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God's Creator! (TEXT & HTML)
2006-12-30 04:36:38 UTC
Thus Spake: *G* *O* *D* *S* *C* *R* *E* *A* *T* *O* *R*

*Tapes, documents and interviews show extent of their alliance*

By Bob Woodward
The Washington Post
Updated: 5:32 a.m. PT Dec 29, 2006

Months before Richard M. Nixon set a relatively unknown Michigan
congressman named Gerald R. Ford on the path to the White House,
Nixon turned to Ford, who called himself the embattled president's
"only real friend," to get him out of trouble. ;-)

During one of the darkest days of the Watergate scandal, Nixon
confided in Ford, at the time Ford was the House minority leader.

He begged for help. He complained about fair-weather friends and swore
at perceived rivals in his own party. "Tell the guys, goddamn it, to
get off
their ass and start fighting back," Nixon pleaded with Ford in one call
recorded by the president's secret taping system.

And Ford did.

"Anytime you want me to do anything, under any circumstances,
you give me a call, Mr. President," he told Nixon during that
May 1, 1973,
conversation. "We'll stand by you morning, noon and night."

---> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16387228/

Honor among political scoundrels is... very rare!

God's Creator!
(I am Life & Death) 8-)
Todays U.S. Oil Wars News:
2006-12-31 06:18:24 UTC
Post by God's Creator! (TEXT & HTML)
Thus Spake: *G* *O* *D* *S* *C* *R* *E* *A* *T* *O* *R*
*Tapes, documents and interviews show extent of their alliance*
By Bob Woodward
The Washington Post
Updated: 5:32 a.m. PT Dec 29, 2006
Months before Richard M. Nixon set a relatively unknown Michigan
congressman named Gerald R. Ford on the path to the White House,
Nixon turned to Ford, who called himself the embattled president's
"only real friend," to get him out of trouble. ;-)
Acording to Amy Goodman, he also gave the go-ahead for the
indonesian government to invade East Timor.

God's Creator! (TEXT & HTML)
2006-12-31 07:12:22 UTC
Post by Crowfoot
Post by God's Creator! (TEXT & HTML)
Thus Spake: *G* *O* *D* *S* *C* *R* *E* *A* *T* *O* *R*
*Tapes, documents and interviews show extent of their alliance*
By Bob Woodward
The Washington Post
Updated: 5:32 a.m. PT Dec 29, 2006
Months before Richard M. Nixon set a relatively unknown Michigan
congressman named Gerald R. Ford on the path to the White House,
Nixon turned to Ford, who called himself the embattled president's
"only real friend," to get him out of trouble. ;-)
Acording to Amy Goodman, he also gave the go-ahead for the
indonesian government to invade East Timor.
Thus Spake: *G* *O* *D* *S* *C* *R* *E* *A* *T* *O* *R*

You should have heard Republican after Republican heaping praise
on Ford at his funeral today, especially Vice President Cheney! :-)

Saying he had the greatest amount of honesty, integrity, fairness
unselfishness of any person or congress-member they had ever known!

How he saved the nation from one of it's worst disasters in
American history. :-\

I didn't see _ANY_ Democrats at the State ceremony :-D

God's Creator!
(I am Life & Death) 8-)
Todays U.S. Holy Oil Wars News: