Evil Neocon witch Hillary Clinton.
(too old to reply)
God's Creator! (TEXT & HTML)
2007-01-18 20:43:52 UTC
Evil Neocon witch Hillary Clinton is stewing in her own juices because
of anti-war Barak Obama's rising popularity! I love it!
The Republican establishment has been promoting Hillary Clinton's
candidacy for so long she actually believed she was a shoe-in for the
presidency. She thought she was owed the nomination because of the
"Clinton" name and the fact that Newt Gingrich says good things about
her. Well, the fact was her "support" by Democrats has been largely
based on simple name recognition, not actual admiration or respect.
Democrats know they can do better, and her chances of winning the
nomination now are about as bad as Joe Lieberman's.
Hillary Clinton sold out to the Israeli lobby early and deeply, and her
Neoconservative connections (Zionist connections) now work against her
with Americans fed-up with a Jewish motivated and concocted war, and
rule by the Israel America Public Affair Committee (AIPAC). Hillary's
sell-out was not just an ethical mistake, but a political mistake,
because the political rules are changing in America. Americans will no
longer tolerate an Israel-first foreign policy, and they are tired of
having Zionists suck the American economy dry while killing our sons
and daughters in foreign wars, fought for God Israel. Israel has been
our OWNER, not our "ally, and this fact is coming to light in the minds
of ordinary Americans.
Thus Spake: *G* *O* *D* *S* *C* *R* *E* *A* *T* *O* *R*
I agree.
But, don't forget the effects of DNC Chairman Howard Dean! >:o
He is as more of a "APAC Zionist" than Joe Liberman.
Or, Barbra Boxer and Diane Fienstien "Major Sell Outs".
These two are among the most bought representatives I have ever seen.
They will turn coat on their on party, (and people), if the money is
and call it a compromise, or they need more voter help...etc.
I only wish it were possible to vote them out of office but they have
too much pull because of stuff they did decades ago.
"Wolves In Sheep's Clothing" ?
The Republican AND Democratic party's politicians (ALL millionaires)
are in the Jewish APAC employ. (America IS Israel's puppet)
God's Creator!
(I am Life & Death)
2008-01-24 21:01:45 UTC
On Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:43:52 -0800, "God's Creator! (TEXT & HTML)"
Evil Neocon witch Hillary Clinton is stewing in her own juices because
of anti-war Barak Obama's rising popularity! I love it!
The Republican establishment has been promoting Hillary Clinton's
candidacy for so long she actually believed she was a shoe-in for the
presidency. She thought she was owed the nomination because of the
"Clinton" name and the fact that Newt Gingrich says good things about
her. Well, the fact was her "support" by Democrats has been largely
based on simple name recognition, not actual admiration or respect.
Democrats know they can do better, and her chances of winning the
nomination now are about as bad as Joe Lieberman's.
Hillary Clinton sold out to the Israeli lobby early and deeply, and her
Neoconservative connections (Zionist connections) now work against her
with Americans fed-up with a Jewish motivated and concocted war, and
rule by the Israel America Public Affair Committee (AIPAC). Hillary's
sell-out was not just an ethical mistake, but a political mistake,
because the political rules are changing in America. Americans will no
longer tolerate an Israel-first foreign policy, and they are tired of
having Zionists suck the American economy dry while killing our sons
and daughters in foreign wars, fought for God Israel. Israel has been
our OWNER, not our "ally, and this fact is coming to light in the minds
of ordinary Americans.
Thus Spake: *G* *O* *D* *S* *C* *R* *E* *A* *T* *O* *R*
I agree.
But, don't forget the effects of DNC Chairman Howard Dean! >:o
He is as more of a "APAC Zionist" than Joe Liberman.
Or, Barbra Boxer and Diane Fienstien "Major Sell Outs".
These two are among the most bought representatives I have ever seen.
They will turn coat on their on party, (and people), if the money is
and call it a compromise, or they need more voter help...etc.
I only wish it were possible to vote them out of office but they have
too much pull because of stuff they did decades ago.
"Wolves In Sheep's Clothing" ?
The Republican AND Democratic party's politicians (ALL millionaires)
are in the Jewish APAC employ. (America IS Israel's puppet)
God's Creator!
(I am Life & Death)
She is definatly an evil bitch...
