FBI Probing Suspected Israeli Spy at Pentagon
(too old to reply)
2004-08-28 04:29:48 UTC
FBI Probing Suspected Israeli Spy at Pentagon
Fri Aug 27, 2004 10:26 PM ET
By Joanne Morrison

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI is investigating a high-level Pentagon analyst suspected of
being an Israeli spy who passed secret documents about Iran to the Jewish state, U.S.
government sources said on Friday.

The officials told Reuters the analyst was connected to Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld's office and allegedly passed the documents to Israel via the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the powerful pro-Israel lobby in Washington.

The sources declined to identify the suspect and said no arrests had been made and no
charges brought. "No one has been charged," one government official said.

The Pentagon issued a statement saying it was cooperating with the Justice Department in
the investigation and playing down the possibility that the suspect had sought to sway
U.S. policy in the Gulf or Middle East.

"The investigation involves a single individual at the Department of Defense at the desk
officer level who was not in a position to have significant influence over U.S. policy,"
it said.

"Nor could a foreign power be in a position to influence U.S. policy through this
individual. To the best of the Department of Defense's knowledge, the investigation does
not target any other DOD individuals."

The Israeli embassy denied the allegations. "They are completely false and outrageous,"
said a spokesman for the embassy who asked not to be identified and declined further

CBS News, who first reported the story, said federal agents were about to arrest the
alleged spy, who it said may have been in a position to influence Bush administration
policy on Iran and Iraq.

The network said the analyst had ties to Rumsfeld's deputy Paul Wolfowitz and Defense
Undersecretary Douglas Feith, both regarded as leading architects of the war on Iraq which
President Bush launched in March last year.

According to the network, one of the documents passed to Israel was a draft presidential
directive on U.S. policy toward Iran -- lumped by Bush in an "axis of evil" with Iraq and
North Korea.

"This put the Israelis -- according to one of our sources -- 'inside the decision-making
loop' so they could 'try to influence the outcome'," CBS reported.

The network described the spy as "a trusted analyst" assigned to a unit within the defense
department tasked with helping to develop Iraq policy.

The Washington Post reported on its Web site on Friday night that the official under
suspicion specialized in Iranian affairs and was a veteran of the Defense Intelligence
Agency who was nearing retirement.

The Post said the investigation started more than a year ago, and it was not clear if the
charges would be espionage or the lesser allegation of mishandling classified information.

Officials at AIPAC called the charges "baseless and false."

"We take our responsibilities as American citizens seriously. We would not condone or
tolerate for a second any violation of U.S. law or interests," the group said in a
statement. It said its members were "fully cooperating" with authorities.

The United States is the main military, diplomatic and financial ally of Israel and
supporters of Israel wield considerable influence in Washington.

One of the most damaging blows to U.S.-Israeli relations in recent times was dealt by a
1985 spying case in which U.S. Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard was charged with
passing secrets to the Jewish state.

He was sentenced to life in prison and his continued incarceration is still an irritant in
U.S.-Israeli ties.

© Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.
Hanoi Jane Fonda
2004-08-28 05:16:49 UTC
A quick guide to America's DemocRAT-infested cities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New York - festering manure pile temporarily saved from collapse by a
GOP mayor. Has its own income tax, apparently to fund massive public
filth program. Residents are arrogant twits - and what exactly they're
arrogant about, one can only guess - living in 600 square foot,
$400,000 roach-infested row-homes. Vaunted "Silicon Alley" still
trying to get 28.8 modems.

Chicago - Calcutta of the Arctic, run by inbred mobsters. Former hog
butcher to the world, but apparently the pigs got the upper hand.
Still trying to figure out the mystery of pavement. Akron on steroids.

Los Angeles - Slow motion riot by a clueless pack of 3 million
semi-literates. Sort of like Rwanda, if Rwanda had freeways and
inferior schools. The only place on earth where Courtney Love can find
employment and OJ Simpson can find an acquittal.

Miami - Provisional capital of Guatemala. Major industries include
contraband, Social Security fraud and killing Swedish tourists. Air is
98% humidity, 2% airborne venereal disease. Elephant graveyard for
whiney, track-suited Jewish octogenarians from New York.

Philadelphia - Combines the quaint charm of East St. Louis with the
vibrant culture of Youngstown, Ohio. Works hard to earn its reputation
as 'Gateway to Camden.' Not surprisingly, most of its sentient
residents escaped years ago.

Detroit - A gigantic squalid amusement park for arsonist, resembling a
neutron bomb test site; Hiroshima 1945 meets Luanda, Uganda. Used to
make automobiles, but now has to import crack vials. Hell is
preferable, since hell doesn't have lake-effect snow.

Seattle - Dank, suicidal outpost, whose grungy residents spend more on
a cup of coffee than they do on annual personal hygiene. Attractions
include the Space Needle - a 600 foot tall monument to heroin
addiction - and Pike St. Market, a giant celebration of fish rot.
Boeing and Microsoft keep a safe distance owing to cooties.

Boston - home to over 60 colleges and nearly 100 mentally competent
residents. First settled by Puritans, then by Irish immigrants too
drunk, stupid and lazy to move west. Home of the "Big Dig," a
perpetual uncontrolled tire fire of $50 bills.

San Francisco - Earthquake-prone R&D lab for the perversion industry.
Half of San Franciscans are employed in software and the other half in
hospital emergency rooms, where they dislodge foreign objects. Mayoral
elections prove that the hippies did get at the water supply.

Washington DC - Port-Au-Prince on the Potomac. L'Enfant had the
foresight to plan radial streets to aid rapid, ongoing evacuation.
Unique among the capital cities of western Democracies, in that a good
cockfight can always be found.
