political correctness Bull Shit
(too old to reply)
2007-09-22 04:41:41 UTC
You would think at least one Senator, Congressman or Presidential
Candidate, would have the balls to stand up and say enough is enough
with this political correctness Bull Shit. None of the low life, pussy
whipped politicians will get my vote until they do....the're a
bunch of ball-less, spineless traitors to this country. Seems every
bill they pass is bad for the economy or the country, are they so
blind that they can't see the trees for the forest!
2007-10-26 21:58:20 UTC
Post by tiligibar
You would think at least one Senator, Congressman or Presidential
Candidate, would have the balls to stand up and say enough is enough
with this political correctness Bull Shit. None of the low life, pussy
whipped politicians will get my vote until they do....the're a
bunch of ball-less, spineless traitors to this country. Seems every
bill they pass is bad for the economy or the country, are they so
blind that they can't see the trees for the forest!
Liberal PC has polluted the world. ("Ramrod Sword Of Baal" comes to mind with the thought of liberal PC).