McCain Gains 15% in Electoral Count !!!! This Hunt is Over,,,,,,,
(too old to reply)
2008-09-11 02:31:20 UTC
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama

* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama

Lamont Cranston
2008-09-10 16:49:02 UTC
luvinit wrote:

The hunt is over? Did the election already happen?
Peace and Justice
2008-09-10 17:13:29 UTC
Post by Lamont Cranston
The hunt is over? Did the election already happen?
No, just watching Tar Baby make a fool of himself as he melts down.
2008-09-11 22:00:30 UTC
Post by Peace and Justice
Tar Baby
'nuff said.

Poor Lil Johnny
2008-09-10 16:53:12 UTC
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
Repugs would vote for Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun if she said she was a
Oh wait, she was!
Notice the GOP candidates have no policies, no platform, no ideas.
Just Magoo saying, "My friends, boo hoo hoo, I'm entitled to be Preznit
because I crashed 5 planes, surrendered to the enemy, worked for the Commies
on the radio, flunked Navy school, made old ladies homeless, robbed banks
and backed George Bush's failures almost 100% of the time".
I don't feel sorry for this phoney son-of-a-bitch. Like Bush, he's his own
worst enemy.
Peace and Justice
2008-09-10 17:14:11 UTC
Post by Poor Lil Johnny
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
Repugs would vote for Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun if she said she was a
Oh wait, she was!
Notice the GOP candidates have no policies, no platform, no ideas.
Just Magoo saying, "My friends, boo hoo hoo, I'm entitled to be Preznit
because I crashed 5 planes, surrendered to the enemy, worked for the Commies
on the radio, flunked Navy school, made old ladies homeless, robbed banks
and backed George Bush's failures almost 100% of the time".
I don't feel sorry for this phoney son-of-a-bitch. Like Bush, he's his own
worst enemy.
You'd swallow Obama's load if he told you it was ice cream.
Tom Gardner
2008-09-10 19:06:57 UTC
Post by Poor Lil Johnny
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
Repugs would vote for Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun if she said she was a
Oh wait, she was!
Notice the GOP candidates have no policies, no platform, no ideas.
Just Magoo saying, "My friends, boo hoo hoo, I'm entitled to be Preznit
because I crashed 5 planes, surrendered to the enemy, worked for the
Commies on the radio, flunked Navy school, made old ladies homeless,
robbed banks and backed George Bush's failures almost 100% of the time".
I don't feel sorry for this phoney son-of-a-bitch. Like Bush, he's his
own worst enemy.
Verses Obama, who would tell us of his experience and ideas...but he has
Poor Lil Johnny
2008-09-10 19:24:38 UTC
Post by Tom Gardner
Post by Poor Lil Johnny
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
Repugs would vote for Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun if she said she was a
Oh wait, she was!
Notice the GOP candidates have no policies, no platform, no ideas.
Just Magoo saying, "My friends, boo hoo hoo, I'm entitled to be Preznit
because I crashed 5 planes, surrendered to the enemy, worked for the
Commies on the radio, flunked Navy school, made old ladies homeless,
robbed banks and backed George Bush's failures almost 100% of the time".
I don't feel sorry for this phoney son-of-a-bitch. Like Bush, he's his
own worst enemy.
Verses Obama, who would tell us of his experience and ideas...but he has

* If you spend 3 years as a community organizer growing your organization
from a staff of 1 to 13 and your budget from $70,000 to $400,000, then
become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter
registration drive that registers 150,000 new African Amerian voters, spend
12 years as a Constitutional Law
professor, then spend nearly 8 more years as a State Senator representing a
district with over 750,000 people, becoming chairman of the state Senate's
Health and Human Services committee, then spend nearly 4 years in the United
States Senate representing a state of nearly 13 million people, sponsoring
131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works
and Veteran's Affairs committees, you are woefully inexperienced.

* If you spend 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a
town with less than 7,000 people, then spend 20 months as the governor of a
state with 650,000 people, then you've got the most executive experience of
anyone on either ticket, are the Commander in Chief of the Alaska military
and are well qualified to lead the nation should you be called upon to do so
because your state is the closest state to Russia.
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-10 19:27:41 UTC
Post by Tom Gardner
Post by Poor Lil Johnny
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
Repugs would vote for Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun if
she said she
was a republican.
Oh wait, she was!
Notice the GOP candidates have no policies, no platform,
no ideas.
Just Magoo saying, "My friends, boo hoo hoo, I'm entitled
to be
Preznit because I crashed 5 planes, surrendered to the
enemy, worked
for the Commies on the radio, flunked Navy school, made
old ladies
homeless, robbed banks and backed George Bush's failures
almost 100%
of the time". I don't feel sorry for this phoney
son-of-a-bitch. Like Bush, he's his own worst enemy.
Verses Obama, who would tell us of his experience and
ideas...but he
has none!
Really? I guess that I must have misread his website and
misunderstood his policy speeches.
Tom Gardner
2008-09-11 05:13:51 UTC
Post by Lamont Cranston
Post by Tom Gardner
Post by Poor Lil Johnny
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
Repugs would vote for Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun if
she said she
was a republican.
Oh wait, she was!
Notice the GOP candidates have no policies, no platform,
no ideas.
Just Magoo saying, "My friends, boo hoo hoo, I'm entitled
to be
Preznit because I crashed 5 planes, surrendered to the
enemy, worked
for the Commies on the radio, flunked Navy school, made
old ladies
homeless, robbed banks and backed George Bush's failures
almost 100%
of the time". I don't feel sorry for this phoney
son-of-a-bitch. Like Bush, he's his own worst enemy.
Verses Obama, who would tell us of his experience and
ideas...but he
has none!
Really? I guess that I must have misread his website and
misunderstood his policy speeches.
No, you're a smart fella, but you just got sucked-in.

P.S. Obama's a good guy, no doubt. I'm sorry that I just don't agree with
his policies. I respect those that do. I expect to be attacked for not
agreeing with him and that's OK, it's the nature of politics and it sure is
fun! What will the news, internet and newsgroups be like when thing settle
down after the election? Boring!
2008-09-10 19:03:09 UTC
That was this morning.

Now it's McCain +2.2 and sliding (was +5.5 on Monday)
Electoral College (which you didn't show):
Obama 217
McCain 189

It gets worse:

Obama 243
McCain 194
2008-09-11 21:59:32 UTC
Post by luvinit
* McCain Favorable Ratings +1.1 Over Nobama
* McCain Poll National Average +2.3 Over Nobama
And you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons STILL lose, since you hate McCain as
well (at least that's what you rightards used to KKKlaim.) McCain's not
KKKonservative enough for you.