign says the flags were recovered from Invesco
Field after the Democrats concluded t...

James Wigderson | Wigderson Library & Pub
3 days ago
Flag just another discarded prop
When the Democrats were done waiving their American flags for the television
cameras, thousands of flags were just tossed into the trash at Invesco

Engram | Back Talk
3 days ago

Dems Trash the American Flag in Denver
From Silent E Speaks, via the Denver Post: This morning, Republicans tell me
that a worker at Invesco Field in Denver saved thousands of unused flags
from the Democratic National Convention that were headed for the garbage.
Guerrilla campaigning.

There are over 1,000 cites for this story that the dems are now lying
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-09 20:05:38 UTC
Post by luvinit
Dems Dump Flags, Republicans Rescue Them
LIE. The flags were stolen.
The Pretzel
2008-09-11 05:27:36 UTC
Post by Lamont Cranston
Post by luvinit
Dems Dump Flags, Republicans Rescue Them
LIE. The flags were stolen.
Fixed it.
