(too old to reply)
Borat! (TEXT & HTML)
2007-01-01 01:12:05 UTC
Borat! The Mouse Roared:

A real man was hanged December, 30, 2006.

Iraq Prime Minister Maliki, who signed the execution order the
day before
Saddam's hanging, is a long-term member of the Dawa party and had himself
been sentenced to death by Saddam back in 1980 before fleeing the country.

The U.S. appointed Maliki because they knew he had to kill the
Saddam Hussein before Saddam Hussein killed him, and he was a Shiite
that the U.S. could use to "fight Shi'ite's on Sunni's and Sunni's
on Shi'ite's.".

The U.S. seeks the destruction of Iraq, it's tribalism culture,
and history,
and insert Democracy for the Christians, who will inevitably have to
the radical Islamists, while the U.S. builds large military
fortresses, and
an embassy to try and control the Mid-East oil markets. :-D

The largest Embassy of any country on earth.
---> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12319798/

U.S. Iraq Military base Mappings.
---> http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/iraq-maps.htm
(Click on images to enlarge)

The U.S. Super base "Balad" in Iraq.
---> http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/iraq/balad-ab.htm

Does this look like a short occupation?
---> http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/iraq.htm

The (Shi'ite) Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Husayni Sistani ,
Iran, Syria and Lebanon _may_ prevent this.

But, A Lot more people will die in the Mid-East. :-(

The Ratter 8-)
There are none so blind, as those who do not want to see,
and close their eyes even tighter, to see less.
Joel Edge
2007-01-01 13:14:36 UTC
Post by Borat! (TEXT & HTML)
A real man was hanged December, 30, 2006.
Iraq Prime Minister Maliki, who signed the execution order the
day before
Saddam's hanging, is a long-term member of the Dawa party and had himself
been sentenced to death by Saddam back in 1980 before fleeing the country.
The U.S. appointed Maliki because they knew he had to kill the
Saddam Hussein before Saddam Hussein killed him, and he was a Shiite
that the U.S. could use to "fight Shi'ite's on Sunni's and Sunni's
on Shi'ite's.".
The U.S. seeks the destruction of Iraq, it's tribalism culture,
and history,
and insert Democracy for the Christians, who will inevitably have to
the radical Islamists, while the U.S. builds large military
fortresses, and
an embassy to try and control the Mid-East oil markets. :-D
The largest Embassy of any country on earth.
---> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12319798/
U.S. Iraq Military base Mappings.
---> http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/iraq-maps.htm
(Click on images to enlarge)
The U.S. Super base "Balad" in Iraq.
---> http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/iraq/balad-ab.htm
Does this look like a short occupation?
---> http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/iraq.htm
The (Shi'ite) Grand Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Husayni Sistani ,
Iran, Syria and Lebanon _may_ prevent this.
But, A Lot more people will die in the Mid-East. :-(
The Ratter 8-)
No, he didn't flee. Just hid like a rat in a hole. Until the troopers drug
his nasty ass out. Had a pistol and was to big a coward to use it.