Big Money Interests
(too old to reply)
2003-11-16 08:08:50 UTC
What is a "Big money interests"? It's a catch phrase I hear constantly
used in a negative way.
Is "Big money interest" someone like IBM? or Microsoft? or
Chevron/Exxon? or Dow Chemical?
Don't these people employ thousands of people? It seems to me that the
bigger the money interest is, the more people they employ. And
employment is good.
Should they all be sufficiently punished for being successful to the
point that they become "No money interest?"
Ken Rank
2003-11-20 01:16:21 UTC
You are right, these companies hire thousands...hundreds of thousands of
people. When companies like these speak out or lobby to make their industry
environment more conducive for better business growth (hence more jobs and a
wider tax base), liberal media and politicians jump into their name game
mode. They call these companies "Big Money Interest" or other catchy titles
in an attempt to portray these companies in a negative light. I am not of
course saying that everything these companies do is positive, but these
title labels are picked up and repeated over and over again by the liberal
press. The reason, most people are still only headline readers or network
news watchers. Though the amount of people who have at least supplemented
their news knowledge through the internet, talk radio, or Fox News is still
growing, many are still headline/ 1st paragraph readers. What I have just
said HAS to be the truth or the country wouldn't be as divided as it is.
When people begin to really pay attention to what the left says, it really
doesn't take long to see how their game works.
