Pug Nazi Says "No Cancer Treatment for You"!!
(too old to reply)
The Enlightenment
2003-08-27 19:22:38 UTC
"Enceladus" <***@saturn.net> wrote in message news:wp53b.337$***@iad-read.news.verio.net...

Please stop cross posting to alt.politics.British on irrelevant topics for
that group. The health system in the USA is irrelevant to British
Joshua Heard
2003-08-27 20:08:00 UTC
Why is it liberals always exclude the word "free" from the phrase
"government benefits"?
The Hill reports: "Cancer doctors see a coordinated effort by the White
House and Congress to siphon federal money from [free] cancer treatment
and use it
for [free] prescription drugs currently not covered by [free] Medicare.
The Bush
administration's unexpected move to cut [free] Medicare payments for
[free] cancer drugs
has left some oncologists feeling they are being targeted unfairly. In an
act that caught many healthcare experts off guard, the Centers for
and Medicaid Services indicated last week that it will soon issue a new
regulation that will propose cutting [free] Medicare payments for [free]
cancer drugs....
As part of their respective [free] Medicare reform bills, the House and
Senate have
passed legislation that would lower [free] payments for [free] cancer
drugs. Oncologists
however, claim that the legislation would hamper patient access to [free]
because it would lower their [free] Medicare reimbursements as well." Is
possible for this administration to do a single purely decent deed
[without my money]?
Seriously, is it? http://www.thehill.com/news/081303/cancer.aspx