Obama's friend Tony Rezko
(too old to reply)
2008-09-10 00:02:04 UTC
Tony Rezko who served on Barack Obama's finance campaign committee when
Obama ran for the State Senate. Rezko obtained $100 million in grants, loans
and federal funding to refurbish buildings for low cost housing. He took the
money and didn't do the job. (11) of those housing projects were in Senator
Obama's district.Rezko is being tried on fraud charges at the Dirksen U.S.
Courthouse in Chicago.

Barack Obama-Tony Rezko connection goes back more than 15 years. Tony Rezko
has financed Barack Obama's run for State Senate and U.S. Senate.

Asked about Rezko and the slum condition of the eleven housing projects in
his district Obama said "I didn't know". Eleven major housing projects being
forclosed on and Obama didn't know?

Tony Rezko was also a major contributer to Obama's U.S. Senate campaign. He
made Rezko a finance committee member, and attending Rezko fundraisers.
Obama acceped over $150,000 in donations from Tony Rezko.

Obama also seeked out Tony Rezko to help him buy a mansion. Obama saved
$300,000 on his $1.9 million mansion home in a Rezko land deal. Rezko's wife
bought the ajoining lot to the mansion and then sold part of it to Obama.
This all occurred while the FBI was investigating Rezko.

Obama stated "This is an area where I can see a lapse in judgment." It seems
Barack Obama has a serious problem in the judgment department.

Real estate developer Tony Rezko is currently on trial in a Chicago federal
courtroom on political corruption charges. Rezko doesn't deny his role as a
high-powered money man for major Democrats - including presidential
candidate Barack Obama when Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
In December 2007 Obama told the Chicago Tribune that, in all the years he's
known Rezko, "I've never done any favors for him.''

As a state senator, Barack Obama wrote letters to city and state officials
supporting his political patron Tony Rezko's successful bid to get more than
$14 million from taxpayers to build apartments for senior citizens.
Tag Heuer
2008-09-09 20:54:14 UTC
On Tue, 9 Sep 2008 20:02:04 -0400, "luvinit" wrote:

Obama owned-up to this "lapse in judgement" -
http://tinyurl.com/6q4up6 which is more than what any miscreant such
as Libby and Abramoff and the parade of criminals that had/has access
to the Republican party, Congress and Whitehouse has had or would ever

Now let us look at Ted Stevens (Palin) -

" .... On July 29, 2008 Stevens was indicted by a federal grand jury
on seven counts of falsely reporting gifts. The charges relate to
renovations to his home and to more than $250,000 worth of gifts he
has allegedly received from VECO Corporation.[45][46] The indictment
followed a lengthy investigation by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for
possible corruption based on his relationship with Bill Allen, an oil
service company executive, who has pleaded guilty to bribing Alaskan
legislators, including Stevens' son, former State Senator Ben Stevens.
The IRS and the FBI had searched Stevens' home in Alaska on July 30,
2007.[47] On July 31, 2008 Stevens pleaded not guilty to the charges
in a federal district court, and he requested that the trial be done
before the 2008 election.[48][49]" - Wiki

As well as George W. Bush (McCain) - http://tinyurl.com/6od9aw

Get the picture? LOL
Post by luvinit
Tony Rezko who served on Barack Obama's finance campaign committee when
Obama ran for the State Senate. Rezko obtained $100 million in grants, loans
and federal funding to refurbish buildings for low cost housing. He took the
money and didn't do the job. (11) of those housing projects were in Senator
Obama's district.Rezko is being tried on fraud charges at the Dirksen U.S.
Courthouse in Chicago.
Barack Obama-Tony Rezko connection goes back more than 15 years. Tony Rezko
has financed Barack Obama's run for State Senate and U.S. Senate.
Asked about Rezko and the slum condition of the eleven housing projects in
his district Obama said "I didn't know". Eleven major housing projects being
forclosed on and Obama didn't know?
Tony Rezko was also a major contributer to Obama's U.S. Senate campaign. He
made Rezko a finance committee member, and attending Rezko fundraisers.
Obama acceped over $150,000 in donations from Tony Rezko.
Obama also seeked out Tony Rezko to help him buy a mansion. Obama saved
$300,000 on his $1.9 million mansion home in a Rezko land deal. Rezko's wife
bought the ajoining lot to the mansion and then sold part of it to Obama.
This all occurred while the FBI was investigating Rezko.
Obama stated "This is an area where I can see a lapse in judgment." It seems
Barack Obama has a serious problem in the judgment department.
Real estate developer Tony Rezko is currently on trial in a Chicago federal
courtroom on political corruption charges. Rezko doesn't deny his role as a
high-powered money man for major Democrats - including presidential
candidate Barack Obama when Obama served in the Illinois Legislature.
In December 2007 Obama told the Chicago Tribune that, in all the years he's
known Rezko, "I've never done any favors for him.''
As a state senator, Barack Obama wrote letters to city and state officials
supporting his political patron Tony Rezko's successful bid to get more than
$14 million from taxpayers to build apartments for senior citizens.
Poor Lil Johnny
2008-09-09 21:00:31 UTC
Post by luvinit
Tony Rezko who served on Barack Obama's finance campaign committee when
Obama ran for the State Senate. Rezko obtained $100 million in grants,
loans and federal funding to refurbish buildings for low cost housing. He
took the money and didn't do the job. (11) of those housing projects were
in Senator Obama's district.Rezko is being tried on fraud charges at the
Dirksen U.S. Courthouse in Chicago.
Barack Obama-Tony Rezko connection goes back more than 15 years. Tony
Rezko has financed Barack Obama's run for State Senate and U.S. Senate.
Asked about Rezko and the slum condition of the eleven housing projects in
his district Obama said "I didn't know". Eleven major housing projects
being forclosed on and Obama didn't know?
Tony Rezko was also a major contributer to Obama's U.S. Senate campaign.
He made Rezko a finance committee member, and attending Rezko fundraisers.
Obama acceped over $150,000 in donations from Tony Rezko.
Obama also seeked out Tony Rezko to help him buy a mansion. Obama saved
$300,000 on his $1.9 million mansion home in a Rezko land deal. Rezko's
wife bought the ajoining lot to the mansion and then sold part of it to
Obama. This all occurred while the FBI was investigating Rezko.
Obama stated "This is an area where I can see a lapse in judgment." It
seems Barack Obama has a serious problem in the judgment department.
Real estate developer Tony Rezko is currently on trial in a Chicago
federal courtroom on political corruption charges. Rezko doesn't deny his
role as a high-powered money man for major Democrats - including
presidential candidate Barack Obama when Obama served in the Illinois
In December 2007 Obama told the Chicago Tribune that, in all the years
he's known Rezko, "I've never done any favors for him.''
As a state senator, Barack Obama wrote letters to city and state officials
supporting his political patron Tony Rezko's successful bid to get more
than $14 million from taxpayers to build apartments for senior citizens.
Did he go tp Prison like Palin will?
Lamont Cranston
2008-09-10 16:00:11 UTC
Post by luvinit
Tony Rezko who served on Barack Obama's finance campaign
when Obama ran for the State Senate.
Old news. Move on.
